Pa r t i s tmncimfcriorisprofpeaus; oculo'fcüicst a parte
finiftri latcris fuperiari, .oblique dcorfum .ita .collineato, ut
univcrßi.vifcerum compages, una cum diaphragmatc, ui fitu fuo
naturali appareret.
A Femur fiuiarum. Uteri prominentia femur dcxttum Qfulo
fubtrahit. ' ' ' • •
B Clunis liniflra. r -a •
C Intcgumentoram et.murculomra.abdomims, latcris finillri, aiigulus
inferior in ingucn et femur inverfus.
D ° Integurncntoruin et muEulorum abdominis feaio tranfverfa.^
E E Partiiun abdominis contiuentium Icftio lougitudinalis, ab ilium
offe furfum dufla; Hac -reclionc, angulus fuperior partium
continentium omniiio aufertur, ut vilbera liypocKondrii finillri
in confpcflu ponantur. ^ • r r,
" FF Partium thoracis continentium pofteriorum fectio traulvcrta.
G Vertebra tran^'crfe fciffa.
H Medulla fpinalis.
I I Ca\-orum thoracis partes inferiores poftlcic, quit, pulmonibus
ftiblatis, yacuE confpici poffunt.
K K Diaphragma fuperficiem convcxam. hepatiS compkäens.
L Cartilago mucronata, diaphragmati adhuc adherens.
M Diaphragmatis ad latus dextmm convcxitas magna; qua; in
hoc cadavere, parte huic confcntMiea in latere fjnillro elatior
comparuit. Ibi ctiam vafa nonnulla confpicmntur; quonim majora,
venie' fcilicet phrenics, ceraimpleta funt a vena cava; hinc
altiiis extauda. njV
Diaphragniatis fiiperficies, qua pericardio annettitur, qua:que
cor fultinct. , .
0 Vena cava, ubi per diaphragma tranfit, deligata.
P Oclbphagtis fnpra diaphragma deligatus. Hunc cera injefta,
dum per arterias lluebat, materia colorante amiOa, in ventriculum
tranliens, iinplevit. r r r ,
(J Aorta, eodcm modo, ubi corpons tmncus tranfverle luerat
fciffus, fupra diaphragma,.dchgata. ^
Oefophagus ct aorta, una cum fpina: prominentia, ca™m latis
mag-mnn in diaphragmatis parte pottica ct fupcnori effiemnt.
R S r U Di-iphra<rma in h)-pochondrio iiniaro reciluin. Ex parte
poheriori, labia [TU) ejufdcm fillune in diaphragiuate mutuo recedunt;
ct ex parte anteriori, anguli {R S] inverfi funt, nempe
ut vifcera hypochondrii finillri in confpeftum x eniant.
r Hepatis extremitas rinidra.
W Vcutriculi extrcmitas fniiftra.
XX Lieuis margo anterior denticulatus.
a Hepatis lobus dexter.
b I ¡.vameutum falciforme, fiffuram hepatis intrans.
c II?patis lobi rnulh-i ea pars qua: in regione epigaftrica fcdem
¿ ¿ i i ¿ " ' o m e n t i radix dcxtrorfum de ventriculo ct colo, hepar inter et
intellina tenuia, defceudens. ,
eeff Omenti ratlix in h)'pochondrio finiftro ita difpolita, ut ca^•um
luum exhibeat. l^a pars, quic marfupii omenti anteriorem partem
facit (.<•!, qiixque de ventriculo dcfcendit, ^'entnculo jam
ct hepati incumbit replicata: omenti autem pars poltenor, qua:
colo conneftitur ( / / ) ante inteftiua tenuia iii proprio mauct htu,
tnr Omenti radix, ventriculum inter et hencm. ^ ^
h h Omenti pars ad latus finillrum, in litu fuo natural, tenuia inter
intellina ct peritoneum faciem iiiternam tranf^erfalls abdomi-
„ • / / " b u r f f i u o r um tcnuium gyri multo inferiores ct frequentiores
hac in parte, quam eorum, qux in latere dextro jacent; partim
propter obhqiiitatem uteri, pracipue autem quod in latere dextro
heixitis moles minus fpatii iutelluiis pernuttit
k Uterus, Tempore quo figura lirec dclmeabatiir, pars uten luperior
arefcere ea-perat, nude ^•afa inlarda, magis confpicua fefe
ixhibebant: minorum pleraque artcrit-e lunt ; majora omnia vena:.
I Ligamentum rotundum.
