T a b . x x m . f . W / / / v / / / / évû///./>rr,, Jr.r//> /"//'./M/^wrj ////-/¿ir. ///m. /rr // a r / r
r . i / / f / > r / / / r i / w / / / . , a m / z a r / r . ' / Y a r m / ^ r r / "^A/J/ZM// '////t/vY/ra//.'..
OC T A V U M cadaver, fexto geilationis menfe. Uteri a(
membranarum parle anteriori fiiblata, exhibetur foetus cun
parte placentae et funiculi umbilicalis. Uteri vafa cera impleti
fu e rant.
A Vefica urinaria, refpeilu habito ad uterum, in fitu fuo naturali;
modice diftenditur, et ramis quibufdam majoribus venarum
liypogaftriCarum circumtegitur.
B Vagina: partis pofticas facies interna.
C C Vafa hypogaftrica ad cervicem uteri decurrentia et ramos ad
veficam urinariam et vaginam tranfmittentia.
D D Vafa fpermatica, duplicationeni ligamcnti lati intrantia.
E E Tubx;.
FF Fimbria.
GG Ligamenti lati lamella poilerior: anterior cultro anatomico .fub7
lata fuerat, ut vafa fpermat ica, ad fundum uteri afcendentia, oculo
plenius occurrerent. .
HH Ligamenta rotunda. In finiftro, arteria, prascipua, convoluta,
a fpermatica defcendens confpicitur. ,
HI Uteri fubftantia:: totius et membranarum feftio, qua uteri et
fecundarum paries anterior, ad coram contenta exhibenda,-. fublatus
K Funis umbilicalis, prope locum ubi in placenta definit.
Placenta uteri parti poflicas, verfus fundum, adhgerebat. Funis
umbilicalis, primo deor fum, fuper humerum fmiflrum, deinde furfum,
pone corpus infantis, ad finem fuum in placenta traniibat.
P L A T E X X I I I .
TpR 0 M the eighth fitbjeSl, at fix months. AJore-view of the womb,
-/. which was injeBed; the anterior part^ both oj the womb and oj the
membranes, having been cut away, and the liquor amnii taken out to
Jhew the foetus, with a pari of the placenta and of the navel-firing.
k. The bladder, in its fituation with reJpeH to the womb. It is moderately
difîended, and is covered with Jome large branches of the i
B The infide of the poflerior part of the vagina.
G C The hypogajlric veffels, going into the neck of the womb, and fending
branches to the bladder and vagina.
D D The fpermatic veffels, going into the duplicature of the broad ligament.
E E The tubes.
F F r/ifi fimbriie.
G G The pojierior lamella of the broad ligament: the anterior had been
removed by drjfe^ion, to give a clearer view of the fpermatic veffels, in
their afcent to the fundus of the womb.
HH The round ligaments. In the 'left isfeen a large convoluted artery,
coming down from the fpermatic.
I l l The feSlionofLhe whole fubflance of ihetuomb, and of the membranes,
by which the forepart of the xoomb and of the fecundines was removed,
to expofe their contents.
K. 'The navelflfing,^ near its termination in the placcnta.
The placenta. to the pqfierior part of the womb, towards
Mi fundus. The^ navel-firing paffed firfl downwards, over the left
fhoulder, and then.upwards, behind the body of the child, to its termination
at the placenta.