î l
T A B U L A X.
F I G. I.
UT E R I pars anterior et extima, pröut fe videndam prabuit,
omiiino ficcata, exhibens faciem vafoniiii uterinomm, qua-
Icni illa prx fe fcrunt, eo loci ubi placenta utero adhxret.
Vena: cera Ilava implcta;, ab arteriis, magnitudine, colore
liicidiori, anaftomolibus pluribui', facile dignofcuntur. Arteria;
cnim, minores, pauciores, Hexuofa;, coloris niagis luridi hic loci
fuiu. Arteria; omnes convoluta; ; pauciores autem videbantur,
quia multi eariim ramuli, cera flava, venis prius-injeda, impleti
fucriiit. 'Hujus exenipluin unum eil ad literam'y). • '
Venas proliindius litas, peruterum ficcatuiii cernere non licuit;
indiftinfta; igitur, nulloque ordine, ita uti xifíc funt, delineantur.
F I G. II.
Facits interna placenta:, cujus vaia per funiculum umbilicalem
cera funt repleta. • • _ . "
A Cannula ¡enea in arteriarum alteram unibilicalium inferta, per
quam utraque arteria cera viridi implcbatur.
B In vena cannula, per quam cera ca:mlea illi injerta íüit.
C C Amnion, in parte quadam placenta, laxuni reliéium. -
• Z) D Placenta;, qua amnion fublatuin ed, fuperficies intima cliorio
produilo cooperta. Hoc ih loco rami primi vaforum umbilicalium
confpiciuiuur. Arteria; colore lucidiori facile poffunt dignofci.
Hic arteria: quidcm lucidiores, ut in figura, apparebant ; tunicis
fcilicct earum -pellucidis colorem cera: injeñae viridem lucidiorein
tranfmittentibns : In luniculo autem umbilicali aliter fe res
habet ; quippe véna, in medio pofita, undique glutinofa funiculi
fubllantia luit inteda; unde cera ca;rulea ad livorem propius accedens
vifa efi.
£ Decidua; pars in margine placenta; reliéia, inque, faciem ejus
internam reficxa ; nempe ut fuperficies ejus exterior, utero qutc
adlia:ferat, \'afis parvulis (cera fla\'a per A'enas uteri impletis)
referta, poifit exhiberi.
Placenta cera flava ubique turgida, qua: fubflantiam ejus cellulofam
adeo implevit, ut in facie interna ubique per chorion
tranfluceret. Cera ubique quafi in grana abiit, quod inde cava
naturaUa impleverat, indicium certum exhibens : fi cnim placentam,
vafis efTufa impleviflet, in mafias majores, irregulares
formatam, fe. ad confpeaum dedilTet. Cera in hanc fpongiofam,
fiA-e cellulofam partem, injefta, placenta; craffitudo naturali duplo
major evaferat.
Mulicris,die fecundo pofl partum extiurta:, uteri fuperficiei interna;
Decern Iiis tabulis jam delineatis, eas ftatim in lucein edere
propofui ; et fimul liancce tertiam figtiram, quafi fupplementum,
addere, utpote folum quod tunc temporis potui. Difcrimen exliibet
inter fuperficiem uteri (/),£, C] cui membrana; adha:ferant,
et fuperficiem {D,E,F) cui placenta fe immiferat; illam quidem
tevem et unius forma:; hanc autem orificiis magnis venarum refertam.
Ubi primum ha:c orificia fub examen venerant, omnia
grumis "coagulati fanguinis refcrta comperi, in cavum uteri nonnihilextantibus.
Utero vero aliquamdiu in aqua macerato, coagula
ha:cmagisalbidaevaferunt; nonnulla exciderunt; et aliqua ctiam
extraña"funt, ut venarum orificia clarius monftrari poElent. Ita
fe res habuit, cum figura ha;c delineabatur.
p l a t e X.
F I G . I.
A View of tie ouljide of the forepart of the womb, as it appear-
J i ed when quite cby; exhibiting a fpecimen of the uterine vejels, at
the part where the -plzccnt^i adhered. ..
The veins were filled with yellow wax, and are readily difimguijhed
by the largenefs, light'colour, and frequent anallomofes,/rem ifc
teries, which are here fmaller, kfs numerous, ferpentine. and oj a darker
• colour. The arteries were all convoluted; but they did not appear to be
fo numerous, becaufe many of the branches were filed with the yellow
•wax, which had been thrown into the veins. This isfeen, tn one inflance,
at the letter A. ' ', , j • ,
The deeperfeated veins could not be difinllly feen through the dried
. fubflance <^Jhe womb, and are therefore reprefenled with the Jame obfcurily
and 'confufion which appeared in the objeSl itjelf.
F I G. II.
The infide^ of the placenta,' íw/hc/í was injeâed by the umbilical nef
[els after it ivas taken out of the womb.
• A Abrafs-pipe tied into one of the umbilical arteries, by which the two
arteries xuire filed with green wax.
• B A pipe in the vein, by which it was filed with blue wax.
C C The amnion left loofe upon one part of the placenta.
D D The internal fuiface of the placenta, xuhere the amnion was "moved
covered by a continuation of the chorion: upon this are feen the fir t
branches of the umbilical veffels. ' The arteries are fiifjiciently diftinginjliable
by their lighter colour.
They appeared fo from being filled with a lighter coloured green wax,
and from the tranfparency of their coats: biifon the navel-flring it was
the contrary; becaufe the vein, being the mofi central, was covered with
a greater thicknefs of the gelatinous fubflanceof the firing, and therefore
did not allow the darker-coloured Mue wax to befo xoeRfeen.
E Part of the decidua left at'the edge, and turned over the infide of the
placenta, > as to fimo ils outer fuiface (whieh had adhered to the immbj
full offmali vejfels, iufeaed xvith yellow wax from the uterine veins.
The body of the placenta was uniformly filkd xmth theyellow wax.
Thü had fo compleatly filled all the cellular fubflance of the placenta
that upon the infide it appeared every where through the chorion. And
the wax xuas every where mamfefily granulated; fo thai Ü had plainly
filled natural cavities : for if it had filled the fubfiance of the placenta by
common extravafation, it would have formed itfelf into irregular and large
maffes. From this injeñion of the Jpungy or cellular part, the placenta
had acquired at leafi double its natural thicknefs.
Aportion of the internal furface of the womb, from 1 who died
two days after delivery. , ,rn.j
When thefe ten plates were finifhed, I intended to have publijhed
them immediately; and this third figure was added, as the only fupplement
which I could give at thai lime. Itfiews the difference between
the furface of the immb (A, B, C,) where the membranes had adhered, and
that furface (D, E, F,) to which the placenta had been fixed. Thefirfi
was much morefmooth and uniform; the latter was full of large venous orifices.
At the firfi examination, all thefe orifices were found filled up with
plugs of coagulated blood, which profeSledfome way into the cavity of the
womb. The pari beingfieepedfome time in water, they became whiter
and many of them fell out, or xuere pulled out, to fliew the orifices of
the veins more clearly. In this fate the drawitig was rhade.
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