Mr. Pheafant Heartley.
Jof. Harvey M. D. of Stourbridge.
The Rev. Mr. Hawkes Birmingham.
Mr. Hawksford, Caflle-bromwich.
Henry Heathcote Efq. Gentleman Commoner
o f Exeter College, Oxon.
The Right honourable Sir Francis Head.
---------- Heberdeen M. D .
Mifs Harriet Hedge.
Mr. Henry Henn Merchant, Birmingham.
Pafton Herne Efq. of JVorfolk.
The Honourable and Rev. Mr. Hervey.
The Rev. Mr James Hervey ReBor ofWef-
ton Favel in Northamptonfhire.
Mr. James Hickes, Caius College Caiiib.
Samuel Hill Efq. o f Shenfton Park.
John Hodgets Efq. Shuttend.
Mr. Holland of St. Peter's College, Camb.
Sir Lifter Holte Bart.
Mr. John Holyoake, Warwick.
Mr. John Home.
The Rev. Mr. Francis Hooper; Seniot
Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge.
Mr. William Hooper.
Mr. Abraham Hoikins of Burton.
Thomas Hotchkin Efq. o f Alexton in Lei-
Mr. Hotham of Trinity College Cambridge.
Dr. Howard, All-Souls College Cambridge.
Mr How Jun. of Afpleyt Bedford/hire.
The Rev. Mr. Howel, Weft Bromwich.
Mr Jofeph Howel, Fetter I^ane.
Mr. Henry Hubhard B. D.. of Emanuel College
Mr. John Hughs Printer.
James Huftler Efq.
Mr. John Hylton.
Richard Jackfon A. M. o f Hurley Halt,
Robert Jenkins Efq. Salop.
Richard Jenkins Efq. Salop.
The Rev. David Jennings D . D.
Jefus College Library.
Richard Ince Efq.
The Rev. Mr. Inge, JVether Seal Uictjkrjh.
Jam. Johnfon A. M.
Richard Jones M .D . Coventry.
The Rev. Mr. Jones o f Eve/ham.
Thomas Jones Efq. Salop.
Mr Edward Jorden, Leadenhall Street.
Mr. Richard Jorden near Wolverhampton.
Richard Kent Efq. JVorthamptonfhire.
Mr. Thomas King A. B. Merton College
Mr. Erafmus King.
The Rev. Mr. Knight.
L .
The Rev.-Mr. Obadiah Lane.
Robert Lawley Efq.
Theophilus Lane Efq.
Carteret Leathes Efq.
Right Honourable the Earl of Leicefter.
Barnabas Eveleigh Leigh Efq.
Col. Francis Leighton.
Mr. William Leitch Merchant, Chepftow.
Stephen Lelpand M. D. London.
Smart Lethieullier Efq. o f Alderjbrook in
Effex, F. R. S.
Mr. John Lewis Fellow of Queen's College,
Mr. William Lewis Merchant in London.
three Books.
Right honourable the Earl of Litchfield.
The Rev Mr. John Lloyd Salop.
Rofingdale Lloyd Efq. of Aflon, Shropfhire.
Mr. John Lloyd o f C. C. C. Oxon.
Mr. Sampfon Lloyd Senior Biimingham.
Mr. Sampfon Lloyd Junior Birmingham.
three Books.
J. Lockhart Efq. f Emanuel College Camb.
The Rev. Roger Long D. D . Mafler of
Pembroke Hall, Cambridge, F. R. S.
The Rev. Mr. Daniel Longmire A. M. Fellow
o f St. Peter s College, Cambridge.
Humphry Low Efq. Bromfgrove.
Mr. William Lowndes Fellow Commoner o f
Trinity College, Cambridge.
Robert Lowry Efq. Dublin.
The Rev. Mr. Lucas Vicar of Kenilworth.
George Lucy Efq. of Chalcut.
John Ludford Efq. of Anfley.
The Rev. William Ludlum A. M. Fellow
of St. Johns College, Cambridge.
William Lutwyche Efq. of Lutwyche in
Reginald Lyggon Efq.
William Lynch Efq.
The Honourable Mr. Lyon, of Pembroke
Hall, Cambridge.
Right honourable Lord Lyttleton, Baron
of Frankley.
M .
The Right honourable Lord Malpas.
The Rev. Mr. Mander, Fellow of Oriel College
Thomas Maningham M. D.
Henry Maifter Efq. of Hull.
His Grace the Duke of Marlborough.
John Martin Jun. Efq. o f Overbury.
Roger Martyn L. L. B. of Trinity College,
The Rev. C. Mafon D. D . Trinity College
Mr. Jofeph Maflie, London.
The Rev. Mr. Robert Mailers B. D . Fellow
o f C. C. C. C. and F. R. S.
Mr. Ifaac Mazyck, of Charles-Town in South
The Right honourable Earl of Macclef-
field; Prefident of the Royal Society.
The Rev. Mr. Meredith, Fellow of Trinity
College, Cambridge.
Mr. Merril Bookfeller, Cambridge.
George Montgomery Matham Efq.
Thomas Milner M. D. Phyjician o f St.
Thomas's Hofpital.
Mr. Thomas Mift of Long-Acre London.
John Mitchel A. M. Fellow of Queen s College
John Monro M. D.
The Rev. Mr. Monro Fellow of Corpus
Chrifli College, Oxon.
Henron Monfon, L. L. D.
Charles Monfon Efq.
Lord Montfort.
Mr. Morgan A. Mr Fellow o f Trinity College,
Sjr Charles Mordaunt Bart;
John Mordaunt Efq.
The Rev. Mr. Morrice ofWobourn, in Bed-
Walter Munday Efq. Ofmajlon.
James Mylton Efq.
N .
Pendock Neale Efq.
Mr. Roger Needham, of Dublin.
Henry Newcome L. L. D.
John Newcome D. D. Mafler of St..
John s College, Cambridge.
Benjamin Newton A. M. Fellow o f Jefus
College Cambridge.
The Rev. Mr Newton.
Mr. Norbury, AJJiflant to Eton.
Right Rev. the Bifhop of Norwich.
o .
Sir John Oglander Bart.
Sir John Ogleden Bart.
The Rev. William Oldham, A. M. Fellow
o f St. Peter s College, Cambridge.
Mr. Ofborne Bookfeller, Grays-Inn.
The Rev. Henry Owen D. D.
Robert Godolphin Owen Efq.
Sir John Packington Bart. Wejlwood
Capel Paine Efq. Inner Temple.
His moft ferene Highnefs the EIe<ftor
W. Palgrave Pembroke Hall, Cambridge.
Mr. Hugh Palmer Scholar of Trinity College,
The Rev. Francis Sawyer Paris D . D.
Mafler o f Sidney, and Principal Librarian
to the Univerfity of Cambridge.
The Rev. Mr. Harry Parker B. D.r Fellow
o f Trinity College, Oxon.
Mr! Francis Parrott Surgeon, Birmingham.
two Books.
Mr. Richard Parrott o f Hawkfbury.
Mr. Richard Perry B. D . Student o f Chrifl
Church, Oxon.
b William