4. V. urticeefolia. L.—Ph. Am. 2. p. 416.
H ab. Canada to the Saskatchawan.—The broader leaves, and longer slender spikes, with las flowers, distinguish
this from the two preceding.
1. P . leptostachya. L.—Ph. Am. 2. p. 415.
H ab. Canada. Pursh. Mrs Sheppard. Mrs Percival.
Ord. L X X . LENTIBULARIiE. Richard.
1. U. vulgaris. L .—E. Bot. t. 258. Ph. Am. 1. p. 15.
H a b . Pools, Canada. Goldie. Lakes near the Rocky Mountains. Drummond. Salmon River and higher
parts of the Columbia. Douglas.
2. U. intermedia. Heyne.—E. Bot. t. 3489. Rich. App• p- 2.
H ab . Lake Huron (Dr Todd) to Bear Lake, Dr Richardson; and near the Rocky Mountains. Mr.
Drummond. I possess the same plant gathered at Tewksbury, Massachusetts, by Mr Greene, marked “ U.
Millefolium, Nutt, mst.”
3. TJ. setacea (Mich.); minuta aphylla, caule tenui-setaceo distanter 2-3-floro, floribus
longiuscule pedicellatis, calcare longiusculo. Mich. Am. 1. p. 12.—M. subulata. Ph. Am.
l.p .1 5 .
H ab. Canada. Ph.—Barren specimens, apparently of this species, were gathered by Mr Dmmmond near
the Saskatchawan.
4. TJ. comuta. Mich. Am. 1. p. 12. Ph. Am. 1. p. 16.
H ab. Canada. Michaux. Nuttall. Mrs Percival. Dr Todd. Newfoundland. Miss Brenlon.
1. P . vulgaris. L __ E. Bot. t. 70. Richards. App. p. 2.
H ab. Woody and barren territories to Mackenzie’s River. Dr Richardson. Rocky Mountains. Drummond.
Labrador. Dr Morison. Newfoundland. Miss Brenton.
2. P . grandiflora. Sm. E . Bot. t. 2184.
H ab. Swamps, near Miefs Hook in the Hooky Mountains, tare. Drummond. Bogs, Millbank Sound,
N. W. America. Tolmie.
O rd. L X X I. PRIMULACEiE. Juss.
1. D. integrifolium (Mich.); foliis integerrimis, umbellis plurifloris, pedunculis divaricates,
filamentis in tubum elongatum connatis.—«. vulgare; foliis oblongo-lanceolatis in
petiolum sensim attenuates, tubo stamineo flavo. Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 3622. Ph. Am. 1.
p. 136. Rich. App. p. 6.—/3. minus; foliis ovato-spathulatis petiolatis, tubo stamineo flavo.
—y. latifolium; foliis latissime ovatis petiolatis, tubo stamineo purpureo-nigro.
H a b . a. Woody country of the Hudson’s Bay territories to Carlton House Fort, and in Prairies of the
Rocky Mountains. Dr Richardson. Drummond. Common along the beach at Stikine Sound and Clarence’s
Straits, N. W. America. Tolmie.—/3. and J. Dry banks about Fort Vancouver on the Columbia. Dr Scouler.
Dr Gairdner. Tolmie. Sitcha (Bongard) and N. W. American Islands. Pallas.
2. D. frigidum (Cham, et Schlecbt.); foliis oblongo-ovatis integerrimis subrepandis,
umbellis paucifloris, pedunculis umbellatis divaricatis, bracteis lanceolatis, filamentis in
tubo brevissimo connatis. Linncea, 1. p. 217. Hook, et Am. in Bot. of Beech. Voy. p. 129.
H a b . Kotzebue’s Sound. Beechey. Arctic sea-shore. Sir John Franklin and Captain Back. West
side of the Rocky Mountains. Douglas.
3. D . dentatum; foliis lato-ovatis grosse dentatis longissime petiolatis, umbellis paucifloris,
pedunculis umbellatis suberectis, antheris sessilibus vel annulo brevissimo solum-
modo unitis.
H ab . N. W. interior (last journey). Douglas.—This flowers. appears a very distinct species, and to have white
1. A. septentrionalis. L .—Bot. Mag. t. 2021. Cham, et Schlecht. in Linncea, \.p . 217.
Hook, et Am. Bot. of Beech. Voy.p. 129.—A. occidentals? Nutt. Gen. Am. 1. p. 118.—
A. elongata. Rich. App. p. 5. (non L . and Jacq.)
H ab. From Fort William on the Saskatchawan to the heights of the Rocky Mountains, and to lat. 68° on
the Mackenzie River. D r Richardson. Drummond. Bay of Escholtz in Behring’s Straits. Chamisso.
Beechey. An exceedingly variable plant, from 1 to 9 inches high. Leaves toothed, pinnatifid or entire.
Peduncles with a single flower, or an umbel either few- or many-flowered j the pedicels short or elongated. In
Dr Richardson’s A. elongata, the calyeine teeth are much smaller than in the Linntean elongata (though
mceortraei nulpyr iag hlitt.tle larger than is usual in septentrionalis); the involucre is much smaller and the peduncles
2. A. Chamcejasme. Wulff.— Cham, et Schlecht. in Linncea, \. p. 318. Hook, et Am. Bot.
o f Beech. Voy.p. 129. Rich. App. p. 5.
H ab . Islands of Behring’s Straits. Menzies. Chamisso. Cape Newenham (Nelson in Herb, nostr.) and
Kotzebues Sound. Beechey. Heights of the Rocky Mountains. Drummond; and from Fort Norman to'
the Arctic coast. Dr Richardson.
8. DOUGLASIA. Lindl.
Cal. obconicus, angulatus, 5-dentatus. Cor. infundibularis, tubo ventricoso, limbo
piano 5-partito, fauce callo lineari sub utroque sinu. Ovarium uniloculare, placenta cen-
trali libera pedicellata fungilliformi, margine 5-dentato; ovula 5, dentibus placentae oppo-
sita. Capsule/, vestita, unilocularis, 5-valvis. Semina 2, concava, scrobiculata.—Caespites
suffruticulosi (America borealis), foliis linearibus indivisis, floribus umbellatis solitariisque.