William Pailon Efq.
The Rev. Mr. Edward Pattefon A. B. of
Trinity College Oxford.
Mr. Hugh Pearfon.
Girton Peake El'q. Birmingham
Mr. Chriflopher Pemberton A. M. Fellow
o f Catherine Hall, Cambridge.
Mr. Thomas Pemberton,Jun. Birmingham.
Thomas Penn Efq.
Thomas Pennant Efq. of Downing in Flint-
Mr. John Pennant Felloiu Commoner of
Trinity College, Cambridge.
Mr. Richard Pennant Fellow of Ditto.
Richard Peifhoufe Efq. Walfall.
J. L. Petit Queen's College Cambridge.
The Public Library; Philadelphia.
The Rev. Mr. Piercy A. M, of Bromfgrove.
Dr. Pinfold, o f Doctors Commons.
George Pitt Efq.
The Rev. Mr. Pixell of Edgbafloh.
The Rev. Plumptree D . D. Archdeacon
German Pole Efq.
Mr. Pote Bookfeller, at Eton College: two
John Polehill Efq. of Queen s College Cam.
Mr. Polehill o f Queen s College Cambridge.
Mr. Popham Fellow of All-Souls, Oxon.
Bielby Porteus Efq. A. M. Fellow of
Chrifl's College Cambridge.
Thomas Powis Efq. Berwick, Shropfhire.
The Rev. Mr. Pratchet, Hodnet in Shropfh.
Richard Parry Price Efq. o f Briny-Piece,
in Flintfhire.
Robert Price Efq. of Foxly, Herefordshire.
The Rev. Mr. Pritchet, Knightwick.
The Rev. Mr. Probat Salop.
Mr. Robert Raikes Jun. Gloucfler.
Mr. JofephRann, A. B. o f Trinity College
Rich. Rawlinfon L. L .D . andF. R. S. and
of the Society o f Antiquarians, London.
Samuel Ray M. D . Birmingham.
Mr. William Reeve Emanuel College,
Daniel Rich Efq.
Mr. Thomas Richards.
Jonathan Richardfon Efq.
The Rev. Mr. Rider, Fellow o f Emanuel
College Cambridge.
Mr. William Rider A. B. late Scholar of
Jefus College, Oxon.
Mr. John Riland Commoner of Queen s College,
The Rev. Mr. Nehemiah Ring A. B. of
Merton College, Oxford.
Roberts M. D . of Rofs.
George Robinfon Efq. Fellow o f Trinity
College, Cambridge.
John Robinfon D . D . Warden of Mer-
. ton College, Oxon.
The Rev. Mr. William Robinfon.
Mr. T. Robinfon o f Chriß's College, Camb.
Mr. Jacob Robinfon Bookfeller, London.
John Roebuck, M. D . Birmingham.
J. Rofs D .D . St. John s College Camb.
The Rev. Mr. John Rotheram A. M. of
Codrington College, Barbados.
Mr. Rudd, Trinity College Cambridge.
Alexander Ruifel M. D. F. R. S.
Mr. John RuiTel.
Jofeph Rutherford M. D. and P. Edinb.
The Rev. Mr. John Ryland Mqfler o f a
Boarding School, Warwick.
Mr. John Sadler, Liverpool, fix Books.
Sir Thomas Salufbury Knt. Judge o f the
Admiralty, Do6lors Commons.
The Rev. Mr. Edwin Sandys Prebendary
o f Worceßer.
The honourable Mr. Sandys.
Mr. Thomas Saunderfon A. M.
Sir George Saville.
Gervas Scroope Efq. Lincoln.
The Rev. Mr. Scddon o f Warrington.
Robert Shafts Efq. o f Benwell in Northumberland.
Jacob Shard Efq. Felloiu Commoner of Queen s
College Cambridge.
Mr. William Sharpe junior.
William Sheldon Efq. ofWeßön.
Mr. Edward SheirclifF Merchant Briflol.
William Sheniton Efq.
George Shelvocke Efq.
Captain George Sheyne.
Dr. Shuckburgh, Warwick.
James Shuttleworth Efqi Aflon Street.
Mr. James Simmons.
Mr. Thomas Skipwith Fellmu Commoner of
Trinity College Cambridge.
Mr. Sleech AJfiflant to Eton School.
The Rev. Mr. Smallbrook Archdeacon of
The Rev. Mr. Sam. Smallbrook A. M.
Canon o f Litchfield.
Sir Edward Smith Bart. ■ of Alton Burnell
Walter Smith Efq. Tongue Cajlle.
The Rev. Mr. Smith Relior of Stanmore,
Middlefex. ■
The Rev. Thomas Smith D. D . Mafter of
Trinity College Camb. and F. R. S.
Ralph Sneid Efq. AJlon, Stajfordjhire.
Stephen Soame Efq.
Right honourable the Earl of Stamford.
Philip Stanhope Efq.
Charles Stanhope Efq.
Thomas Stanley Efq. o f AJhenhurJl.
William Stanley Efq.
Mr. John Thomas Stanley Fellow Commoner
of Trinity College, Cambridge.
Mr. Edward Stanley..
Mr. Thomas Stephens London.
Gilbert Steuart M. D. Wolverhampton.
The Rev. Mr. W- Rich. Stock, St. Leonards
Stanley, Gloueeilerfhire.
John Stone Efq. in the Ijland of Barbados.
Mr. Richard Stonehoiife A. M. o f St. Peter
s College Cambridge.
John Strange Efq.
Francis Stratford Efq. Merevale, Wanuickjh.
Right honourable the Earl of Strathmore
of Pembroke Hall, Cambridge.
Mr. William Sturrock.
Mr. Francis Stuart Wolverhampton.
Mr. Charles Stuart Birmingham.
The Earl of Suffolk and Berkshire.
Mr. Sumner AJfiflant to Eton School.
Mr. John Symonds A. M. of St. Peter s College
Cambridge, Barrifler at Law.
t ;
The Honourable and Rev. Mr. George
Right Honourable Marquis of Taviflock.
---------Taylor M. D. Phyjician to his Majefty.
John Taylor L. L. D. Archdeacon of Buckinghamshire.
The Rev. Mr. John Taylor Norwich.
The Rev. Mr. John Taylor of Colton in
Mr. Ifaac Taylor Surveyor.
Mr. Niels Thaarup Merchant in Copenhagen.
A. Thiille waite Efq.
The Rev. H. Thomas D. D. Vice Chancellor
and Mafler of Chrifl's College Cambridge.
Mr. Price Thomas Merchant, Birmingham.
Mr. William Henry Toms Engraver.
Mr. Leonard Thomfon Fellow Commoner
of Trinity College Cambridge.
Mr. Jofeph Thorpe A. M. of Catherine Hall
The Rev. Mr. Tottie Archdeacon of Wor-
Mr. Robert Tracy.
The Rev. Mr. Robert Tracy A. M. of All-
Souls College Oxon.
Mr. Sam. Trimer Bookfeller, Derby.
Trinity College Library.
Trinity Hall Library.
John Turton M. D. Birmingham.
Edward Tumour Efq. o f Shillingley Park,
Mr. Roger Twifden, Trinity College Cambridge.
v. u.
Wilmot Vaughan Efq.
Edward Vernon M. D. Birmingham.
The Rev. Mr. Vyfe, Re ¿lor of St. Philip's,
Urmftone College.