brown, shaded externally with ashy-olive ; lores dusky blackish ; sides of face and ear-coverts like the
head, the latter with whitish shaft-lines ; cheeks and throat dull white, with narrow blackish streaks ;
lower throat, breast, and sides of body ashy-brown, with a faint tinge of orange-buff on the sides of
the breast ; abdomen and under tail-coverts white, some of the basal coverts with brown margins ;
thighs white ; under wing-coverts and axillaries light orange-rufous ; quills dusky-brown below, the
quill-lining pale orange-buff. Total length 8'8 inches, culm en 0-9, wing 4*7, tail 3*6, tarsus 1T5.
The description is taken from the type of T. chiguancoides in the British Museum, and I
suppose that Seebohm figured the same specimen in the Plate, though there is no indication of the
fact on the label. pR- B. S.]
Turdus nigrilmrum, Reichen. Ber. Allgem. deutsch. om. Ges. 1892, p. 4 ; id. J. f. O. 1892,
p. 194.
T. rostro et pedibus flavis : corporis lateribus et tibiis bnumeacentibus, concoloribus, minime rufescente
T his is th e rep re sen ta tiv e o f T. cryptopyrrhus in th e Cameroons, an d has th e th ig h s d u ll ashy-brown
lik e th e sides o f th e body. T h e re is n o t th e s lig h te s t tin g e o f orange colour on th e flanks, a n d th e
u n d e r wing-coverts an d axillaries are d u ll orange-rufous, n o t p ale orange-buff as in T. cryptopyrrhus.
The species appears tb be confinedr to the mountains of the Cameroons district. It was
discovered at a height of 2700 feet by Dr. Preuss in 1891.
Adult female. General colour above dull slaty-brown, the head a little browner than the back ;
wing-coverts like the back ; bastard-wing, primary-coverts, and quills dark sepia-brown, externally
like the back ; tail-feathers dark sepia-brown ; lores and sides of face dusky brown, the ear-coverts
with whitish shaft-lines ; cheeks and throat dull white, streaked with rows of blackish spots not very
pronounced ; fore-neck, breast, and sides of body dull ashy-brown ; the abdomen white, with the
adjoining feathers of the lower breast ashy with whitish margins ; thighs dark ashy-brown ; under
tail-coverts white, with broad margins of ashy-brown ; under wing-coverts and axillaries orange-
rufous ; quills dusky brown below, pale orange-rufous along the inner web. Total length 8'5 inches,
culmen 0‘9, wing 4'4, tail 3-0, tarsus T3.
The description is taken from a specimen in the Seebohm Collection, received in exchange from
the Berlin Museum. [R B S ]
vol. I.