Gymnadenia of Mr Brown, G. conopsea. It is not unfrequent to find the lip quite entire, and more or
less acute, and the narrow-leaved var. of this, is, as it appears to me, the Platanthera tipularioides of Lindl.
Orchis gracilis, Fisch. in Herb. Hook.
8. PLATANTHERA. Rich. Lind.
1. Labellum indivistim, subintegerrimum.
1. P. obtusata (Lindl.); folio solitario oblongo-obovato, caule monophyllo, spica laxi-
uscula, sepalo supremo latissimo, petalis subtriangularibus acuminatis obtusis, labello
lineari-subacuminato basi bituberculato calcaris conici arcuati acuti longitudine. (T ab,
C X C IX .) Lindl. Gen. Orchid, p. 284. Habenaria, Rich. App. p. 33. Orchis, Ph. Am.
2. p. 284.
H ab. Nova Scotia. Menzies. Canada. Mrs Perceval. Mrs Sheppard (at Cape Torment), to Carlton
House Fort, on the Saskatchewan and alpine swamps of the Rocky Mountains, and thence to Bear Lake
and Fort Franklin. Dr Richardson. Drummond. Labrador. D r Morrison. N. W. Coast. Menzies.
Douglas. Kotzebue’s Sound. Reechey.
Tab. CXCI-X. Fig. 1. Side view of a flower; f . 2. Front view of do.; f . 8. Upper sepal; ƒ. 4. Petal;
ƒ. 5. Anther,
2. P. elegans (Lindl. Gen. Orch. p. 285); foliis binis oblongo-lanceolatis, caule squa-
mis parvis ramentaceis, spica longa densa cylindracea, bracteis lineari-subulatis florum
longitudine, sepalis campanulatis acuminatis obtusis, petalis labelloque carnosis ovato-
linearibus obtusis submqualibus, calcare filiformi arcuato ovario longiore. Lindl.
H ab. N. W. America. Vallies of the Blue Mountains. Douglas. Fort Vancouver. Tolmie.—Flowers
white and fragrant. Root an undivided tuber. Stem a foot and a half high. Flowers small. Pollen-glands
very large.
3. P . Hookeri (Lindl. Gen. Orchid, p. 286); foliis radicalibus binis suborbiculatis carnosis,
scapo nudo, spica stricta multiflora, sepalo superiori ovato lateralibus lanceolatis
reflexis, labello lanceolato acuminato glabro sepalis parum longiore, calcare subulato arcuato
compresso ovario duplo longiore, anthera triangulari angulis basi obtusis.— Habenaria
orbiculata. Hook. Ex. FI. t. 145. (non Pursh). Habenaria Hookeri. Torrefy,
Herb.—Gray, New or rare plants, St. of New York, p. 229.
H ab. Upper and Lower Canada. Dr Todd. Goldie. Lady Dalhousie. Drummond.
4. P . orbiculata (Lindl. Gen. Orchid, p. 286); foliis radicalibus binis suborbiculatis
(ovalibusye) tenui-membranaceis, scapo bracteato, racemo laxo multifloro, sepalo superiori
orbiculari lateralibus ovatis, labello lineari-subspathulato basi pubescente sepalis fere duplo
longiore, calcare arcuato .compresso clavato ovario duplo longiore, anther® lobis basi
utrinque productis liberis. (T ab. C C .)—Orchis orbiculata. Ph. Habenaria, Torr. Com-
pend. p. 318.— H. macrophylla. Hook, in Ed. Phil. Journ. v. 6. p. 331. Gray, New or
rare PI. St. of New York, p. 228.
Hab. Canada. In moist shady woods. Island of Montreal. Mr Goldie. Lady Dalhousie. Mrs Perceval;
to the Saskatchawan. Drummond.—This fine species, having been but ill defined by its first describer
CPursh), has been much misunderstood, and the preceding plant was by myself, as well as by other botanists,
both in America and in Europe, mistaken for it. From collateral evidence, however, Drs Torrey and Gray
were led to consider the present as the true orbiculata ; and the correctness of their ideas has been confirmed
by the latter botanist, on his recent examination of the original Purshian Herbarium, in Mr Lambert’s possession,
whereupon he writes :—“ Orchis orbiculata, Pursh, is, as I suspected, the macrophylla of Hook, and
Goldie. The other species, orbiculata of Hook. (Hookeri nobis) Is not in Pursh’s original Herbarium ; but
it exists in the Canadian Collection of Pursh, without a name.” The latter plant has been correctly figured
already in the Exotic Flora ; which, together with our accompanying plate of the present species, will, I
trust, clear up all future difficulty on the subject of these two species.
Tab. CC. Fig. 1. Flower; f. 2. Side view of an anther:—magnified.
5. P. Menziesii (Lindl. Gen. Orch. p. 286); foliis radicalibus binis subrotundo-ob-
longis erectis, caule sub-bisquamato, racemo laxo paucifloro, sepalis obtusissimis, petalis
truncatis labello lineari obtuso brevioribus, calcare pendulo obtuso apice inflexo ovario
subaequali. Lindl.
H ab. N. W. Coast of America. Menzies. {Herb, nostr.)—Scape about a span high.
6. P . Schischmareffiana (Lindl. Gen. Orch. p. 286); foliis radicalibus binis obovato-
lanceolatis canaliculatis, spica subsecunda multiflora, bracteis oblongis obtusis ovarii
longitudine, sepalis oblongis obtusis, petalis labelloque carnosis ovatis obtusis, calcare
arcuato gracili labelli longitudine. Lindl. Habenaria, Cham, in Linnaa, 3. p. 29. Spir-
anthes? Unalascbkensis. Spr.
H ab. Unalaschka. Chamisso {in Herb, nostr.)
7. P. Konigii (Lindl. Gen. Orch. p. 286); caule folioso, foliis inferioribus oblongo-
lanceolatis obtusis emarginatisque superioribus linearibus spicam fere mquantibus, spica
densa cylindracea, bracteis herbaceis floribus asqualibus, labello subrhombeo-lineari obtuso
calcare inflexo obtuso longiore. Lindl.—a. petalis ovatis acutis. O. Konio-ii. Retz.
—FI. Dan. t. 333.—/3. petalis cordatis acuminatis. O. dolichorhiza. Fisch. ms.
H ab. p. Unalaschka. Langsdorff.
8. P . herbiola (Lindl. Gen. Orch. p. 287); caule folioso, foliis inferioribus oblongis
acutis superioribus lanceolatis acuminatis, spica densa cylindracea, bracteis herbaceis
acuminatis floribus longioribus, labello lineari-laiiceolato basi bidentato medio unituber-
culato calcare clavato duplo breviore. Lindl.—Habenaria. Br.-—Orchis. Ph. Am. 2. p.
574.—O. fuscescens. Ph.—O. scutellata? Nutt, {fide Lindl.).
H ab . Between Norway House and Canada. Dr Richardson. Drummond. The tubercle upon the lip is
very prominent, and affords a remarkable character. .
9. P. hyperborea (Lindl. Gen. Orch. p. 287); caule folioso, foliis lanceolatis strictissi-
mis acutis, spica laxiuscula subsecunda, bracteis lineari-lanceolatis acutis flore longiori