UTERUS, et contenta pelvis a parte anteriori; offa pubis,
cimi iiitcgumentis, et fupcriori pudendorum parte, omnino
lucrant abfciffa, quo cervix uteri, et vefica Gmul urinaria ci prxlenfa,
oculo inciderent.
A A Femoi-a tranfverfe abfciffa.
BB Mufculorum abdominis, et peritonei, anguli inferiores, in latera
C Uterus; cujus in tota fuperficic, perque fubftantiam, vafa cera
impleta, et exinde prominentia, confpiciuntur.
D D Os pubis utrinquc fupra foramen magnum ifchii refeflum.
E E Ifchii proceffus parvus, eo in loco ubi offi pubis committitur.
F Perinxum.
G G Labia pudendi: lioruin pars fupcrior, nympha; ctiam, et cli-
Loridis cxlrcmitas, abfcinduiiLur.
/ / / / . Carimcula inyrLifbrmis infignis.
I Vagina. In parte hujus introitus inferiore (nigriore fciücet in
hac labula), vaginoc cavum, tarn retrorfum quam furfum ducens,
rep ra: fen ta tur. Ad literain (/) confpicitur vaginic pars fuperior
et anterior, qua: cum veiica urinaria ct urethra conneditùr, quasquc
a vifceribus incumbentibus'deprimitur. Ad punéìura ctiam
orificii hujufce, iufci, ovati, fuperius^ urethnx extremitas prominens,
meatufque urinarii" orificium" confpiciuntur.
K Clitoridis corpus tranfverfe difciffum: in medio, duas arteriolas
fere contiguas, fcilicet in utroque corpore cavernófo'un'am, cernere
L L Clitoridis crura et eredores. Hxc.oiTibus pubis quibus annectunturfublatis,
magis hori/conti ad lib'ellam, quam in fitu füo naturali,
refpond'entia. jaccnt. Sejundronc ' autern offium pelvis,
nempe ut contenta ejus melius poffint.confpici, extenduntur. '
M \'cficai urinarioe pars fupcrior, fimul utero, pone ilto, et caput
fcctus continenti, íiraul oílibus pubis unitis, earn exadverfum
ambieiTtibus, compreffa.
Peritoneum reflexum, telaque cellulofa, latera integens pelvis,
ct ci uteri "parti quam òffa pubis ampleduntur, circumjacens.
0 Ex peritoneo" eftcla cellulofa refedis, margo, eo loco ubi de
vefica urinaria ad faciem interham mufculorum abdominis tegen-
• dam, fupra offa pubis, afcendunt.
P P Ligànienta rotunda, abdominis intra ca\-um.
(¿0^ Ligtiirienta rotunda, éò in locò ubi' ex abdòmine reccdentia
fcfe in raontis ^-cncris lateribus fenüm recondunt.
Ji li Muiculi femoris, offibus pubis c.Korti, refciiC.
A Fore-view ofthe womb^ and ofthe contents ofthe pelvis; the offa puul
his ^with the miifcles and integuments which c r t/iem,b Z removed.
\oJ the abdominal mujcles and peritoneum
A A The thighs cut through.
B B The lower aiigles., or Jio
turned afide.
C The womb. All over its Jurfacethe injeded vcjfels arc Jecn projeHing
through its JubJiance.
DD The OS pubis of each fide cut through^ above the foramen magnum
E E The fmallbranch of the ifchium lohich joins the os pubis, cut through.
F The perinieum.
G G The labia pudendi. The upper part of thofe, the nymphx and
the extremity of the clitoris are cut o f f .
H A large caruncula myrtiformis.
I; The vagina' At the lower part ofthispaffage., the deeper black pari of
the furface, in thisfigure, reprefcnts the cavity of the vagina leading backwards
as well as upwards: andiohere this letter (I ]flands., is feen the upper
or anterior part of the vagina' ivhich is united to the bladder and
urethra, and which is preffcd downwards by the vifcera that lie over
it. • At the upper point of this dark oval orifice., the tuberous extremity of
the urethra is feen, zoith the orifice of the meatus urinarius. •
K: The body of the clitoris cut through; in the middle of which two
fmall arteries are feen almofl contiguous, vit. one in each corpus cavernofum.
LL The crura and c:rt&.o\-cs clitoridis. Thefe lie more horizontally than
in the naturalfiate, the offa piibis, <!yc. xuhichfufpend them, being removed:
and they are flretched or lengthened, from the bones of the pelvis
being drawn- a little afunder that the contents might be betterfeen.
M The upper part of the bladder, lohich was comprefp;d between the
womb containing the child's head, which lay behind it, and the touted
offa pubis which had embraced it forwards.
N N The refieSled peritoneum and cellular membrane, which lines the
fides!of the "^clx'is, furrouhding that'part of the womb which was embraced
by the offa pubis.
O The cut edge of the peritoneum and cellular membrane, where thefe
afccnd from the bladder to line the abdominal mujcles above the offa
PP The round ligaments within the cavity of the abdomen.
The round ligaments after they have pafjed out. of the abdomen,
where they are inferifibly loji. in the fides '6fthe mohs veneris.
R R The mufcles of the thigh, which fpringfrom the'o^^ pubis, cut
. TA H IV. '///,•/•//,./,c'û7i/&nùiy ¿PeÁHá a
/'Ut/I/'»,'' //frra/n/
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