OV I G U M, fcilicet chorion, cum omnibus ejus contentis, quintam, ut
licet conjicere, circiter hebdomadam. Litcroe, antea ufitata:, ad
dignorcendas partes, minime defidcraniur. Maculoe qua: maxime fufcx
funi, fanguinis coagulati reliquias parvas reprxfentant. In medio, globi
inflar, confpicitur amnion, per quod foetus indiüinifle apparet. Ovum
ipfuni baud paululum mole fua complanaium expaíTumque fuit, coram
piflorc in patella dum jaccbat.
I G. II.
cum foetu inciufo, ut p:
rellexo, \'itri optici ope
fpici, amplificatum fuit
exeuntia, per fe fatis patent.
i Spatium inter choric
adeo pellucida xit vix i
guinc rubro impleca;,
fpici eban tur.
an, magna fatis parte chorii abfciOa, amnioque
tes circa uiiibilicum ejus confpicereniur, in latus
ut partes minores magis diñinde poíTent con-
Vafa hirfuta fluitantia, ex facie externa chorii
Hoc referti
nde arteria
:ia placenta:
i pofTet; 1
venaeque ramofx, fandifliiíde
per eam confuir.
Amnion liquore pellucido colorifque experte, puriíTima veluti aqua
fontana, diílendebatur; per quem fccius partes minores apparebant.
Veficula umbilicalis humore diilenfa : ncque amnio illa, ñeque chorio
ifuit; gelatina autem tenera circumdata. umbilico foetus per
TI, quaO per pedicukmi, adnexa; quibus quidem vaGs
ramos in vcficulam umbilicalem folam
cctus trunco ejus longius fuit; brachia et cri
rmicuerant; vifcera abdominis nondura fuei
Tiagis fufca hepar fuit: fune umbilici nonduni
videreniur. Caput
non nifi perpaululum
vellita; pars eorum
), foetus faciei i
, qux eo loci contigua erant, medio aljdomine, adnedc-
Ovum integrum, quana: hebdomads, ut licet conjicere. Oviparsfuperior,
latior et plana, facculus fuit. textura tenera, per deciduam folam
formatus: huic ad ángulos fuperiores foramen deniatum utrinque fuit,
ubi tubas intraíTe conjicere licebat; et ad ovi partem inferiorem portio
craíTa anguñaque ex membranis omnibus contentifque eorum conñitit.
F I G. IV.
Ejufdcm ovi, fefìione a vertice ad imum dufla aperti, facies interna.
Ovum lolum adhuc fundi uteri formam triangulärem retinebat.
Pars lata fuperior, decidua: faciem internam Iceviorem, cribro Cmilem,
oflendit; et pars angufia inferior, omnium membranarum feflionem
cavumque in confpeéiu ponit. Foetus primordia omnino foluta fuerant.
Amnion a chorio fejunda fuerat, et in cavo ejus íluitabat. Exduobus ab
eodcm centro circulis albis, interior efi chorii fcitio; cujus in facie externa
ñraium fpongiofum, cui vafa ex chorio fe i
circulus albus exterior, ad partem iuferiorem, deciduaj
tegentem, et ad partem fuperiorem deciduam reflexan
n, placentam obi
F I G. V.
circiter hebdomadam.
3 ^ Seta in cavum ovi trajeila per foramen ad utrumque angulum fuperiorem,
quod fcilicet tubx fallopiana: extremitatem eíTe conjicere licet.
i Ea:dem fetx per foramen majus exeuntes ad angulum inferiorem,
quod cervici uteri e.xadverfum effe ponimus.
Hydatis, molis admodum exigua:, per deciduam fefe projiciens, et filamenta
gracilia ramofa ex fuperficie fua emittens: chorion eíTe, vix dubitandum.
F I G. VI.
Idem ovum, maxima parte pariciis amcrtoris cxciiFa
BB, a Vide fig. V.
