UN D E C I M U M cadavcr, mcnfc quinto ineunte. Duic figura:.
Aitcriie et ven® cera diverll coloris impletae funt.
F I G. 1.
Uterus a tergo vifus, una cum vagina eo conClio incifa, ut flatus
cervicis orifquc uteri oculo objicireLur.
J Clitoris.
BB Nympha;.
C Proxime hanc fupra literam, orificium urethra: confpicitur.
S U Vagina; pars exLrema inferior, rugis afpera.
-E E Ejufdem pars extrema fuperior, altera Ipcvior, priecipue a parte
F Uteri orificium, in tòrrainum vagina: fì.iperiorcm fe projiciens.
G G Tuba^.
HH Fimbria;.
I l Ovaria.
K K Valbrinn fpermaticorum fafciculus, p e r ligamcnta lata, ad Ovaria,
tubas, et fnnduni uteri afccndentium.
F I G. II.
ÜLero oiiinino a])crto, membrana decidua reilexa, chorio fuper
extenfa (per quas membrana^ fceUim vidcas) et cer\'icis orifque
uLerini facies interna apparent.
Ä, BB, C, DD^ EE, F, GG, /f, KK\ vide fig. I.
L Cervicis uteri facies interna rugofa, per gluten pellucidum cer-
M M Subilantia tarn uteri quam deciduse perfciiTa.
Decidua reilexa, membranas pellucidas inveiliens, alba, opaca,
ilriata, diilentu adeo tenuata, ut in locis plurimis lere pellucida
\-ideretur: decidua;, qiiai hanc obtegebat, adhxreicere non--
dum caeperat.
0 Arteria convoluta, per deciduam reüexam, a margine placentic
Vena huic ilmilis.
Vafa foetus fub cute repentia, fanguinc adeo diilinéle adimpleta
funt, ut profedo vaforum cadaveris, cera injeéla turgentiuin,
imaginera prie fe ferrent.
Funis umbilicalis pars altera foetus collum ambibat, talum finiftrum
W 0 figures from the eleventh JubjM, in the beginning ' ffh
month. The arteries and veins were injeciei with wax oj dijjeient
F I G. 1.
A hack-view of the womb, with the vagina Jlit up to Jhew the flate of
the cervLx and OS uteri.
A The clitoris.
B B The nynipha:.
G Immediately over this letter is the orifice of the urethra.
D D The lower end of the vagina, whidt, is rugous.
•EE The upper end, which is more fmooth, ejpecially behind.
F The orifice of the womb, projeSling into the upper end of the vagina.
G G The lubes.
H H The fimbria;.
-I I . . The ovai-ies.: , • "
KK The bundle of Jpermatic vejfels, paffmg up, in the Proad ligament),
'^to the ovaries, tubes, and fundus of the womb.
F I G . II.
The fame womb fully opened., Jiiewing the decidua reflexa upon the
chorion, (through which ihe child appears.,) and the infide of the neck
arid orifice of the womb.
A, BB, C, DD, EE, E, GG, HH, I I , KK, fee fig. I.
•Iv' - • T7ie :nigoiis infide of Ihe, neck of the womb., feen through the tranjparent
M M Thefubflanceboih-of the zuomh and of the decidua, cut through.
N N decidua reilexa, covering the tranfparent membranes, in while
and opake flria:. It was become fo thin, by extention, as to be rendered
ahnofl tranfparent in many places. It had not as yet contradled an adhefion
with the decidua which covered it.
O A convoluted arteiy^ hranclung through the decidua reilexa, from
the edge of the placenta.
P A vein of the fame kind.
The cutaneous veffels of the child were as diflin^tly filled with blood,
as if they had been inje£ted.
One turn of the navel-firing was round ihe child's neck, and another
xuas twifled round the left ankle.