84 VACCINIEÆ. [ Vaccinium.
Tota glabra. Coulis acute tetragonus, angulis fere alatis, ramis acute angulatis. Folia alterna, sub-
disticha, elliptica, mucronata, membranacea, integerrima, glabra, supra obscure subtus magis venosa subglauca.
Flores axillares, penduli. Pedunculi superne incrassati. Corolla globosa, 5-fida. Anthères fere ut in V. ova-
lifolio. Baccoe rubræ.
H ab. North-west Coast Mr. Menzies. Common at Fort Vancouver, and along the sea-shore of the Columbia,
in shady woods. Douglas. Dr. Scouler.
Tab. CXXVIIL—Fig. 1, Flower; fig. 2, Anther '.—magnified.
* * * Foliis sempervirentibus.
12. V. Vitis Idoea; foliis obovatis subtus pallidis punctatis margmibus parum revolutis
subintegerrimis, racemis brevibus terminaiibus nutantibus, corollis campanulatis, antheris
muticis.—Linn.—Engl. Bot. t. 598. Mich. Am. v. 1. p. 229. Pursh, Fl. Am. v. 1. p. 269.
Bigel. Fl. Bost. ed. 2. p. 150. Torrey, FI. of Un. St. v. 1. p. 418.
H ab. Canada (Pursh), and from Newfoundland (Dr. Morrison, Miss Brenton) and Labrador (Dr. Morrison)
to Hudson’s Bay (Douglas). Bear Lake. Dr. Richardson. N. W. Coast. Menzies (in Herb, nostr.)
Unalaschka. Chamisso (in Herb, nostr.)
13. V. ovatum; ramis hispidis, foliis ovatis vel ovato-lanceolatis coriaceis glabris nitidis
margine serratis revolutis, racemis brevibus axillaribus nutantibus, corollis campanulato-glo-
bosis 5-dentatis, dentibus calycinis majusculis acutis.—Pursh, Ft. Am. v. 1. p. 290. Lindl.
in Bot. Reg. t. 1354.
Hab. Columbia. Menzies. Lewis. Common in rocky places on the N.W. Coast, from lat. 40° to 49°.
Douglas. Dr. Scouler.—Fruit black and pleasant Douglas.
14. V. obtusum ; repens, foliis parvis utrinque rotundatis obtusis mucronatis integerrimis
glabris coriaceis, pedunculis axillaribus solitariis unifloris. Pursh, Fl. Am. v. 1. p. 290.
Hab. North-West Coast Menzies. (in Herb. Banks, according to Pursh.)—This is placed by Pursh among
the species with evergreen persistent leaves; but it is a plant unknown to myself, as it was to Sir James E.
B. Corollis rotatis. Oxycoccos.
15. V Oxycoccos; repens filiformis, foliis persistentibus ovatis acutis coriaceis glabris
aVeniis subtus glaucis, pedunculis 1-4 elongatis terminaiibus, corollis 4-partitis.-—Linn.—
Mich. Am. v. 1. p. 228. Engl. Bot. t. 319.—Oxycoccos vulgaris. Pursh, Fl. Am. v. 1.
p. 263. Torrey, FI. of Un. St. v. 1. p. 394.—O. palustris, a. Pers.—Rich, in Frankl. Is*
Journ. ed. 2. App. p. 12,
Hab. Canada. Pursh. Swampy places, from Lake Huron (Dr. Todd), Newfoundland (Mr. Cormack,
Miss Brenton), Labrador (Dr. Morrison) to the Rocky Mountains, (Drummond), and to the Arctic seashore.
Dr. Richardson, Captain Sir E. Parry, Sfc.
16. V. macrocarpum; repens, ramis erectis, foliis persistentibus oblongis coriaceis glabris
venosis subtus albidis, pedunculis lateralibus elongatis basi bracteatis aphyllis, corollis 4-par-
titis.—Ait.—Bot. Mag. t. 2086. Bigel. FI. Bost. ed. 2. p. 154.—V. Oxycoccos, ß. oblongi-
folium. Mich. Am. v. 1. p. 228.—Oxycoccos macrocarpus. Pursh, Fl. Am. v. 1. p. 263.
