Gigantic Afphodel-hily.
HE XA N Dill A MO NOG YMA. Six Chives. One Pointai.
E S S E N T I A L G E N E R I C C H A R A C T E R.
Li,* fupr.i, iiifiitulibiilifiiniiU, fist parti ta,
•qqaUil filamenta tnU b o d infcrta; fetlilia
ad bahn corollarum, vivinara.
Blossom abov c, tunucl - Hinpcd, fix-parted, equal;
threads infer ted into the mouth of the tube;
feeds at the lull.' "1' tin* bloll'oms, viviparous.
See Ciiini-m si-irale, Pl.XCII. Vol.11.
11 foliis flaciidis, undulatis; (Wilms fclli- u Afplwdcl-I.ily with flaccid, waved leaves; flowlihus,
s lilting dull* to the flower llem ii
bels ; petals concave, nearly white.
R E F E R E N C E T O T H E P L A T E .
1. A miniature reprel'cntation of the whole plant.
•I. A Pcial with its chive.
3. The. Seed-bud, Shaft, and Summit.
during on our fettlenient at Sierra Leone, has furnilhed us with a number of
DM more lb, than tbofe of the natural order of Lily) witnefs our preterit
it from a plant in the I lanimcrfmitli collection, in the muntli of Augutt 1H0O.
Imlbs i
fjiencs of Crimtm, were received by her Ladylhip, the Bight Honourable the
turn, about the year 1/<)'.!. from Sierra l.eone; they may be confidered as hardy
ly be kept in any pail of ¡1: will flower, freely, about the month of Auguft,
I'omclinies, to the height of three feet. A mixture, of leaf miiuhl, or I'judy
one half, and li : loan the oilier, is th e bell comport to make them flourifh. It is propagated
the feed, or oil-sets. H.iiing made • final] alteration
is it is likely we may figure Ibine other ipeciei of Crinu
' words, to that point. The molt ollenlible dillereuee,
• 40 fpecies of t'rmiuiis .mil Amaivllk's. and on which
on; can, uniinellioiialily, be taken only, from the feed*
iambus, and all of this Genus, are viviparous or formed like flelhy bulbs, producing plants, like
s taken from the original bulbs. From Pancratium it i. diltinft, in being deltitute ot the Houeyand
Ionic pi and i
eipially fo from H.-vmnmhus, which has its Ihealh of many leaves, the dowers and chives
lilt, and the chives, twice the length of the blollbmv
in the Eliential Ch a racier of the Genus;
is fliorily; we tbiuk it neccilary to add
e have been able to trace, in comparing
n red, with certainty, for gcnerical difas
thefe in moll fpecies of Pancratium,