bus, sepalis deflexis, petalis labelloque linearibus obtusis subæqualibus calcaris obtusi
penduli longitudine, radicibus longissimis carnosis. Lindl. Habenaria hyperborea. Br.
— Rich. App. 2. p. 33. Orchis. L .—Ph.
H ab. Rare in Canada. Dr Todd. From the Saskatchewan to Fort Franklin. Dr Richardson. Drummond.
10* P . dilatata (Lindl. Gen. Orchid, p. 287) ; caule fulioso, foliis lanceolatis gra-
mineisve, spica elongata cylindracea densa laxaque, bracteis lineari-lanceolatis acuminatis
floribus æqualibus longioribusque, sepalis ovatis obtusis, petalis minoribus conformibus
membranaceis, labello rhomboideo lineari-lanceolato obtuso calcaris obtusi longitudine.
Lindl. Habenaria. Hook. Ex. FI. t. 95.— Gray, New or rare PI. St. o f N. York, p. 231.
—Orchis. Ph. Am. 2. p. 588.—Habenaria borealis. Cham, in Linncea. 3. p. 28.—Orchis
agastachys. Fisch. mst.—/3. angustifolia ; caule gracili.
H ab. Newfoundland. Miss Brenton. Throughout Canada, from Lake Huron to the Saskatchewan, and
Hudson’s Bay, abundant. N. W. America, about Fort Vancouver. Douglas. Tolmie. Dr Scouler.—p.
Canada. Cleghom. I fear that this, which is a very common and highly variable plant, especially as regards
its lax or dense growth, and size of the flowers and bracteas, and the breadth of the leaves, is only a luxuriant
state of P. hyperborea, to which Dr Richardson has rightly referred his more northern plant. It seems
probable also that P. Konigii and P. Huronensis are too nearly allied to it.
11. P. Huronensis (Lindl. Gen. Orch.p. 288) ; caule folioso, foliis inferioribus oblongis
superioribus gramineis, spica laxa tenui, bracteis acuminatis florum longitudine vel longi-
oribus, labello ovato-lanceolato calcaris incurvi compressi longitudine. Lindl.—Habenaria,
Spr.—Orchis, Nutt.
H a b . Lake Huron and Michigan. Nuttall. Quebec. Mrs Sheppard. Newfoundland. Miss Brenton.
—Dr Lindley well observes of this, “ P. dilatatoe et P. boreali proxima, sed flores fere minores quam in P.
12. P . leucostachys (Lindl. Gen. Orch.p. 288); caule folioso, foliis oblongo-lanceola-
tis obtusis, spica longissima densa, bracteis florum longitudine, sepalis ovatis obtusis, petalis
membranaceis linearibus emarginatis, labello rhomboideo lineari-lanceolato calcare
filiformi arcuato duplo breviore, antherae lobis parallelis rostello maximo plicato. Lindl.
H a b . N. W. America. Plentiful in the valleys of the Blue Mountains. Douglas.•—Habit of P. dilatata,
H to 2 feet high. Flowers white.
13. P . gracilis (Lindl. Gen. Orch.p. 288); caule folioso, foliis linearibus acuminatis
obtusis debilibus patentibus, spica laxa elongata, bracteis angustis acuminatis floribus
inferioribus remotis longioribus, petalis obliquis acuminatis obtusis, labello lineari obtuso
calcaris apice inflati obtusissimi longitudine. Lindl.
H ab> N. W. America. Ménzies.*—“ Gaules debiles, 1^-2-pedales. Folia 3-poll. Longa, parum acuminata,
nullo modo aucta.”
l^1* stricta (Lindl. Gen. Orch. p. 288); caule folioso stricto, foliis ovato-lanceolatis
internodiis duplo longioribus, spica laxa elongata, bracteis lineari-lanceolatis floribus
longioribus, sepalo dorsali latiore, petalis ovatis acuminatis obtusis, labello lineari-obtuso
calcare apice inflato obtusissimo duplo longiore. Lindl.
H ab . N. W. Coast of America. Douglas. Observatory Inlet. Scouler. —“ Priore differt habitu stricto,
foliis brevioribus (2£ poll.) latioribus et magis acuminatis, demum calcare duplo breviore. ”
15. P. graminea (Lindl. Gen. Orch. p. 289); caule folioso, foliis strictis inferioribus
lineari-lanceolatis obtusiusculis superioribus acuminatis, spica laxiuscula, bracteis acuminatis
floribus brevioribus, petalis obliquis apice truncatis tridentatis labello rhombeo-lan-
ceolato undulato venoso asqualibus calcare clavato arcuato duplo brevioribus. Lindl.
H a b . N. W. America. Menzies. Upland swamps, at Millbank Sound. Tolmie. | Glandula maxim®
pollinis asquales.”—I possess the present and the two preceding species, which, but for the opinion of Professor
Lindley, I should have been disposed to unite with my narrow-leaved var. Canada. of P. dilatata, from
2. Labellum incisum.
16. P . holopetala (Lindl. Gen. Orch.p. 291); caule folioso, foliis ovato-lanceolatis
acutis, spica laxa multiflora, bracteis lineari-lanceolatis ovarii longitudine, sepalis sub-
orbiculatis obtusis supremo galeato, petalis linearibus acuminatis obtusis integerrimis, labello
lanceolate margine lacero calcare filiformi.duplo breviore, ovario rostrato. Lindl.__
Habenaria blephariglottis. Hook. Ex. FI. p. 87. (nec aliorum,/tfe Lindl.).
Hab. Canada. GoMe.—Notwithstanding the high authority of Dr Lindley, I am still disposed to consider
this as a very trifling variety of the following, only marked by having entire petal? and small flowers.
The toothing of the petals is, in the true blephariglottis, often nearly obsolete.
17. P . blephariglottis (Lindl. Gen. Orch. p. 291); caule folioso, foliis inferioribus lanceolatis
canaliculatis sensim decrescentibus, spica oblonga multiflora densa, bracteis folia-
ceis linearibus acuminatis floribus brevioribus, sepalis rotundato-oblongis lateralibus
reflexis, petalis spathulatis dentatis, labello oblongo piano fimbriato medio papilloso calcare
recto pendulo triplo breviore, ovario longissimo rostrato. Lindl.—Orchis blephariglottis.
Willd. (fide Lindl.) an alior.?
H ab. Canada. Schweinitz. Lady Dalhousie. Mrs Perceval. Mrs Sheppard. Newfoundland. Miss
■ Brenfon.—Intermediate in the character of labellum and petals, between the preceding and following species.
18. P . ciliaris (Lindl. Gen. Orch.p. 292); caule folioso, foliis inferioribus ovato-lanceolatis
supremis minimis, spica oblonga densa multiflora, bracteis acuminatis ovario
brevioribus, sepalis reflexis ovato-subrotundis obtusis, petalis linearibus reflexis apice
incisis, labello oblongo margine capillaceo multifido calcare arcuato duplo breviore, ovario
colorato longissime rostrato. Lindl.—cc. floribus aureis. Lindl.—Habenaria ciliaris. B r.
Orchis, L.- Ph. Am. 2. p. 585. aSims, Bot. Mag. p. 1668.—$. floribus niveis. Lindl.
Orchis blephariglottis. Ell. et alior. {Lindl.).
H ab. a. Canada. Goldie (in Herb, nostr.).