t a b u l a XXVI.
E C I M U M cadaver, quinto graviditatis menfc. Exlùbcllauis
uteri rctroverli.
F I G. I.
ApcrUim cruciali incifionc abdomen, contracSiori autem forila
cxliibituin, cuni x'crica urinaria prater morem dillenta.
Incifio longitudinillis a fcrobiculo coi-dis iilcipicns :
Qiia ad monccm veneris dermenccm.
rartiiini conciiientiura aiiglili fuperiores. fuper hypochondria renexi.
Anguli infcriorcs ucriquc, Tupra Cpinani olTis ilium reOexi.
\'clica urinaria, ila urina l'anguinoicma clillcnra, ut fundus ejus ad diiiidium
fpitii, umbiiicum inler et fcrobiculum cordis, porrigerctur.
F I G. II.
Vcfica urinaria, Ibrnia pariter minutiori, per medium divifa,
et ad imam partem aperta, ut fitus oris uterini, hic prater naturali!
furfum fpeflantis, appareat.
f l'ars dimidia vefìcx fuper ipinam oiTis ilium utrinque rellexa.
lucifionis, a vertice duClx, qua vefica urina; aperta fuit, finis anterior.
Unus recli inteRini circuitus, qui in confpeiium prodiit'ad ejufdem
fiuem pofteriorem.
Duas imer lias litcras Jì, C, vefica: pars ima tumore, qui univerfum pelvim
occupa\ it, elevata fuit : iiic quoque, faila cruciali inciCone parva,
inter et paulo ante fines ureterum, OS uteri in confpeilum venit, pone
fitum, ut in liac figura, et paulo eladus quam pars fuperior fymphyfeos
olliuni pubis.
Coluenla pclv
•oxcrfus 1
^ Rcaum
Jj'BL' ^Ta^gin(
CC Reckum.
omnia a p ane poftica; inter qu^e, uterus re-
L locum habet,
.im pelvis tranfibat, deligaium.
5 feflionis veüca: a vertice duila:.
er GL offa, facrum et coccvgis, compreiTuni.
•n, quod, ad fmiflrum reai imeflini latus, pelvim inveftiverat,
iheteris, banc partem inter ei uierura immiin, elevatum.
£ £ £ Pars peritonei, parti modo deferip'.ai refpondens, ad de.ttrum reili inleiliai
latus, perfcilld., et margo ejus F fepofuua.
G Uteri facies anterior, reirurfum verfa.
/ / Tuba afcendens ab uteri fundo, qui fcilicec ad partem pelvis infimam
devoluta fuerat.
/ Ovarium ante tubam peritura.
F I G. IV.
Uteri portionc, ac deciduic parte fublads, faitti.s per pelluci-
<las membranas, chorion ncmpe et amnion, confpicitur.
Os uteri furliis \ crfum. Circum undique coiifpic'
Ì Uteri ¡ubflautia diviia.
Fades externa pauis alicujus decidux. Membrana ha:cdenra, opaca, et
arteriis parvis, injcdla ab utero cera impletis, abundavit.
Facies interna alit'is partis membrana: ejuidem. Q^ua parte ablata fuerat
decidua, per chorion pellucidum et amnion conlpicitur fcctus, cujus
caput dependet', et colluiii fune umbilicali circum-cingitur.
Linea: albic fuper chorio leviter adumbratx, vaforum tenuium, qua:
inde in deciduam tranfeunr, reliquias reprefcntant.
Cum ha;c tabula deiineabatur, liquor amnii fanguine exudante infectus
fuerat. Membranarum autem pellucidarura facies convexa figuram
fatisdiftinilam, forma quidemcontratìam,feneflr2c,lucemadmittentis,dcdit.
Tubarum et ovariorum figuram huicce tabulx inferere fupcn
^ROM the tenth Jubjeä, in the ßjth month,ßiewing the ì
ßances of a retroveried womb.
F I G. I.
Shews, in miniature, the abdomen fully openedby a cnidal incijion,
and the bladder enormoujly dijiended.
The beginning of the longitxidinal incifion at the pil oj the Jlomach.
Its termination in the mons veneris.
: The upper angles of the containing parts, turned over the hypochondria.
) The lower angles; eachiurhed over the Jpine of the os ilium.
The bladder, Jo diflendcd luith bloody urine, that its fundus riatAiii half way
between the navel and the pit of ihejioinach.
F I G . II.
Draxvn in miniature to the Jame fcale, Jhexos the bladder cut down
through its middle, and opened, at its lower part, to Jhew the fit nation
of the OS uteri.
A A Half of the bladder, on eachfide, turned over the fpine of (he os ilium.
B The anterior extremity of the vertical incifton by which the bladder was opened.
C One turn of the recilum which loas feen at the pojlerior end of the fame incifion.
Between thefe two letters, B, C, the depending part of the bladder wasraifed
up by a tumor which poffeffed the lohole cavity of the pelvis: and here, a fmall
crucial incifion having been made, belxueen, and a little before the ends of the
ureters, the os uterizi'oj feen, as in this figure, fUuated behind, and a little higher
than the upper part of the fymphyiis of the olfa pubis.
A back-vieio of (he ivhole contents of the pelvis, conffling principally
of the retroverted womb.
A The re£lum tied, wltere it paffcd down into the cavity of the pelvis.
B B B The pofierior edges of the vertical feSlion of the bladder.
C C The ret^um, where it was preffed and flattened, between the womb and the
facrum and os coccygis.
D D The peritoneum, which lined the pelvis on the left fide of the redura, raifcd
up by a large catheter, introduced between it and the womb.
EEF The correfponding part of the peritoneum on the right fide of the redum,
flit down, and the edge F turned ojf.
G The anterior furface of the womb, turned backwards.
H The tube, coming up from the fundus uteri, which was turned down, into the
lowefl part of the cavity of the pelvis.
I The ovarium, placed before the tube.
F I G . IV.
The womb opened, to fhew thefecundines and their contents.
The OS uteri, turned upwards. All around it, is feen the infide of the adjacent
parts of the vagina,
i The fubflance of the woinb, cut through.
The external furface of part of the decidua. This membrane was thick and
opake, and full offmall arteries, which were injeBed from the womb.
The internal furface of anqther part of the fame membrane. Where the decidua
was removed, through the tranfparent chorion, and amnion, is feen the
{cc.\u%,with its head depending, and the funis round its neck.
The while, loofe lines on the chorion are the remains of the filamentous veffds,
which pafs from it into the decidua.
The liquor amnii was become bloody, by trajifudation, when this figure was
drawn; and the convex furface of the tranfparent membranes, refeSled a diflinci
miniature piSlure, of the window which gave light.
It was thought unn^ceffary to introduce the tubes and ovaria.
T i f i XXV/l'Ar/uur/^, ,/un,/, n. d A ' / ^ o ' f a / , , . , - / / / r , ,