was induced to believe that Dr. Graham’s plant was the same as one of Mr. Drummond’s, of which I then
had a drawing, (P. gracilis, Nutt.); and I inadvertently gave Dr. Graham’s description with that species.
With P. glaucus I am entirely unacquainted, unless it be, as I cannot help suspecting, from the figure and
the two lines of hairs described by Dr. Graham within the under lip, a variety of P. pubescens. Flowers
varied with white and purple.
6. P . ovatus; herbaceus, floribus caule pedunculisque glanduloso-pilosis, foliis cordato-
ovatis amplexicaulibus glabris grosse dentatis, inferioribus longe petiolatis, corollis tubulo-
sis, filamento sterili apice barbato basi unidentato.—Dougl. in Bot. Mag. t. 2903.
H ab. Grand Rapids of the Columbia. Douglas. Wallamet River. Mr. Tolmie.—Flowers moderately
large, of a bright ultramarine blue.
7. P. pruinosus; foliis caesiis, radicalibus petiolatis integris dentatisve, caulinis dentatis
sessilibus, bracteis superioribus integris, floribus verticillatis, calycibus bracteisque villosis,
corollis glabris calyce duplo longioribus, limbi laciniis rotundatis integris. (Lindl.)—Dougl.
Bot. Beg. t. 1280.
Hab. Junction of the Oakanagan River, and on the high banks of the .Columbia, near the Priest’s
Rapid. Douglas.—Flowers rather small, brilliant blue.
8. P. Bichardsonii; caule herbaceo, foliis sessilibus pinnatifidis, calycibus glandulosopubescentibus,
laciniis ovatis acutis, corollse labio superiore bilobo, inferiore .trilobo trans-
verso, pedunculis racemosis bi-trifloris. {Lindl.)—Dovgl. in Bot. Beg. t. 1121. Hook. Bot.
Mag. t. 3391.—/3. minor. __
H ab. On the Columbia and its tributary streams. Douglas.—Flowers large, purple.
9. P . triphyllus; herbaceus humilis, foliis ternis quaternisve glabris incisis, inferioribus
oblongis, floralibus integerrimis, pedunculis bi-trifloris calycibusque arachnoideis, corollse
aciniis oblongis obtusis, labii inferioris sequalibus. {Lindl.)—Dougl. in Bot. Reg. t. 1246.
Hab. Rocks of the River Wallawallah, near the base of the Blue Mountains, N.W. America. Douglas.
_Flowers much smaller than the preceding, bluish purple.
10. P. Scouleri; suflruticosus, foliis obovato-lanceolatis serrulatis supremis integerrimis
obtusis, floribus solitariis racemosis, corollis (speciosis) ventricosis serrulatis, antheris lana-
tis. {Lingl.)—Dougl. in Bot. Reg. t. 1277.
H ab. N.W. Coast of America. Menzies in Herb, nostr; Rocks and mountains about the Kettle Falls,
and near the sources of the Columbia. Douglas.— Flowers large, pale purple. In drying, the whole plant
becomes black.
11. P. deusatus; caule subsimplici ascendente glabro, foliis inciso-serratis, radicalibus
ovato-oblongis, proximis spathulatis, caulinis oblongis acutis sessilibus, supremis subinte-
gris, calycibus glabris, limbi plani laciniis retusis supremis minoribus. {Lindl.)—Dougl.
in Bot. Reg. t. 1318.
H ab. Lewis and Clarke’s River, between the Forks and its confluence with the Columbia, and at the
junction of Spokan River. Douglas.—Flowers pale sulphur-yellow.
12. P. confertus ; foliis integerrimis glabris, radicalibus spathulatis acuminatis longe petiolatis,
superioribus sessilibus ovatis acuminatis, verticillis multifloris confertis sub-
aphyllis, corolla calyce longiore. {Lindl.) Dougl. in Bot. Reg. t. 1260.
H a b . Mountain Pine woods, in dry sandy soils, between Salmon River and the Kettle Falls of the
Columbia, and in the valleys of the Rocky Mountains, at an elevation of 7000 feet above the level of the
sea. Douglas.—Flowers small, crowded, sulphur-yellow.
13. P. procerus; herbaceus, caule erecto stricto subsimplici, foliis lanceolatis integerrimis,
inferioribus petiolatis superioribus sessilibus subconnatis, floribus verticillato-
spicatis, calycis segmentis membranaceo-laciniatis mucronatis, filamento sterili edentulo.
—Dougl. in Bot. Mag. t. 2954. Grab, in Ed. Phil. Journ. July, 1829.
H a b . Plains of the Saskatchawan to the Rocky Mountains. Dr Richardson. Drummond. Banks of the
Columbia, between Fort Vancouver and the Grand Rapids. Douglas__Wallamet River. Mr Tolmie.—
Habit of P. confertus, but the flowers are blue-purple, varied with a redder tinge. Mr Douglas’ specimens
are very luxuriant, 2-3 feet high, those from the Saskatchawan 1 foot to 16 inches.
14. P. attenuatus; caule stricto apice piloso, foliis radicalibus ellipticis acutis petiolatis,
superioribus ovato-oblongis amplexicaulibus sessilibus, omnibus glabris integerrimis,
panicula stricta, calycibus corollisque pubescentibus, capsulis glaberrimis. {Lindl.)
Dougl. in Bot. Reg. t. 1295.
H ab . Mountains of Lewis and Clark’s River. Douglas.—Flowers moderately large, pale-yellow.—My
specimens, however, under this name from Douglas, have decidedly purple flowers : and are perhaps rather
referable to the following.
15. P. aeuminatus; caule ascendente foliisque glabris valde glaucis, horum radicalibus
ovato-oblongis longe petiolatis integerrimis subcoriaceis, caulinis bracteisque cordatis
acuminatis sessilibus amplexicaulibus, fasciculis florum subsessilibus, sepalis acuminatis
glaberrimis, corollis tubo infundibulari fauce inflata, limbi laciniis latis retusis. {Lindl.)
Dougl. in Bot. Reg. t. 1285.—/3, minor.—P. nitidus. Dougl. in Hook. Herb.
H ab. Barren sandy plains of the Columbia. Douglas.—fi. Red Deer and Eagle Hills, and other dry
places of the Saskatchawan and Assinaboine and Red Rivers. Dr Richardson. Douglas.—Flowers rather
large, bright purple.
16. P. pubescens ; caule pubescente erecto, foliis lato-lanceolatis lanceolatisve dentato-
serratis infimis subspathulatis supremis basi subcordatis, panicula laxa erecta, pedunculis
plurifloris, corollse tubo elongato, labio superiore bifido breviore, inferiore porrecto trilobo
intus filamentoque sterili apice dense fulvo-barbatis. Ait. Hort. Kew. v. 2. p. 360. Mich.
—Ph.—ctj latifolius. Sims, Bot. Mag. t. 1424.—/3, angustifolius.
H a b . Upper Canada. Lady Dalhousie. Lake Huron. Dr Todd.—Flowers white suffused with purple
and red. I cannot distinguish the P. Icevigatus specifically from the present. Nuttall justly observes, that
both are hairy (they have two bright yellow tufts) on the base of the lower lip within : as also has P. glaucus.
17. P . gracilis ; caule erecto gracili, foliis magis minusve serratis glabris, inferioribus
spathulatis caulinis lanceolatis basi subcordatis, panicula laxa stricta pubescente, pedunculis
plurifloris, corollas tubo elongato labio superiore bifido breviore, inferiore porrecto VOL. II. N