Manifeilum eft dedduam, hocce in ovo, membninam fuiJTe denfam. textur®
gluunofs, qua: loti cavo triangulari fundi uteri, tanquam veftimentum,' adha:felembranam
coarélaffe, lameliam cj_
tandem, deleto cavo, lamella illa
ProgreiTus hic, de quo agitur, r
JìguT^ inter fc confcraiitur, ordì
Ilium fuilfe, vel fubftan '
chorii, procede
minatas ; chorion i
ejus circundatum ; parique
(five deciduam reflexam) diilendens, donee
rna faciei interiori decidua: fuiffet contigua,
tionis planius intelligeiur, fi proxima his
arum inverfo, primo fciiicet nonam, deinde
Status ovi (qualem fcilicet animo Jicct concipere', iti mero
uhi chorion, decidua reflc.xa obteflum. per plurimum fpati:
A A Decidua feélio, ubi certo temporis progrelTu, lameliam
membrana?, fpongiofum vel nothum chorion vulgo ditìa, confeciffci.
B In hoc loco, decidua partem placenta:, uterinam difìam confecinet
C Amnii cavum.— D Cavum, vel i'patium, amnion inter et chorion
ipadum membranam illam inier et deciduam
i- r luba: m faciem miernam decidua refe aperiemcs.
G Cemx uteri nullam partem ovi continens.
F I G. Vili, et IX.
Dua: ha: figuri, in hoc fere folo ab ultima diiTerunt; nimirum cho
cidua: cavum projeélio eo minor efl, quo ovum a:taie minus.
F I G . I.
4 Conception, viz. Iks chorion wiih all its contents, fuppofed to be about
five weeks. The parti will be underßood without letters of reference. Some
of the dar keß ¡pots reprefent the little remnants of clotted blood. In the middle
the amnion isßen like a round ball, through which the fcetu5 appears indiftinäly.
The whole objeä xuas confiderably fiattened and fpread out, by its own
xueight, as it lay in a little dißi before the painter.
F I G . IL
The fame conception, prepared by cutting away a confiderable part of the
chorion, and turning afide the amnion with the enclofed foetus, that the parts
about the navel might be feen. It is confiderably magnijied, to fhew the fmall
parts more diflinBly.
The fhaggy floating veffels, xohich fhoot from the outer furface of the chorion,
require no explanation.
A A The fpace between the chorion and amnion. This was filled with a tender
jelly, fo Itanfparent as to be ohnofl invifible; whence, the branching arteries and
veins, filed xuith red blood, upon the infide of the placenta, were dflinSlly feen
through it.
B The amnion diflendcd with a liquor as tranfparent and void of colour as the
clearejl water ; through which the minute parts of the fee tus were diflin6lly
C The veficula umbilicalis, difiended luith a fluid. It was neither attached
to the amnion nor the chorion; fuirounded with the tender jelly; conneèled,
as by a pedicle, to the navel of the foetus by an arteiy and a vein; which lay fo
clofe together, as to appear like one veffel filled wilh red blood, and difpofmg
its branches on ¿/¿s \'eficula umbilicalis alone.
The head of the foetus was longer than the trunk: the arm and legs had
fhot out but a little way: the abdominal vifcera were 7iot covered: the darker
pari of the fe was the red liver: there being no navel firing, the foetus was attached
at its abdomen to the infide of the amnion and of the chorioiî, which
were contiguous at that place.
F I G . III.
An eritire conception fuppofed to be in the fourth week. The broad and fat
upper part of the objeâ was a bag of a tender texture, formed of the decidua
only, with a ragged perforation at each of the two upper angles, where the
lubes were fuppofed to have entered-, and the thick and narrow portion, at the
lower part of the objeâ, corfifled of all the membranes and their contents.
F I G . IV.
The infide of the fame ohjeB, laid open by a vertical fcHion. The whole conception
retained fltll the triangular fhape of the fundus uteri. The broad upper
partfhews [he fmoolher and cribriforme internal furface of the decidua;
and the narrow part below Jbews the feñion and cavity of all the membranes. The
rudiments of the foetus luere dijolved. The amnion had feparaled from, and
lay loofe in the cavity of the chorion. Of the tiuo, concentric, white circles, the
interior is the feâion of the chorion; upon the oulfide of which is feen the
flratum offpongyfubflance into which the veffels fioot from the chorion. The
outer white circle reprefents, at'its lower part, the decidua covering í/ií placenta;
and, at its tipper part, //¡¿decidua reflexa.
