A -
alia mulicre, nono graviditatis mcnfe ha:morrhagia uterina
e medio fublata. Confpicitur uterus, ct offa pubisjuxta
naturam fita. Vafa, injeaa cera, turgida; quacque ad partem inferiorem
et cervicem uteri dignofcuntur effe ampUffima, arguuut
placentam parti illi adhffififfe. ' ^ •
A Fundi uteri pars media et fumma. "
B Uteri pars qua; fcilicet in cadavere fuit ex adverfo umbilici.
C Symphyfis offuini pubis. - ; ^ ' •
D Membrana adipofa ad fundura vefica: urinaria:.
E E Os pubis utrinque, ad locum fere quo offi ilium committitur,
perfcilTum. , • i
F F Utriufque oITis ifcliii ramus parvus, ad locum quo offi pubis adjungitur,
perfciffus. ' '
GGG Contenta pelvis omnia, antrorfum offibus pubis obtefta. - -
H Infra haue literam meatus urinarii orificium. •
I Ab hac litera furfum ad meatum urinarium vagina: principium ;
infraque banc literam aditus àd reilum
K Strato intimo ani fpliinaeris circumtcaus.
Labia pudendi, perimeum e't anus hie non liabent locum; in
fitu cnim fuo rel iaa erant in cadavere, quippe illud externe mutilum
et deforme rcddere non beeret.
LL Tuba:.
MM Fimbriae.
JVJV Ligamenta rotunda.
0 Ovarii pars.
P P Vaforum fpcrmaticorum utrinque ad uterum afcendentium
(l Vafa bypogaftrica, in latere uteri, ad conjunaionein cum iper-
R maUticteisr i avfeciciincd cmnatgian,s e in loco cui placenta interne adhasrebat.
TAIi.XI. a/' ,///,r mu/u./v, //n/n if/'i/r/i/iAr//,! tm'//,u' /iti'//m/rf/t////!/ ///r-m/r/ r //ii;//,i .i///'/<//ii./l'/l.l/ltl•///l/•
llA•/•//.l, !•/11^.1,1 j/in/'/j ///,)•/!/ /i/iZ/mi/// Ji/if. Iii.ia n-z-r/ ////•i/n/ii, y/Myf/r //tZ/i/n/r/zi //i/i7yi>n'j// r/
.'/'/,i,r/t/,///i//,//•// M',/,///,Ki/'/.',,-.
^ROM ajtmniJubjeH, vk. awoman who died oja,¡loading in the
J ninth month ojpregnancy. It reprcfints afire-view of the womb,
with the olfa pubis in the natural fituation. The¡ituation of the tar'^e
vejfeh, which were iiyecled,fiews, that the placenta wai attached firwards^
and to the lower part of the womb.
A The middle and highefl part of the bottom of the womb.
; B' That part of the womb which, as it lay in the dead body, wasdiredty
oppofite to the navel.
C The r)-mphyfis of the offa pubis.
D The adipofe membrane upon the (iindus of the bladrler.
E E The OS pubis through near its union with the os ilmm.
F F Thefmall branch of each OS ifchii, cut through near its conjunction
zyz'M//ie OS pubis. , , n- t-
GGG The whole contents of the pelvis coveredforwards by the offa pubis.
. H Immediately below -this letter isfeen the orifice of the meatus urmarius.
• I From this letter upxvards to Hie meatus urinanus fien the begm-
.nhig of the vagina; and immediately below this letter I is feen ttie pajfage
into the reaum, furrounded by
K -r/ii.-.iVmcr ftratum o//Ae fphinaer ani.
r / i i Labia, perina:um and anus were left in the body, that it might
not be disfigured outwardly.
L L The tubes..
MM 77iefimbria2. ' :
N N The round ligaments.
PO P TPhaer t gorof utph eo fofpvearrmiuamlic. veffels, on each fide, approachin• g th, e wom,b .
Q,Q_ The hypogaflric veffels mounting upon the fides of the womb to join
R TlTpTai veins of the womb in that place to which, internally, the
placenta was attached.