jTiîs. > '"/""'-'r l'i? I ' ' y
r,r,„/,/,n„ Fi..- il J/i,r.,ÎA;Ar ,n„f,/,/n;,/„. n^rM_.(>i;innm r/n„
TR E S fiijura; ad idem exemplar depiflae ; quibus adjiciuntur
duEE alioe, tanquam appendices.
F I G . I.
Ovum utero exeraptum, iaciem placenta: externam reprefentans,
laciniafque marginem ejus undique ambientes, membran2e
fcUicet decidua: reflexa: dilacerata: reliquias. Ha:c figura cum
figura fecunda praîcedentis tabula; congruit, faciem ovi exhibens,
quod ifti utero intus adloeferat.
A AAA Decidua reHexa, undique a margine placenta:, ad chorion nitegendum,
B B Limbus, marginem placenta: cn-cum-ambiens, ortus Icilicet ex
fcflione decidua; reflexa:, ubi ilia feparata l fi ita loqui mavis, a fade uteri interna. iait a decidua, aut,
Circulus, limbo ilio circundatus, faciem externam placenta:
cxhibet, quse utero adcreverat. Has partes dum feparabamus,
arteria: \'ena:que plurima: dilacerata: funt, quarum pars altera
utero adnexa efl, altera placenta:. Arteria: quidem, ut m figura
pra;cedenti, par\'a:, convoluta:, et colore funt lucidiori, ut ad
literas CGC; venas autem macula: lata: ac fufca: reprefentant,
ut ad literam D.
F I G. II.
Partis membrana: decidua: faciès interna, ope vitri optici amplior
vifa, ut textura ejus propria, cribrum haud maie referens,
expUcari poffet.
Ovarium, corpufque luteum perfciffa. Corpus luteum, etiam
ad hoc temporis, cavatura effe manifeile apparaît.
Figura addita. . . .
Pars aliqua membrana: decidua:, pertmentis ad partum legiUnum,
menfibus fcilicet novera rite exaäis.
F I G . V.
Alia figura addita. .
Portio aliqua uteri et fecundaruin, nono menfe, ita dilpoiita,
ut earum partium ftrata diverfa dillinae confpiciantur. Arteriis
cera rubra, venis flava eli injecäa.
AAA Uteri fubftantia difciffa.
B B Placenta ei adha:rens, prope marginera perfciifa.
CC Decidua ea in parte utero adha:rens.
D D Decidua in Illa parte ab uteri facie interna elevata, chorioque
adhserens. , , . ^
E Chorion, fupra faciem internam placenta: contmuatum, ubi le-
F """Amiüon dtva'Ìum a chorio, cui non, nifi per gluten aliquod
molliffimum, adha:fit.
<rj^'HREE figura ¡rom the fame Jubjeä, and two
F I G . J.
The ovum taken out of the womb,Jhewing the external Jurface of the
placenta, and the ragged edge all round, where the decidua reflcxa
was torn through. Thü figure correfponds with the ft coni figure in the
preceding plate, fhewing the furface of the ovum which was attached
to the infide of that womb.
A A A A The decidua reflexa going ojf, all round, from the edge of the placenta,
to cover the chorion.
BBB The edge, formed all round the brim or border of the placenta, ly
cutting the decidua reflexa »Aere it came off from i/ie decidua, or, in
• other words, from the infide of the womb.
The round furface, enclofed by that edge, is the outer furface of the
placenta, which had adhered to the womb. Infeparaling thofe two
parts, mam arteries and veins were torn through, one part of each remaining
wüh the womb, and the other with the placenta. The arteries,
as in the preceding figure, are Jmall, convoluted, and of a lighter
colour, as at the letters C C C ; íAe veins make broad darkfpots, as at
the letter D.
F I G . II.
The internal furface of a portion of the deddua, confiderably magnified,
to fhew its peculiar cribriforme or lace-like appearance.
The ovarium and corpus luteum cut through; the latter of thefe,
even at this time, had an apparent cavity.
A fupplemental figure.
A portion of the deddua, from
its veffels filled with red blood.
f i g .
I common delivery at nine months ;
Another fupplemental figure. r r , ,
Part of the womb andfecundines, at nine months, fo dijpofed as to exhibit
dtflinaiy the different ftrata of thofe parts. The arteries had been
injeded with red wax; the veins with yellow.
AAA The fibflance of the womb cut through.
B B The adhering placenta cut through, near its edge.
C C The deddua, at that part left adhering to the tnjide of the womb.
D D The deddua, at this part raifedfrom the infide of the womb, and
adhering to the chorion.
E The chorion, which is continued upwards over the injide oj the placenta,
where it cannot be feparated.
F The amnion, raifedup from the chorion, to which it adhered by a
tender gelly only.