Torrey, FI. o f Un. St. v. 1. p. 393.
Gaultheria.] ERICEÆ.
Hab. Lake Huron. Dr. Todd. Throughout Canada to the Saskatchewan. Dr. Richardson. Drummond.
Newfoundland. Dr. Morrison. Mr. Cormacli. Miss Brenton. Plentiful in swampy grounds near the con-
llucnce of the Columbia with the Pacific, where its berries are boiled and eaten by the natives under the
name of Soolabich. Douglas.
Ord. LIV. ERICE.ZE. J u ss.
, r‘^ l. GAULTHERIA. L.
Cal. 5-4-fidus, basi carnosus infra bracteatus. Corolla ovata, limbo brevi 5-4-fido.
Stam. 10-8. Filamenta plana saepe hirsuta, imse coroll® inserta v. hypogyna. Anther a apice
bifid®, lobis biaristatis vel muticis. Discus hypogynus 5-10-dentatus vel nullus. Capsula
calyce baccato inclusa, 5-locularis, valvis medio septiferis. Semina angulata.
1. G. procumbens', caule procumbente, ramis erectis inferne nudis, foliis obovatis basi at-
tenuatis ciliato-serratis, floribus aggregatis subterminalibus nutantibus, disco hypogyno
5-dentato, filamentis pilosis, antheris bisetosis.—Linn.—Mich. FI. Am. v. \.p . 249. Pursh,
FI. Am. v. l.p. 283. Elliott, Carol, v. 1. p. 501. Bigel. Fl. Bost. ed. 2. p. 164, Torrey, FI.
ofUn. St. v. 1. p. 412.
H ab. Lake Huron. Dr. Todd. About Quebec. Mrs. Percival, Mrs. Sheppard; and this seems to be its
most northern limit.
2. G. Myrsinites; humilis, ramis caespitosis radicantibus, foliis late ovatis ciliato-serratis,
floribus solitariis pluri-bracteatis, corolla vix ealyeem longiori, antheris muticis, filamentis
glabris, disco hypogyno nullo. (T ab. CXXIX.)
Caulis brevis, ramosus; rami plurimi, csespitosi, procumbentes, longe radicantes. Folia late ovata, coriaceo-
membranacea, nitida, venosa, ciliato-serrata. Flores minuti, solitarii, axillares. Pedunculi perbreves, brac-
teati, bracteis 4-5 ovatis. Calyx basi carnosus, limbo 5-fidus. Corolla vix calyce longior, 5-fida, subcam-
panulata. Filamenta pistillo paulo breviora, glabra. Anihercs oblongse vix apice bifidse, aristis nullis. Discus
hypogynus nullus. Ovarium depresso-globosum, 5-lobum, calycis basi carnosa incrassata insidens.
Stylus cylindraceus. Stigma simplex. Fructus; capsula 5-locularis, 5-valvis, calyce ampliato baccato
rubro tecta; valvis medio septiferis. Semina numerosa, reniformi-angulata, exarillata, nitida, fusca. Albumen
carnosum. Embryo axilis, cylindraceus.
Hab. Rocky Mountains, between lat. 52° and 54°. Drummond.—This beautiful little plant is loaded with
scarlet berries, which its discoverer describes as “ delicious, and resembling the pine-apple in flavour.”
The anthers differ from those of the other known Gaultherice, but the rest of the fructification and the
habit entirely correspond with the present Genus. I ought to observe that the flower is drawn from the
only two blossoms I could find on the whole of the specimens, and that appearing at an unusual season
(while the fruit is in perfection) they were probably smaller than usual, scarcely a line in length, and quite
concealed among the foliage.
Tab. CXXIX.—Fig. 1, Leaf; fig. 2, Flower; fig. 3, Corolla; fig. 4, Stamens and P istil;^ . 5, 5, Back and
front view of a stamen; fig. 6, Pistil; fig. 1, Section of the ovary; fig. 8, 8, Fruits; fig. 9, Section of a
capsule which has burst, surrounded by the fleshy calyx, and seated upon its thickened base (as in G. procumbens
and G. hispidula);fig. 10, 10, Seeds; fig. 11, Section of a seed:—magnified.