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Fi . VI.. y,/,'/,/ ,y,j-,•//,,!, . •
V A tria abortiva, fex figuris expreiTa.
O r a m noníe circiter hebdómada: abortivum, ab illa fdlicet
p a n e quse membranacea eft adCpeftum. Decidua lacerata eft, et
aliquantulum revoluta, ut decidua reflexa laevis et opaca in conf
p e i t um prodirct.
A A Deciduic ab utero feparatoe facies externa fcabra.
B Facies externa portiuncula: cujuldam placenta:, cujus reliqua
pars fedem fuam cxadvorfum habebat.
CCCCC Decidua: facies interna cribriformis, quae primis menfibus
graviditatis membranis inclufis non adha^refcit.
DDDD Decidua: margo laceratus, qui in marginem EEE membranas
ejufdcm curfura fuum tenuerat.
F Decidua reftexa per faciem externam chorii diffufa.
G G Angulus partis reflexae, ad marginem fcilicct placentae, ubi
lamella interior decidua: in chorion reßeilitur, ßmili fere modo
quo lamella interior pericardii refleditur ad fuperficiem externam
cordis obtegendara.
H Extrema pars deciduae ad cervicem uteri.
F I G. II.
Ejufdem feaio a vertice ad imum ufquc.
AAA Scòlio placenta, quam iuperûciei fuperiori et poiìeriori uteri adh^fiíTe
fupponendum efl.
JIB Decidui panis anterioris feàlio.
C C Decidux partis poflerioris feflio.
D Pars excrema decidua: ad cervicem uteri.
E E Amniicavum, in quo fcetiis, opc funiculi tenuiíTimi umbilicalij, a facie
interna placenta: fufpenditnr.
F Seílio irium membranarum, fcilicet amnii, chorii et decidua: reilexa;,
qnx non folum funt contigua:, fed et fibi invicem adliasrefcunt.
G G Angulus ad marginem placenta:, ubi lamella interior decidua: in faciem
externam chorii refleiflitur.
H Hic tres illîe membrana: paulukim fejunguntur, ut fitus earnm, refpefln
habito ad placentam, manifellius appareat.
Ovum oéio circiter hebdomadaruin abortivum. Pars qna:dam exigua
decidua; exfcilfa eft, et furfum reflexa, ut cavum inter cam et citeras
membranas cernerettir.
A Decidua: pars exigua exfcilfa.
B Conceptus pars ubi deeft decidua, exadverfiim fcilicet aditui per uteri
cervicem ducenti.
CCC Occidua! ftiperficies externa.
D Decidua reílexa obtegens chorion e
tendentes cavum decidua: adimplent.
£ Partis fuperioris placenta: facies externa.
F I G. IV.
: membrana: fe prounda,
Idem ovum, decidua jam incifionedecuifatim aperta, angulis quatuor revolutis
decidua:que reílexa: portione rotunda cultro fublata et devoluta,
nempe ut vafcula in fupcrficie externa chorii in ccnfpeñuni prodiretn.
A. B. Vide fig. III.
CCCC Facies interna quatuor angulorum in quos decidua cruciali incihone
fuerat divifa.
DDD Decidua reflexa ca:teras membranas invefliens.
EE Angulus ad placenta: marginem, ubi lamella interior dccidua: protenditur
fupra faciem externam chorii, i
F Decidua: reflexa: portio i
mico fublata et devoluta.
ex facie t
G Chorion cum vafis fuis hirfutis expoGtum. Vafa ifla decidua: reflexa: arete
adha:rcbant, et corum nonnulla una cum membrana illa abfcifl'a funt.
F I G . V.
Ovum eodem fere tempore abortu feparatum, ccnflans ex chorio folo,
com vafis et conientis ejus; quippe decidua, vel pars lecundarum uteri-
A A À Vaforum hirfutornm rami majores et frequcntiores, ex quadam parte
fiiperflciei externx chorii emergentes, et cum decidua, vel parte uterma,
ad placentam coníiciendam fe commifcentes.
B B Chorii ea portio quoe pollea membrana uniformis et pellucida evadit ;
vafls paucioribus, fùbtilioribns, lluitantibus, qua: in decidua reflexa evanefcunt,
abundat : per cam confpicilur embryo.
p Veflcula umbilicalis in licieexterna amnii per chorion confpeéla: filum
cxalbidum (reliquia: arterii-eetveua:) ab ea adumbilicumembryonis tranfit.
F I G. VI.
