obtusis glanduloso-seiTatis, »mentis cocetaneis subtriandris, sqnamis lanceolatis atris lanatis,
germinibns longe pedicellatis lanceolatis giabris, stylo brevissimo, stigmatibus bipartitis.
Ph. Am. 2. p. «15. Muhl. in Ann. of But. 2. t. 5 ./. 4. Solid. Wob. p. 277.—S. cordata.
Mx. Am. 2. p. 225.—(3. incana. Barratt, mst—y. longifolia. Barratt, mst.
H as. Between Fort Franklin and Cumberland House. Dr Richardson.'—This again comes very near the
& cordata; but Dr Barratt refers the specimens without hesitation to S. rigida, W. and Ph,
23. S. prinoides {Ph.); £ foliis ovali-oblongis acutis remote undulato-serratis giabris
subtus glaucis, stipulis semicordatis inciso-dentatis, amends prfficoeibus (?) villosis,
germinibus pedicellatis ovatis acuminatis sericeis, stylo longo, stigmatibus bifidis. P h .
Am. 2. p. 613. Solid. Wob. p. 79. t. 40.
H a b . Silery, near .Quebec. Mrs Sheppard. New Brunswick. Mr Kendal.— These specimens, which are
barren, exactly correspond with what is named S. prinoides, from the United States i als°
equally the same with what is named,in my Herbarium, S. cordata, by Mr Borrer, from Mr Anderson s
§ 7. Abbuscuus. Fructiccsparvte rcgiones arcticas V. alpinas habitants. Amenta ctetanea. Barratt, mst.
24. S. planifolia (Ph.); “ erectiuscula divaricata, ramolis laevigatis, foliis oblongo-
lanceolatis utrinque acutis medio serrulatis glaberrimis patentibus plants discoloribus,
stipulis nullis.” Ph. Am. 2. p. 611.—ft foliis unicoloribus.
H a b . Labrador. Ph. Miss Bratton. Mackenzie Riverand Bear Lake. D r Richardson. Swamps at
Lae la Pierre. Dnmmond— lS this be the tree S. planifolia, as Dr Barratt suspects, it is a low growing
shrub, with ohovato-lanceolate, entire leaves, very glaucous beneath, especially the younger ones, downy,
as well ns the young branches. The ovary is ovato-aeulhmate, sessile, and very shortly stipitnte. Style
short; Jobes of the stigma bifid. Pursh was unacquainted with the fiowers, and there must still he great
doubt about the species.-/!, though not marked as a var. by Dr Barratt, has the leaves of the same colour on
both sides, and decidedly serrated.
25. S. acutifoRa (Willd. Sp. PI. 4. p . 669); foliis lanceolatis utrinqpe acutis subcorisceis
glaberrimis subtus glaucis serratis, amends cocetaneis erectis cylindricis densiflons, squamis
oblongis pilosis, ovariis sessilibus ovato-acuminatis sericeis, stylo brevi, stigmatis lobis
H ab . Saskatchawan to Fort Franklin on the Mackenzie River. Drummond. Dr Richardson.— Vh Borrer
considers this to be the same as true 5. acutifolia of WiUdenow, from the Caspian Sea. Bark sometimes
pale, sometimes deep brown, not “ prainose ” in the dried specimens.
26. S. pedicettaris (Ph.); “ ramis laevigatis, foliis obovato-lanceolatis acutis integerri-
mis utrinque giabris ooncoloribus, stipulis nullis, amends cocetaneis peduuculaUs gla-
berrimis, squamis oblongis pedicello duple brevioribus vix pilosis, -germinibus ovato-
oblongis longissime pedicellatis giabris, stigmatibus sessilibus bifidis.” Ph. Am. 2. p. 611.
H ab Saskatchawan to Fort Franklin on the Mackenzie River. Dr Richardson. Dmmmond— Tbis
plant is referred by Mr Borrer to S. pedicettaris of Pursh, with whose description it seems to agree, except
that the leaves are more obtuse.
27. S. depressa. Hoffm.
H ab . Labrador. Dr Morrison. Fort Vancouver on the Columbia. Dr Scouler.—Specimens from these
localities are sq named by Dr Barratt; but they are, it must be confessed, in a very imperfect state, of which
a description would probably tend to mislead. •
28. S. fusca. L .—Sm. Engl. Bot. t. 1960. Salict. Wob. p. 165. t. 83.—S. repens. E.
Bot. 133. Salict. Wob. p. 167. t. 84. Ph. Am. 2. p. 610.
H a b . Fort Franklin on the Mackenzie River. Dr jRic/i<m£so».-’—Specimens with male catkins only.
29. S. Myrsinites (L .); humilis, foliis ellipticis undulatis serratis nitidis giabris v.
hirsutiusculis venis prominentibus, amends brevibus laxis, ovariis sessilibus lanceolatis
laxe sericeis stylo duplo longioribus, stigmatibus bifidis. Sm. E. Bot. t. 1360. Solid. Wob.
p. 119. t. 60. Rich. App. p. 37. Ph. Am. 2. p. 617.
H a b . Swamps and woods among the Rocky Mountains; and in the barren country north of 1st. 64°, to
Fort Franklin- Dr Richardson.
30. S. desertorum (Rich); foliis ellipticis obovato-lanceolatisve deciduo-villosis venosis
subtus glaucis, amends oblongis erectis densifloris, floribus erectis, squamis ovalibus
fuscis longe lanato-villosis ovarii ovati dense lanati fere longitudine, stylo brevi, stigmatis
lobis bifidis. Rich. App. p. 37.
H ab. From the Saskatchawan (Drummond) to Fort Franklin. D r Richardson.— K very elegant species,
with copious catkins. Yet there are some varieties, as it appears, which have a very different aspect, with
much larger, more woolly leaves, and longer and looser catkins.
31. S. Stuartiana (Sm .); ramis strictis brevibus, foliis lanceolatis utrinque acutis inte^
gerrimis subtus prsecipue sericeo-villosis demum adultis nudiusculis, amends cocetaneis
subelongatis pedunculatis, squamis brevibus fuscis sericeo-villosis, ovariis lanceolatis
subsessilibus sericeo-lanatis, stylo brevi, stigmatis lobis fissis. E. Bot. t. 2586. Salict. Wob.
p. 143. t. 72.—S. arenaria. Hook, et Am. in Bot. of Beech, p. 125.—/?- amends laxiori-
bus, floribus foemineis magis remotis.
H a b . Kotzebue’s Sound. Beechey.—p. Mackenzie River. Dr Richardson.—II the S. Stuartiana be
really distinct from S. arenaria, this must be referred to the former species, from which it seems to differ
only in the more lax nature of the catkins.
32. S. Lapponum? L .—Hook, et Am. in Bot. of Beech, p. 129.
H a b . Kotzebue's Sound. Beechey.—Specimens very imperfect.
§ 8. PaosTRATiE. Frutices humiles, regiones arcticas vel alpinas habitantes, subrepentes vel prostrates.
Amenta cocetanea pedunculata. Barratt, mst.
33. S. reticulata (L .); foliis sublonge petiolatis orbiculari-ellipticis obovatisve serratis
adultis giabris reticulatis supra rugosis subtus glaucis, amends pedunculatis cylindraceis
multifloris, squamis lads retusis purpureo-fuscis giabris aveniis ovario sericeo-tomentoso
Sessili duplo brevioribus, stigmatis lobis sessilibus bifidis. E , Bot. t. 1908. Ph. Am. 2. p.
610. Salict. Wob. p. 133. t. 67. Cham, in Linncea. 6. p, 542.