F I G . V.
A compleat conception, of about three weeks.
A A A briflle paffed into the cavity of the conception, through a hole at each of the
upper angles, which was fuppofed to be the termination of the fallopian tube.
B B The fame briflles coming out through a larger hole at the lower angle, fuppofed
to be oppofite to the cervix uteri.
C A fmall hydatide, projeSling through the fubjlance of the decidua, which had
flender branching filaments flooting from the furface, Juppojed to be the cho-
F I G . VL
The fame comeption, after a confiderable bortion oi its fore-part had been cut out.
AA, BB, C. Seefig.V.
It plainly appears that, the decidua, in this cafe, was a thick membrane (of a gelalinous
texture) which had lined and adhered to the whule triangular cavity of the fundus uteri;
that, the tubes terminated on its internal furface; that, the chorion was lodged in its duplicature,
or wasfurrotmled wiih its fubflance; and that, iji proportion as the chorion xvuuld
have been extended, in the progrefs of gejlation, it would have encroached upon the cavity of
the dccidua, jlretching its irUirior \:imc\[a. (or decidua reflexa] till at length the cavity
being obliterated, that interior lamella would have come into contaBwith the infide of the
decidua. I his progreffivc change will be more clearly undcrjlood by comparing the three foln
the inverted order, viz. JX, VIII, and VII.
F I G . VII.
"The more advancedJlate of afuppofed conception in the womb; when the chorion, covered
by the decidua reflexa, is flretched a great way out into the cavity of the decidua.
A A IhefcSion of Me decidua where, in procefs of time, it would conjiitutc the external lamella
of the donile membrane xuhkh has been commonly named the fjmngy or flife chorion,
B Here the decidua conflitutes the ut'erine pait of the placenta.
C The cavity of the amnion. — D The cavity or fpace behoeai the amnion and chorion.
E The cavity of the dccidua, or the fpace between that membrane and the dcadw^ r c II c x u.
F F The lubes, opening upmi the infide of the cfcciclua.
G The cervix uteri, containijig no part of the conception.
F I G . nil.
thijt twofigurn iliJfiT fnm the prccaUng almq/l in Ikh rtSfcS alone, thai the ¡njcam
of the chorion into the cavity oj the dcciclua ii !e/i in proportion as ¡he comeption is
• / Í &
y://i..\'.V.\-/l'. V\«,.\.il>tiir/i/i/.i.,///iii/,t arrt/.-r AMvum,/,-, /i,-w/i,- /'A,
(Vi,>m/iiir/,- f.r.u/^.rá, ,•/ //iii/i/<i t'lii/'ri/Kii, /.
11.w /////(' e^ffi/i/V'f/.i .w.' rofì/fn/ì.f. Fi • '/2-III rfliur/i/ii.i, i vH
>n/ini/f/i- //t /tiù/.i /f^/f,ro. Fig. 111. ('.'¡hr^i/f/.' f/Uiyrr, ytii/rfn
; /nmim n/<i.,^n^tf^rtfñr ( 'fiiiryilli.i i'/ift;/,r, rn
rim/,'r.'//r/'i^illiin/l.t. liiy.lV., ,yi/.„/,iii iii/,ii<'r<-,i. .•ivtli'iK' n i',-r/i,r ,r,/ ///mw ,//h/<i ., ^n^tf^rtfñr . Fig .V. Ci'
lerl<,liif/(rMiili,i,/i'iii. Fig- y,/,w./„!,•/,• iiiil'frwri .irMi/.r. Visf^iWSXW .\-S...:y'/</iirir .i/i,n/<iiii f i f / , r ey/rrnW/.f.
//<J/Hi )/i \ i//iy//,j i/it'i-r.'t/.t.i/ifj/-iifít//hí//'.) ^ yTf,V'//f//te(i/¿i, .'ftrf//.'. m/V// f f 't/c/'fi/iu.
/n/íííH /r'Ifi/t