Arte'rix fpermaticx ramus magnus, trans hgamentum latum ad
iiterum repens. . . r r • i
00 Ramorum, N'cnx fcilicet fpermaticx, majorum lalciculus, per
ligameutum latum ad uterum afcendentium.
P L A T E in .
- • rA .View, from the left fide and duwnwards, of the town- jmrl of Ih:
• J Í Imifi; fo prepared, as iofhew the whole maß (f ihe ^'^'ih
. _ the diaphragm, in their naturalJituation.
A the lefl thigh. The right thigh n covered fam our view t'--
projeäion of the womb.
S The left buttock.
C The lower flap of the integuments and abdominal mufile. nn the kjt
fide, turned down over the pain and thigh. ^
D D The feäion of the integuments and mnfcles, mad¿ hy the hanfjjf'
incifiion of the belly.
E E A hne,itudinalfedion nf the containing partiof the belly, carwyl "inwards
from the OS iUmn, or poflerior extremity of the tranjv.-rje incifiton,
parallel to the fpine; whereby the upper flap of the rv,,,.'.;,
parts is entirely remoiieil, 'to.ßieju the vifcera of the left hypodi.,:.-
drium. , , 1 „
F F A tranfierfe feäion of the poflerior contamvir. parts of tl,,' ehejl.
G The body »yffis-vertehrii cul through.
H The fphial marrow.
1 I The lower poflerior parts of thé cavities of the cheß, xuhuh -
empty, the lungs being removed-.
K.K The diaphragm, embracing the convex furface oj th,- hver.
L The cnfiform cartilage left adhering to ihe ntaphrcigm.
M The great convexity of the diaphragm in the right fid', •ah,ch v
this fubJeSwas much higher than tlw. analogous part in the left. Upñ"
this part, fióme veßls are ficen: the larger are the phrcnic veins, which
were filled with wax from the cava, and are therefore prominent.
N The fiurface of the diaphragm, where the pericardium is united
with it, and upon which the heart refis.
O The \'ena cava tied, as it paffies Ihrough the diaphragm.
V The cefophagiis, tied above the diaphragm. It waifilkd by the infeSion,
which paffied laithmt the 'red colour, from the arteries inb, the
ßomach. ,
Q_ The aorta, in the fame manner tied above the diaphragm, where tne.
Irunk of the body was cut 'through. ^
The oefophagusanri aorta, aswellas theprojeilionofthefipme, mak'
a confiderable notch upon the upper poßerior part of the diaphragm.
R S T U The diaphragm, f i t up in Ms h y p o c h o n d n um. ALthepcjterior
part, the lips of the fiffiure in . the diaphragm (TU) rece^ Jrom
each other; and fonuards, the corneis (RS) are inverted, to ßiew the
vifcera in the left hypochondrium : vii.
V The left extremity of the liver;
W W The left, or great extremity of the ßomach; and
X X The fipleen: its anterior edge indented.
a The right, or great lobe of the liver.
b The falciform ligament, entering the fiffure of the liver.
c Thatpartofthefmallkbeofthe liverwhichlieiin the epigaßnc region.
d d d d The root of the omciuum towards the right fide, coming down from
the ßomach and colon, between the liver and the fimall mteflines.
c e ff The root of the omentum in the lift hypochondrium,/« difipofied
as to fiiew its cavity. What makes the anterior part of the pouch of the
omentum (e'c) luhich comes down from the bottom of the ßomach, is
turned np over the ßomach and liver: and the poßenor part of the
omentum (ff) which is fixed to the colon is leß, in its natural fiituation,
before the fmall inteßines.
srg The root of the omeuunn, betioeen thefiomach and fipleen.
h h h Part of the omentum in the lefl fi,de, in its naturalfiiluatwn, between
the fimall inteßines and the peritoneum lehich lines the tranherlalis
iiii'"'«^ convolutions of the fimall inteßines, which are eonfiiderably lower
and in greater quantity in thisfiide lhanin the right; partly becaufie oj tlie
obliquity of ihe womb, but chießy becaufie in that fiide the liver comes ww
down, and leaves little fijiacefior inteßines.
k The womb : lehich had begun to dry at its upper part when this figure
was taken; fio that the injeäedveßls began to appear more remarkabh.
Thefmaller are chießy arteries; ihe larger are all veins.
1 The round ligament.
m The lube. , , , , ,•
n A large branch of the fipermatic artery going acrofi the broad ligament
to the womb. . . . . , ,.
o o A group of large veins from the fipermatic, mounting in the broad ligament
to the womb.