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B cadem, qua pricccdens, imilicrc, cxhibct aperlum plane
' 1 parte pollica utcrum cum vagina, quo fitus foetus, parfiliic
inferior placenta;, fub foetus capite, indicarentur. Placenta
l'cilicel orificio uteri interno accreverat, coque fub finem graviditatis
dilatato, feparata eft: unde hxmorrliagia, et mors.
A A Tuba; fallopianoe.
Il Ovarium ßniftrum ; cujus ad extremitatem inferiorem videre
C Corpus luteum extans.
D Ovarium dextvum.
£ Vafomm fpermaticorum ad uterum afcendentium fafciculus.
FFF Subftantioe uteri feftio.
G Vagina: per incißonem aperta: et cxpaifoe fades interna.
I J H Os uteri.
I Placenta: partis inférions facies externa, in lobos partita, quoe
quondam cervici et ori uteri interne adha;fcrat; tempore autem
parturiendi inftante, partium illarum dilatatione fejunfla fuerat,
unde necelTario hoemorrliagia.
K K Membrana: de margine placenta: exeuntes, capitifqne foetus
partem inferiorem ampleflentes, perfciflie. Spatium, quod inter
cervicis uteri par tem interiorem, et fecundas, vacuum occurri t , in
cadavere fanguine coagulato referium comperi.
Situs partefque foetus explanatione non egent.
P L A r E XII.
JPROM thefame JithjeSl, a view, of Ike womb and fully open-
-L ed on the back part, to fhew the fituation of the ckild, and of Ike
lower part of the placenta at the infide of the mouth of the womb, under
the child's head, and detached from the womb; the occafion of the
fatal hemorrhage.
A A The fallojnan tubes.
B The left ovarium, at the lower end of which isfeen
C The profeding corpus luteum.
D The rij/ii,ovarium.
E The group offpermatic veffels approaching the fides of Ike womb.
F F F Tkefeàion of the fubflance of the womb.
^G Thé ivfide of the .vagina, zuhich is laid open by a longitudinal mcifion,
andfpread out.
H H , The moutk of tke womb.
I Tke external lobulatedfiirface of tke lower part of the placenta ; which
had originally fluck to the infide of tke neck and mouth of the womb ; but
as parturition approacked, tke dilatation of tkefe parts occafwned afeparation,
wkick was neceffarily followed by an hemorrhage.
'KK Tke membranes cut through where they were coming out from the border
. . of the placenta, and endofing the mofl depending part of tke child's head.
Tke vacant fpace'wkick is feen betioeen tke infide of the neck of tke
.Tuomb, and tke fecundines, was full of clotted blood in the dead body. ^
Tkefituation, and the fever al parts of the ckild require no explanation.
•J'.l n. XII. n/' <-,ii/, /ii, r/fM /mim/i//,i. iiHi/ii-recj'/u/'itir/ii.r/ii/ii/i/imf a /nrr/i'/imâ'nr rz/fn/w r/H/i /'rtt/nur,
ifi/i 'i .ii/i/.i :f,i '//i,i,//iir.ii/iti- //¡/in'fl/- :/'/ar,-///ir.!///' .•/',r/'//,i <it/ii/r t///&a/-e/iâ//-. .'/Vritr/ìM .m/m-i^nn^/mt i
f//r/y /f>/t'/7n> tny/ri't'/ii/; ri'i^nt' •>///'^f/tt j// ///'i//'/f///f///.> i/z/f/Z/z/i^^iiùì// /i/t/f //f/'ÙN'/N' .'r//'!rt//>r