H a b . /3. Cumberland House Fort, on the Saskatchawan. Drummond. Common on the shores of lakes and
rivers to the east of the Rocky Mountains, but never found to the west of that range. Douglas.— The true
JE. Virginicus .1 possess from various parts of the United States, and even as far. north as Boston, with the
glumes and outer valve of the florets tapering into a long awn; but all the specimens found by Mr Drummond
and Mr Douglas have scarcely an awn at all: yet I can perceive no other difference. The E. Dahuricus
of Turcznaninow (in Herb, nostr.) from Dahuria, I cannot distinguish from E . Virginicus.
7. E. villosus, Muhl,—Ph.—Torr. FI. 1. p. 138. Gray, Gram, et Cyp. Part I. n. 62.
H a b . Canada. Goldie.—Dr Torrey and the American Botanists, I believe, are disposed to consider the
E. striatus, Willd., as identical with E . villosus. The whole genus needs a very careful revision.
8. E. Europceus, L .—E.Bot. t. 1317.
H a b . Canada. Mrs Perceval.—I have closely compared this specimen from Canada with our own E.
Europceus, and it entirely accords j but I must at the same time remark that E. villosus appears to me to be
a hairy state of the same plant.
43. ASPRELLA. Hurnb.
\.A . Hystrix, WiUd.—Kth. Emm. p. 454— Elymus Hystrix, L Muhl.—Torr. FI.
\.p . 138. Gray, Gram, et Cyp. Part II. n. 130— Gymnostichum Hystrix, Schreb. Gram,
t. 4,7.
H a b . Canada. Goldie ; to the Saskatchawan. Drummond.
1. H. pratense, Buds.—E .B ot. t. 156.—H. secalinum, Schreb.—Host, Gram. Austr.
1. p. 33. Bong. Veget. Sitcha, p. 56.
H ab. Sitcha. Mertens. Common on the plains of the Columbia near the sea. Douglas.
2. H.jubatum, L .—Ph.—Torr. Fl. 1. p. 158. Rich. App. p. 3.
H a b . Plains of the Saskatchawan to the Mackenzie River. Dr Richardson. Drummond. Frequent on
the low grounds near the confluence of the Columbia with the sea. Douglas.
X. Andropogoneæ.
1. A . scoparius, Mx.—Ph.— Torr. Fl. 1. p. 136. Gray, Gram, et Cyp. Part II. n. 64.
—A. dissitiflorus, Mx. (fide Gray).—A. purpurascens, Muhl.
H a b . Banks of the Saskatchawan. Drummond.
2. A.furcatm, Muhl.—Ph.—Torr. Fl. 1. p. 137. Gray, Gram. et. Cyp. Part I. n.
H a b . Lake Huron, Dr Todd; to the Saskatchawan and the Rocky Mountains, D r Richardson, Drummond;
and Hudson’s Bay, Douglas.
3. A. (Sorghum, Rees) avenaceus. Mx.—A. nutans. L . 9—Muhl.—Torr. FI. 1. p. 157.
Gray, Gram, et Cyp. Part I. n. 87.
H a b . Saskatchawan. Drummond.—This is perhaps the northern limit of this handsome grass. It is more
frequent in the south, and according to Kunth, it extends to the West Indies and South America, and is the
A. stipoides, H. B. K., and the Sorghum parviflorum of Hamilt. Prodr. FI. Ind. Occ.
(Add at p. 233, after Alopecurus aristulatus;
2* A. ccespitosus (Trim.); pusillus, thyrso cylindraceo-oblongo, glumis ad basin usque
fissis acutiusculis glabriuscqlis pectinatis, valvula truncato-obtusa, stylis inferne connatis.
Trin. Gram. Ic, t. 241.
H a b . Rocky Mountains. Drummond.— A very small species, scarcely 3 inches high, with lax, somewhat
interrupted and lobed spikes of a tawny green colour: the glumes fringed or pectinated at the keel, and
as well as the perianth truncated at the top. The awn is scarcely longer than the valve. It is beautifully
figured by Tririius in the work above quoted, and, I presume, from specimens which I gave to the late Mr
Prescott; but no station is mentioned further than that the specimen is e‘boreali-Americanum.
And at p. 239, after Vilfa tenacissimas
3. V. depauperata (Torr. mst.) ; rigida, culmo brevi dichotome ramoso striato glabro fere
toto vaginato, foliis lineari-subulatis vaginis margine membranaceis, ligulis ovatis obtusis,
racemo composite) sub-paniculato paucifloro, glumis inaequalibus ovatis obtusis membranaceis
enervibus perianthio brevioribus, perianthii valvulis subasqualibus lanceolatis
chartaceis acutissimis. (Tab. CCXXXVI.)
Tota glaberrima, rigida. Culmus 4-6 uncias longus, decumbens, supra basin dichotome ramosus, teres,
striatus, per totam fere longitudinem vaginatus ; rant* geniculati, flexuosi, articulis sesquiuncialibus. Folia
parva, inferiora vix unciam, superiora 2-3 lineas longa, lineari-subulata, rigida, striata. Vagina ad mar-
gines membranaceae. ligulce obtuse, in marginem vaginarum decurrentes. Panicula parva subsimplex, fere
racemus, vix unciam longa, erecta, 8-10 flora. Pedicelli breves, striati, glabri, erecti. Spicules erectae.
Glumes intequales, ovatse, obtusae, membranacee, subhyalinae, dorso obscure uninervio, perianthio £ breviores.
Perianthii valvulae subchartacee, aequales, concave vix carinate, lanceolate, obscure trinerviae; exterior
acutissima nuda; interior apice bifida.
H a b . N. W . America. Barren sandy parts of the Columbia from Menzies’ island upwards. Douglas.—A
very distinct species from any I have seen. Dr Torrey considers its place as between V. virgata and V.
T a b . CCXXXVI__Fig. 1. Spikelet; ƒ. 2. Glumes ;f. 3. Perianth -.—magnified.)
V O L. I I . 2 K