“ dusky flesh-colour"(Hildebrandt), “ orange ” (Fischer; Jackson), “ orange-yellow ” (Emin) ; iris
“ umber-brown È (Emin), “ greyish-brown” (Fischer), f*grey ” (Hildebrandt) ; bare space round the
eye “ orange” (Fischer), “ yellow” (Emin), “ dull yellow” (Jackson). Total length 7*5 inches,
culmen 0*9, wing 4/2, tail 3*0, tarsus 1*2.
Adult female. Similar to the male, but a little paler orange underneath, and with a slight
wash of orange-buff overspreading the grey chest-band. Total length 8*0 inches, culmen 0*9,
wing 4/2, tail 3*2, tarsus 1*15.
Dr. Fischer found the species in full moult on the 17th of July.
The specimen figured is in the Shelley Collection, and the descriptions are taken from a pair
in the British Museum. [R, B. S.l