i M I-I 0
a b u l a XXI.
ASéptimo cadavere, feptimo graviditatis menfe. Aperto crucifórmi
incifione utero, et reclinatis rite cornubus, per membranas
foetum continentes, foetus ipfc aquis innatans confpicitur.
Reliquas partes nudis lineis diftinâie funt.
s, ad partem qua abdominis incifio longitudinat
A A Femora.
B Möns ve
lis définit.
C Scrobiculus cordis, qua abdominis incifio ìncipit.
DDDD Partium continentium abdominis anguli quatuor reflexi, ut
vifcera piene paterent.
EE Omentum, in latere dextro abdominis.
F F Colon, ad latus finiftmm abdominis tranfiens.
GGG Inteilina tenuia, uteri latus finiílrum verfus, quorum gyri nonulli,
tempore quo cadaver primo apertum fuit, ante uterum
H H H H Uteri, cruciformi incifione aperti, anguli quatuor, a fecundis
fubtus pofitis liberati et reflexi, ut contenta ejus in confpeâum
I Uteri fuperficiei intima; pars exigua, cui placenta adhasferat,
minus quidem complanata, magis autcm fanguine imbuta quam
pars illa qua; membrani s veftita fucrat.
K Lobi parvi placenta: fuperficies parti proxime difla: refpondens. .
L Membrana; liquorem amnii continentes, qua; ad partem uteri
mfcriorem, propter cadaveris declivem fitum, foetus partes fuperiores
e confpeclu fere tollunt ; ad fundum autem uteri fubfidentes,
foetus partes fatis dillinde in confpciìu locant.
M In hoc ángulo, utenim inter et fecundas, piiìor id exprimere
voluit, quod in cadavere fatis manifeftum fuit, fcilicet, uteri et
fecnndarum fubñantiam inter fe mutuo continuatam : dum aut
em hanc partem feparabamus, tenera illa interneflens membrana,
decidua, in duas lamellas abiit ; quarum ha:c utero, illa chorio
TpR O M a Jevenlh fubjedl, al¡even months. The womb ojjened by
J. a crucial incifion, and the four comers carefully feparaled, and
turned afidefrom the fecundines, fo as to fhew the child, and waters,
through the enclofmg membranes.
The adjacent parts of the fubjeâ are reprefented in out-lines.
A A The thighs.
B The mons veneris, where the longitudinal incifion of the abdoraeu
G The pit of the fîomach, where the longitudinal incifion of the abdomen
D D D D The four angles of the containing parts of the abdomen, inverted,
to expofe ihe bowels.
EE The omentum, in the right fide of the abdomen.
F F The colon paffing towards the left fide of the abdomen.
GGG The fmall inteflines on the left fide of the womb ;fome turns of which,
when the body was firfl opened, lay before the womb.
H H H H The four angles of the womb, (which was opened by a crucial incifion)
feparatedfrom the fubfacent fecundines, and inverted, to expofe
the contents.
I A fmall part of the inner furface of the womb to which the placenta
had adhered, more xine<iual and more bloody than what had been lined
by the membranes.
K The correfpondingfurface of a fmall lobe, or extremity of Me place n ta.
L The membranes containing the liquor amnii, which, at the lower
part of the womb, from the declivity of the objeâ, cover the upper parts
of the child from our view; and towards the fundus uteri coUapfe fo
•... as to fhew the parts of the foetus no/ indiflinâly.
M In this angle between the womb and fecundines, the artifl endeavoured
to exprefs what zoos very apparent in the objeSl, vix. the continuity
of the fubflance of the xuomb and of the fecundines; in parting which,
the tender connedling medium, the áecláuTí, feparated into two layers,
one of which clungto the womb, and the other to the chorion.