zies. Tolmie. Labrador. (PA.).—-Extremely variable in size, in the width and incision of the leaves and
bracteas, and in the colour of the latter: so that I fear the following is scarcely a distinct species. Probably
Pursh’s Bartsia acuminata is only a narrow-leaved state of the present. *
6. C. miniata (Dougl. mst.); glabra v. apice pilosa, foliis caulinis integris calycibus
utrinque prassertim infra fissis, segnientis apice bifidis laciniis lanceolatis oblongisve
corollae tubum vix £equantibus. Benth.
H a b . Blue Mountains, N.W. America. Dougl. Tolmie.—“ The flower, though generally altogether
shorter than in C. pallida, has yet usually the whole upper lip exserted from the calyx.”
1. E. officinalis. L .—E. Bot. t. 1416. Ph. Am. 2. p. 430.—(3. var. rotundifolia, laxi-
flora.—E. latifolia. Ph. 1. c. (non L.)
H ab. Canada and Newfoundland, to lat. 64° N. {Dr Richardson.) A Prairies of the Rocky Mountains.
1. B. alpina. L .—E. Bot. t. 361. Ph. Am. 2. p. 430.
H ab. Labrador. Kohlmeister. Dr Morison.
1. B . Crista Galli. L .—E. Bot. t. 637. Ph. Am. 2. p. 429.
H a b . Newfoundland, and throughout Canada, to the shores of the Slave Lake, and to Fort Franklin.
(D r Richardson.) Prairies of the Rocky Mountains'. Drummond. Fort Vancouver on the Columbia.
Dr Scouler.
1. M. sylvaticum. L.—E. Bot. t. 804.—M. Americanum. Mich.—M. lineare. Lam.
—Ph. Am. 2. p. 430.
H a b . From Lake Huron, and throughout Canada, to the plains of the Saskatchewan. Dr Richardson.
Drummond.__I quite agree with Mr Bentham, who considers this plant identical with our Europsean M.
sylvaticum; varying, however, much in the breadth of the foliage, and in the entire or toothed bractese.
§ I. Personal®. Stev.—labio inferiore erecto.
1. P . capitata (Adams in Mem. Nat. Cur. 5. p. 100); subpubescens, caule brevi
subaphyllo, foliis pinnatis pinnis inciso-pinnatifidis, floribus paucis capitatis, corolla calyce
quadruplo longiore corollae clausae labio inferiore duplo breviore, galea obtusa, stylo
exserto. Stev. Monogr. Pedicul. in Mem. Soc. Imp. Mosc. v. 6. p. 19. t. 3. f . 2.—P. Nel-
sonii. Br. in Bich. App. p. 743. Hook, in App. to Parry’s Second Voy. p. 402. t. 1.— P.
verticillata. Ph. Am. 2. p. 426. (won Willd.)
H a b . Arctic Sea-shore and Islands. Dr Richardson. Capt. Sir E. Parry. Behring’s Straits. Langs-
dorff. Chamisso. Beechey.
2. P. lanceolata (Mich.); caule erecto folioso, foliis oppositis lanceolatis duplicato-
inciso-crenatis, floribus dense spicatis, c'orollae clausae (calyce triplo longioris) labiis sub-
aequalibus, galea subrostrata. Ph. Am. 2. p. 425. Stev.l.c.p. 18. t. 4. ƒ 2.— P. Virginica.
Poir.—P. pallida. Nutt.—(3. corolla breviore.
H a b . Canada. Mr Goldie.—p,. St Clair Bay, Upper Canada. Mr Js. M ‘Nab.—Upper Canada is probably
the northern limit of this fine species.
§ II. Verticillata. Stev.—foliis quaternis.
3* P. Chamissonis (Stev.); glaberrima erecta simplex, foliis quaternis pinnatifldis
inciso-serratis, floribus verticillatis in spicam interruptam, corollae galea uncinata. Stev.
1. c. p. 20.
H ab. Unalaschka. Langsdorff and Chamisso. {PLerb. noslr.) \
4. P . verticillata (Linn.); foliis quaternis pinnatifldis laciniis obtusis, floribus verti-
cillato-spicatis, corollae galea recta obtusa labium inferius subaequante, calyce quinque-
dentato. Stev. 1. c. p. 24. Cham. et Schlecht. in Linncea, 2. p. 582. Hook, et Am. Bot.
Beech, p. 128.
H a b . Kotzebue’s Sound. Beechey. Chamisso. Sitcha. Bongard.
§ III. Faucidentes. Stev.—Cor. lab. sup. utrinque inframed, dentato.
5. P. Wlassowiana (Stev.); corolla labio superiore antice rectilineo, denticulo infra
medium. Stev. 1. c. p. 27. t. 9. f . 1.—-P. macrodontis. Bich. App. p. 24.—P. palustris.
Hook, et Am. Bot. Beech, p. 128.
H ab. Plains of the Saskatchewan ; and York Factory, Hudson’s Bay. D r Richardson. Drummond.
N.W. Coast. Mr Menzies. Kotzebue’s Sound. . Beechey.—“ Readily distinguished from P. palustris by
the smaller flowers, without any tooth at the apex, but only one on each side, near the base.” {Benth.) Mr
Bentham also remarks that probably Wahlenberg’s Swedish, and Chamisso’s N. American P. palustris,
belong to this species, as is certainly the case with Dr Amott’s and my “ P. palustris,” from Kotzebue’s
Sound. On the other hand, Turcznaninow’s Dahurian specimens, under the name of P. Wlassowiana,
are a var. of P. palustris.
6. P . palustris (Linn.); corollas labio superiore denticulo infra medium; galea dilatata
gibba. Stev. 1. c. p. 28. E. Bot. t. 399.—(3. parviflora. Benth. mst.
Hab. Newfoundland. Dr Morison— (3. Carlton House Fort. D r Richardson.
§ IV. Rostrata. Stev.—Cor. lab. sup. bast edentulo, rostrato.
7. P . surrecta (Benth. mst.); erecta glabra, foliis pinnatisectis segmentis lanceolato-
linearibus subcartilagineo-serratis, spicis elongatis multifloris, calycibus tubulosis 5-den-
tatis, dente supremo minore lateralibus altius crenatis corolla} galea fornicata calycem
subduplo superante in rostrum subulatum surrectum calycem plus triplo superantem
desinente. Benth.
H ab . N. West Interior. Douglas (last journey).—“ Corolla} duplb majores quam in sequente.”