T rib. Gerardieje. Benth.
1. G. purpurea (L .); foliis linearibus acutiusculis planis margine-scabris, floribus
breviter pedunculatis, calycibus subenerviis dentibus acutis tubo dimidio brevioribus,
corollis glabris ample campanulatis, basi breviter tubulosis. Benth. Syn. Gerard, in Hook.
Comp, to B. Mag. \.p . 208__Ph. Am. 2.p . 422.
Has. Lake Huron, Dr Todd, to the Saskatchewan. Drummond.
2. G. long folia (Nutt. TV. Am. Ph. Soc. 5. 180.) S foliis anguste linearibus margine
scabris, floralibus flores superantibus, pedunculis calyce multo longioribus, calycibus
subenerviis dentibus lanceolatis acutis tubo vix brevioribus, corollis glabris ample campanulatis
basi breviter tubulosis. Benth. 1. c. p. 208.—G. aspera. Dougl. Ms.
Haj. Pastures of the Red River, East, not on the “ Welt," side {Benth.) of the Rooky Mountains.
Douglas._Plant more scabrous than the preceding: leaves narrower, peduncles much longer, and flowers
Trib. Rhinanthe^. Benth.
Cal. tubulosus v. campanulatus, 4-fidus. Cor. bilabiata, clausa; lab. sup. minoye com-
presso, marginibus inflexis; inf. concavo obsolete 3-dentato. Antherarum Itieuh tenues,
mutici, intequales. Caps, bilocularis, bivalvis, loculicide dehiscens. Semina marginata.
1. O.bracteosus (Benth.)7caule Ruro pubescente, foliis lanceolatis apice lineari-trifidis,
floribus spicatis, bracteis latis divaricato-trifldis rigidis, dentibus calycinis lanceolatis
rigidis' viridibus corollse (purpurascentis) tubo brevioribus. Benth. m Scroph. Ind.
in not. p. 13. - -
H a b . N.W. Coast. Columbia and Puget Sound, Douglas; Wallamet. Tolmie.-l-2 feet high.
Corollas rather large, broad at the upper end, much exserted, pale-purple.
2. O. strictus (Benth.) t caule duro hispido, foliis lanceolatis integris trifidisve, floribus
distantibus longe spicatis, bracteis divaricato-trifldis laciniis longe lanceolatis corollas
superantibus, dentibus calycinis lanceolatis brevissimis viridibus, corollis (luteis) glabris,
tubo longe exserto. (Tab. CLXXII.) Benth. 1. c. p. 13.
H a b . Plains of the Saskatchewan and mountain Prairies. Drummond. W K .tr ; and N.W. America
at Poet's Sound, and Mount St Helen's. Douglas— A foot to a foot and a half high, simple, or slightly
branched, very leafy. Flowers yellow, resembling those of Melampyrum prateuse.-Muj this not be the
original O.luteus of Nuttall? from the Mandan country. „ . ^ . - ,
T a b . CLXXII Fig. 1, Flower; Jig. 2, Fruit enclosed in the calyx; Jig. 3, Fruit burst open j Jig. 4,
3 0. hispidus (Dougl.); subramosus, piloso-hispidus, foliis e basi lanceolata longe
subtrifidis laciniis lineari-subulatis, floribus distantibus, bracteis viridibus corollas superantibus,
calycis dentibus lineari-setaceis viridibus corollae (flavescentis) tubo glabro brevi-
or ibus. Benth. 1. c. p. 13.
H ab . Common on the low mostly grassy plains of the river Colombia. Douglas.
4. O. tenuifolius (Benth.); piloso-pubescens, foliis 3-5-fidis laciniis lineari-subulatis,
floralibus latissimis incisis, floribus dense spicatis dentibus calycinis brevibus subulatis.
Benth. 1. c. p. 12.—Bartsia tenuifolia. Ph. Am. 2. p. 429.
H ab. N.W. Coast. Mr Menzies. Mounts Hood and St Helen’s, and in the valleys of the Rocky
Mountains. Douglas.
Cal. tubulosus compressus bine fissus. Cor. tubulosa compressa bilabiata; lab. sup.
lineari canaliculato; inf. brevissimo dentato. Antherarum loculi tenues mutici inaequales.
Caps, ovata compressa. Sem. membrana reticulata laxa obtecta.
1. C. coccinea (Kunth); pilosa, foliis plerisque incisis calycibus utrinque fissis seg-
mentis latis integris retusis corollam subaaquantibus vel vix brevioribus. Benth. ms.—
Euchroma coccinea. Nutt.—Bartsia cocc. L.—Ph. Am. 2. p. 429.—/3. bracteis lutescen-
tibus. Ph. 1. c.
H ab . Throughout Canada to the Saskatchawan.
2. C. hispida (Benth. ms.); piloso-hispida, foliis plerisque incisis calycibus utrinque
praesertim infra fissis segmentis apice bifidis laciniis oblongo-linearibus corolla parum
brevioribus. Benth.—C. coccinea. Dougl. ms. and Lindl. Bot. Reg. t. 1136.
H ab . Common on dry soils of the N.W. Coast, esp ecia lly about Fort Vancouver. Douglas. Dr Scouler.
Tolmie. Dr Gairdner—This western plant seems to me scarcely to differ from G. coccinea, except in
being more villous, rather than hispid. Bracteas sometimes full yellow, as is the case with the pre ced in g .
Mr Bentham remarks (ms.) : “ Flowers of C. pallida ; foliage of C. coccinea. Nearly allied to this is the
C. parviflora, Bong. Veg. de Sitch. p. 40,” but of which no specific character is given ; there is however the
observation, “ valde affinis C. coccinea, a qua autem tam habitu quam floribus duplo minoribus differt.”
1 he author has kindly sent me specimens, but the flowers do not appear to be fully developed.
3. C. septentrionalis (Lindl.); pilosa v. rarius glabrata, foliis plerisque incisis calycibus
utrinque praasertim infra fissis segmentis apice bifidis laciniis ovatis corollam aaquantibus.
Benth. Lindl. Bot. Reg. t. 925.—Bartsia pallida. Mich. Ph. et auct. Am. Sept.
H a b . Rocky Mountains. Drummond. Arctic Sea-Coast. Dr Richardson. N. W. Coast. Douglas
(last journey).—The species of this genus are liable to much variation, and their essential characters difficult to
be determined ; hence there is much confusion among authors. Chamisso and Schlechtendal consider the
C. septentrionalis of Lindley, and the European pallida (Lindley’s Sibirica) to be identical. I will not attempt
to decide the point from dried specimens, where the flowers cannot satisfactorily be examined, but content
myself with Mr Bentham’s definitions, made from our own specimens.
4. C. pallida (Kunth); glabra tomentosa vel apice pilosa, foliis caulinis plerisque integris,
calycibus utrinque praesertim infra fissis segmentis apice bifidis, laciniis oblongis linearibus
corollam aequantibus v. vix brevioribus. Benth.—Hook, et Am. in Bot. of Beech, p. 128.
C. Sibirica. Lindl. Bot. Reg. t. 925 (in descr.)—Bartsia pallida. L. et auct. Europ.—
Bartsia acuminata. Ph. 1. c.
H a b . Pastures of the Rocky Mountains; and throughout Canada to Hudson’s Bay and Fort Franklin on
the Mackenzie River. Drummond. D r Richardson. N.W. Coast, to Behring’s Straits. Chamisso. Men.
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