0RCHIDEA3. [Amplectrum.
brevioribus, scapo angulato, labello maximo obovato mucronato recurvo discolore, sepalis
linearibus patentissimis. Lindt. Bot. Reg. p. 882. Gen. Orch. p. 28. Malaxis, Sw.—
PA. Am. 2. p. 592. Bot. Mag. p. 2004.—Ophrys, L.
H ab. Canada. Ph.
2. L . Loeselii (Rich.); foliis binis ovato-oblongis obtusis plicatis racemo paucifloro
multo brevioribus, scapo angulato, labello ovato integerrimo cohcolore, sepalis petalisque
linearibus inasqualibus. Lindl. Gen. Orch. p. 28, in Bot. Reg. t. 882. Malaxis, Sw.—
M. Correana. Benth.— Nutt. Am. 2. p. 196. Liparis, Spr.—Ophrys Loeselii. L.
H ab . Canada, ( Goldie) to Carlton House Fort, on the Saskatchawan. Dr Richardson.—The L. Correana
differs in no respect from our European L. Loeselii. The American plant is indeed often much
larger, (I have specimens more than a span high,) but Dr Richardson’s specimens do not exceed ours.
1. C. innata (Br.); scapo pauci (6-9-) floro, floribus parvis, labello oblongo subintegro,
calcare ovario adnato obsoleto— Hook, in FI. Lond. N. S. t. 142. Rich. App. p. 33__ C. odontorhiza. Nutt. Gen. 2. p. 197.-—C. Wisteriana. Conrad in Joum. Acad. Phil. Q.p. 145. Cymbidium. Ph.—f3. labello immaculato. Corallorhiza verna. Nutt.—Journ. Ac. Nat.
Phil. 3. p. 136. t 7.—C. innata. Eat.
H a b . Lake Huron, ([Dr Todd) throughout Canada, (Cleghom, Mrs Sheppard,) to the Saskatchawan.
Dr Richardson. Drummond. Douglas. Newfoundland. Miss Brenton.—Copious specimens which I possess
of this plant, from-the above localities, precisely accord species, about a span high. with our European C. innata. A small slender
2. C. multiflora (Nutt. Joum. Ac. Nat. Phil. 3. p. 138. t. 7.); scapo multi-(15-30)-
floro, labello cuneato-ovali tripartite recurvo maculato, calcare tuberculiformi ovario adnato.
Hook. Exot. FI. t. 174. C. innata. Nutt. Gen. 2. p. 197. {fide Nuttall.).
H ab . Canada. Cleghom. D r Todd. Mrs Sheppard. Lady Dalhousie. New Brunswick. Mr Kendall.
Columbia and Observatory Inlet. N. W. America. Douglas and Dr Scouler.—Much, larger and stouter
than the preceding, with which it had been ponfounded by Nuttall; a foot and more high, with more numerous
flowers, and an evident spur, but adnate with the ovary.
3. C. Mertensiana (Bong. Veg. Sitcha, p. 47.); scapo multi-(10-20)-floro, labello
ovato-oblongo subemarginato, prope basin dente incurvo utrinque instructo, calcare
subelongato omnino libero.
H a b . N. W. America. Sitcha, Bongard. Fort Vancouver and Nusqually. Dr Scouler and Tolmie.
—Habit and size of the preceding, yet very different. It is generally more slender, the sepals and petals
amduncaht en warirtohw theerj ovbaurty t.he most distinguishing feature is the very evident spur to the base of the lip, hot at all
4. AMPLECTRUM. Nutt. Lindt.
1. A. hyemale (Nutt. Journ. Acad. Phil. p . 139). Corallorhiza hyemalis. Nutt. Gen. 2. p. 198. Cymbidium, Willd— Ph. Am. 2. p . 593.
Gymnadenia.'] ORCHIDEiE. 195
H a b . Between Norway House and Cumberland House Fort, on the Saskatchawan, Drummonds rare,
and with fruit and good foliage j but no flower.—Flowers similar to those of Corallorhiza. Root tuberous,
with a single elliptical leaf from the summit of the tuber, the scape springing from beneath. This is doubtless
the northern limit of this fine Orchideous plant j but it does not appear to have been found in Canada.
§ II. Vandeje. Lindl.
5. Ca l y p s o . Saiisb.
1. C. borealis. Saiisb. Par. Lond. t. 89. Hook. Ex. FI. t. 12. ejusd. Bot. Mag.p. 2763.
Ph. Am. 2. p. 593. C. Americana. Br.—Nutt.—Limodorum. Willd.—Cypripedium
bulbosum. L.
H ab . Canada to Bear Lake River. Cleghom. Goldie. Dr Richardson; and from' Hudson’s Bay
(Douglas), to the Rocky Mountains. Drummond. Nova Scotia. Menzies. N. W. America. Mr Lewis.
Menzies. Douglas. Tolmie.
§ III. Ophrydeje. Lindl.
6. ORCHIS. L. Br. Lindl.
]. O. spectabilis (L.); foliis binis oblongis obtusis’scapi longitudine, bracteis foliaceis
floribus longioribus, labello lanceolato calcari clavato pendulo aequali. Lindl. Gen. Orch.
p. 367. Ph. Am. 2. p. 587. Booh. Ex. FI. p. 69. O. humilis. Ufa;__ Habenaria. Spr.
in EHaasbte. rnT hNro. uAgmhoeuritc aC.anada. Dr Todd. Lady Dalhousie. Goldie.—This is the only true Orchis found
2. O. aristata (Fisch. mst. in Herb, nostr.); foliis ovato-lanceolatis acutis caule subdi-
phyllo longioribus, spica ovata densiflora, sepalis acuminatissimis, labello ovato acuto
laevissime versus apicem trilobo lateribus deflexo, calcare crasso pendulo labello longiore,
bracteis herbaceis acuminatis floribus longioribus, tuberibus palmatis. Lindl. Gen. Orch.
p. 262. O. acuminata. Hort. Gor. (Herb, nostr. ex Acad. Imp.,Petersb.) non Desf.__
O. latifolia. L .? var. Beeringiana. Cham, in Linncea, v. 3 .p. 26.
H a b . Unalaschka. Chamisso.—This is rightly separated by Dr Fischer from O. latifolia.
7. GYMNADENIA. Br. Lindl.
1. G. (?) tridentata (Lindl.); folio solitario radicali oblongo obtuso, caulinis 2-3 multo
angustioribus et minoribus, spica brevi laxiuscula, sepalis campanulatis, labello piano
truncato obsolete tridentato (nunc integro obtusiusculo) sepalorum longitudine, calcare
filiformi arcuate ovario paulo longiore. Lindl. Gen. Orch. p. 227. Habenaria trid. Hook.
Ex. FI. p. 81. Orchis trid. Willd.— Ph. Am. 2. p. 587.—/3. labello integro.—Orchis cla-
vellata. Mx. Am. 2. p. 155. Ph. Am. 2. p. 586.—y. folio lineari-oblongo, caule elatiori
(labello integro). Platanthera tipuloides. Lindl. Gen. Orch. p. 285. Orchis tipuloides.
L .—O. gracilis. Fisch.
H ab . Canada. Goldie. Mrs Sheppard. Mrs Perceval—A Newfoundland. Miss Brenton___y. Lake
Huron. Dr Todd.—The base of the cells of the anthers are by no means so approximate as in the original