Idem C ...1 apcrtum.^ Membranis arnica
parti i nfidentibus a placenta
abfcilHs et t rcilexis,rcilexis, didinae didiiK^e confpiciciir confpiciciir •embryo
Vcficula umbilicalis, ex qua
{ Rcliquixartcrixetvena;, liloalbofimiles.adumbilicumembryonistranfcuiu.
Inteflinorum gyri quidam in principio funis umbilicalis includuiitur.
^ I X ß g u r Î of three different abortions.
F I G .
An abortion^ of about nine uieeh,feen on tliat fide luhich is membranous.
The decidua is torn^ and turned fomewhat afide, to ffiew the
fmooth and opah decidua reflcxa.
A A The rough, external furfaee of the decidua, which exfoliated from
the womb.
B The outfide of a fmall portion of the placenta, the refl of which
was fituated on the back-part of this obfell.
C C C C C The internal cribriform furfaee of the decidua, which, in thefirfl
months of pregnancy, does not adhere to the membranes which it enclofes.
D D D D The lacerated edge of the decidua which had been continued into
the edge E E E ^ the fame membrane.
F The decidua reflexa fpread over the outfide of the chorion.
G G The angle of refleSlion at the edge of the placenta, where the inner
layer of the decidua is turned over the chorion ; much in the fame
manner as the inner lamella of the pericardium is refleSted, to cover
the outer furfaee of the heart.
H The termination of the decidua at the cervix uteri.
F I G . II.
A vertical JeUion of the fame.
AX A The feaim of the placenta ; which, we mujlfupfoje, had adhered to the upper
and back-part of Ihe womb.
B B The JeElion of the anterior portion of the decidua.
C C The feelion of the pofterior portion of the decidua.
D The termination of the decidua at the cervix uteri.
EE the cavity of the amnion, in which the embryo hangs by apnder navel
firing, from the infide of the placenta.
F Thefe^tion of the three membranes, which are not only contiguous, but adhere
to one another, viz. the amnion, the chorion and the decidua reflexa.
G G The angle, at the edge of the placenta where the inner layer of the decidua
is refleUed over the outfide of the chorioti.
H Here thofe three membranes are a little feparaki, to pew their courfe at the
F I G . III.
An abortion of about eight miehs. Afmalljlrap of Ihe decidua i '.t out, and
' turned up, lo fhew the cavity between it and Ihe other membranes.
A The cut flip of the dczidaa.
B The pari of the conception where there is no decidua ; viz. appofite to the
paffage through the cervix uteri.
CCC The external furfaee of the decidua.
D The decidua reflexa covering the chorion and amnion, which prajcil and
fit up the cavity of the decidua.
F The outfide of the upper part of the placenta.
F I G . IV.
The fame, when the decidua had been opened by a crucial incifion, and the
four angles had been turned o f f , and then a round piece of the decidua reflexa
dißäed off, and turned ta one Jiie, to ßew Ihe loofe vejels on the outfide of the
A, B. See fig. III.
CCCC The infide of the four angles orßaps into which the decidua was reduced by
a crucial incifion.
DDD The decidua reflexa, covering the other membranes.
EE The angle, at the edge of the placenta where the interior Amelia of Ihe decidua
is continued aver the outfide of the chorion, /orming Ihe decidua reflexa.
F A round portion of the decidua reflcxa dißiaid from the outfide of the chorion
and turned afide.
G The chorion, with its flaggy veßls, laid bare. Thefe veßls adhered firmly to
the decidua reflexa, and parts of them were cut of with that membrane.
F I G. V.
An abortion of tlui fame age, confifiing of the chorion only, with its veßels and
contents; that is, without the decidua, or uterine part of the fecundines.
AAA The larger and more crouded branches of the ßiaggy veßels which float from
the external furfaee of one part of the chorion, ta mix with the decidua, ar uterine
part, to form the placenta.
B B That portion of the chorion which afterwards becomes the uniform tranfparent
membrane. It is covered with ferner and more delicate floating veßels, which lofi
themfelves in the decidua reflcxa. The embr>'o isfeen through it.
C The veflcula umbilicalis on the outfide of the amnion, feen through the chorion;
with a whitifli thread, (the remains 0} an artery and.veinj leading from
it, towards the navel oj the embryo.
F I G . VI.
The fame opened. The membranes, which were at the fore-part, being cut
from the placenta, and turned up, thi embryo is difiinBly feen.
A The veflcula umbilicalis,/rom which B, the remains of an artery and vein, in
the form of a white thread, pafs to C, the navel of the embryo, withfome turns
of the intefiines lodged in the beginning of the navel ßring.