ID E M dcnuo utcras, fed omnino apertus, ut foetum in fitu
naturali oftendat. Circa fundum quaquavcrfus fubllantia
tarn placentic quam uteri incifa confpicitur.
Uteri partes exteriores, lineis leviter adumbrata;, eoedem font,
qua; in precedenti figura, et in tabula decima feptiina ad plenum
font expreíTas.
AAA Utero per medium divifo, dimidii inferioris fobñantiíe feflio,
ad eam partem fcilicct qua membrana: adhasrebant.
B B B Uteri dimidii foperioris fobOantiic feflio, ad partem qua placenta
CCC Placenta; feflio; illius cava fpongiofa cera fiava, ex uteri arteriis,
et cera rubra, ex venis impleta funt.
DDD Gyri nonulli funis umbilicalis, brachia inter et crura foetus
£ E Seflioni uteri fuperimpofita funis umbilicalis extremitas, ad
partem illam placenta;, qua: foctum pra;jaccbat, excifa.
Foetus iconcm explanare fupervacaneum foret.
P L A T E X X .
T?RO Mille ¡ameJuhjeS. A fore-view of the womb, fully openeri, to Jhew
£ thecMdinitsnaturalfitualion.Allaround.allheim-iàusJhefubflance
• o/Me placenta, as well as that of the womb itfelfisfeen cut through.
The external parts of the womb, pghtly fketchei m out-lines, are the
fame as in the preceding plate, and were fully exprepdm plate XV 11.
A A A Thefeaion of the Jubflance of the lower half of the womb, where the
membranous part of the fecundines adhered.
BBB Thefeaion of the fuhflance of the upper part of the womb, where the
placenta adhered. r ,. , • j
C C C Thefeaion 0/rte placenta : the Jpungy camties of which contamed
bothfome of the yellow wax, from the arteries of the womb, and of the
red wax, from the veins. , „ t r
DDD Some turns of the navelflring, lying between the arms and the legs oj
the child. ^
E E Theendofthenavelflringlaidoverlhefeaionofthewomb.Itwas cu of
from its attachment at that part of the placenta which lay before the child.
The parts of the child require 1
T A l i .XX. , y,/f/// f/r/////> ////(• rf//./, fítÍArü////j/f//
-L'^ï/Z/yy/Z?/' yur//// ì/U-r/ 'j 'nff.ur <vi/.i///r//ï/r.