triangular black spots; remainder of under surface of body delicate creamy ochreous-buff, a little
deeper in colour on the sides of the body, under wing-coverts, and axillaries; lower abdomen and
under tail-coverts white, the latter with slaty-grey bases, the longest ones slaty-grey with white tip ;
sides of lower flanks light slaty-grey; thighs white with grey bases • quills and tail ashy-brown below.
Total length 9 inches, culmen TO, wing 5-3, tail 3'8, tarsus 1*15.
Adult female. Only differs from the male in being paler underneath. Total length 9 inches,
culmen 0'95, wing 4*9, tail 3’6, tarsus 1*2.
The descriptions are taken from a pair of birds in the Salvin-Godman Collection, received
from Mr. C. K. Worthen, of Warsaw, Illinois. They were collected in the Sierra Laguna, in
Lower California, in June and July 1896, by Messrs. R. Miller and J. E. Abbott.
The Plate I presume to have been drawn from the type specimen in the U.S. National Museum,
as there were no specimens of T. conjinis in England until recently. Seebohm has, however, left
no memorandum as to the origin of his Plate. [R. B. S.] '