2. C. umbrosa; floribils sessilibus campanulatis 5-fidis, filament is subulatis corollas laci-
niis longioribus infra basin squama fimbriata, stylis brevibus crassis inclusis.— C. umbrosa.
Beyrich, in Herb. Nostr.— C. Europasa. Torreyy v. 1. p. 230?—-C. Americana. Griswold,
in Herb. Nostr.
Hab. Canada. Mrs. Percival. Norway House Fort? Drummond. N.W. Coast of America. Douglas.__
The OuscutcB, both of the old and the new world, are in a sadly confused state. The present species
is probably frequently called by the American authors C. Americana. Of this, I am certain, that it is the
C. umbrosa of Beyrich (whose name I therefore adopt), and the C. Americana of Dr. Griswold: but whether
it is the Linnsean plant of that name, I have no means of ascertaining. Mr. Drummond’s specimens are
too imperfect for determination. The flowers of the present species are larger than either of our two British
(.Br. in Prodr. Flor. Nov. Holland, p. 492. Benth. in Linn. Trans, v. 17. p. 272.)
Cal. 5-partitus persistens. Cor. campanulata 5-fida, intus striis 5 melliferis marginatis
filamenta amplexantibus. Siam, exserta, medio barbata. Stig. bifidum. Caps, globosa,
1-locularis, 1-sperma; seminibus tribus abortivis.
1. H. virginicum; foliis pinnatifidis, laciniis ovali-lanceolatis inciso-serratis, fasciculis
florum conglomeratis, pedunculis petiolo longioribus.—L .—Mich. Am. v. 1. p. 134. Ph.
v. 1. p. 134. Bot. Reg. t. 331. Elliott, Vj. 1. p. 232. Torrey, Fl. v. 1. p. 219.
Hab. Canada. Mrs. Percival, Mrs. Sheppard, Dr. Holmes. N.W. Coast of America. Dr. Scouler,
who observes that the roots are-eaten by the Indians.
2. H. appendiculatum; foliis infimis pinnatisectis, caulinis palmato-lobatis, racemis lax-
issimis, calyds bispidi sinubus reflexo-appendiculatis. {Benth. l.c. p. 273.)—Mich. Am. v.
1 .p . 134.
H ab. Canada. Gleghom. [Ä]
3. H. Canadense; foliis palmato-lobatis angulaiisve, florum cymis laxis, calycibus glabris.
(Benth. 1. c. p. 273.) L .—Mich. Am. v. 1. p. 133. Ph. v. 1. p. 134. Torrey, v. 1. p. 220.
H ab. Canada. Pursh.
4. H. capitatum; foliis pinnatisectis, segmentis inciso-dentatis, laciniis calycinis lanceo-
latis ciliato-hispidis. {Benth. 1. c. p. 273.) Dougl. ms.
H ab. Fort Vancouver. Douglas.—This is very different from the H. macrophyllum of Nutt all, of which
I have noble specimens from Dr. Short.—[Ä]
* The characters, with remarks on the genera and species of this and the following order (Boragineoe), have been
kindly drawn up for this work by Dç. Lehmann. I have only added a few species which have since been received by
me from British N. America, and made a few alterations suggested by Mr. Bentham’s valuable paper on the first of
these two orders, lately published in the Linnæan Transactions.
2. EUTOCA. Br.
Cal. 5-partitus, persistens. Cor. subcam panulata: membranulse tubi decern, par paria
filamentis alternantes. Siam, exserta. Stylus bifidus. Caps, polysperma, unilocularis»
bivalvis, valvis indivisis medio placentiferis.
1. E. Franklinii; foliis pinnatifidis bipinnatifidisve pilosis, laciniis lanceolatis integerri-
mis dentatisve ciliatis, spicis racemosis in summo caule confertis, staminibus corolla sub-
longioribus.—Br. in Richards. App. to Frankl. Journ. ed. 2. p. 51. t. 27. Hook. Bot. Mag.
t. 2985.
Hab. From the Saskatchawan to the Bear Lake and English Rivers. Dr. Richardson ; and in burnt
woods from the Grand Rapid to the Rocky Mountains. Drummond.
2. E. sericea; foliis pinnatifidis semibipinnatifidisque sericeis, laciniis lanceolatis integer-
rimis, racemis in summo caule confertis, staminibus corolla duplo longioribus. Lehm.—
Grah. in Bot. Mag. t. 3003. Benth. 1. c. p. 278.—E. pulchella. Lehm, in Pugil. PI. II.
p. 18.
H ab. Sandy debris of the Rocky Mountains. Drummond.
3. E. Menziesii; erecta foliis linearibus laneeolatisve integerrinjis quandoque trifidis
pinnatifidisve, placentis 20-multiovulatis. {Benth.) Br. in Richards. App. to Frankl. Journ.
ed. 2. p. 51. Benth. 1. c.—E. multiflora. Dougl. in Bot. Reg, t. 1J80. Lehm. 1. c. p. 19.—
E. echioides et. E. glomerata. Dougl. ms. {fide Benth.)—E. congesta. Dougl. in Herb.
Nostr.—Lehm. 1. c. p. 18.—Hydrophyllum lineare? Ph. {Br.)
H ab. First discovered in California by Mr. Menzies (Herb. Nostr). Interior of the Columbia, N.W.
Am. Douglas.—Dr. Lehmann, whom I was able to supply only with imperfect specimens of this species,
was disposed to separate them into two: but I feel assured that Mr. Benth am has done correctly, in reducing
all the supposed species of Mr. Douglas to one, which is indeed very variable in the form of the
leaves. [Ä]
Cal. persistens 10-partitus laciniis alternis minoribus reflexis. Cor. campanulata 5-loba.
Nectarium, foveolse 10 ad marginem faucis. Stamina corolla breviora. Stylus bifidus.
Caps. 1-locularis.
1. N. parviflora (Dougl.); foliis pinnatifidis lobis paucis latis subdentatis, calyois sinubus
breviter appendiculatis, corollis calycem vix superantibus, placentis biovulatis. Benth. 1. c.
p. 275.
H ab. First found in California by Mr. Menzies. Banks of the Columbia. Douglas, »S'cottfor.-T-Perhaps
not really distinct from the following, which Mr. Bentham thus characterizes:—“ N.pedunqulata; foliis
pinnatifidis, calycis sinubus breviter appendiculatis, corollis calycem vix superantibus, placentis 6-ovul-
atis.” [iff.]
2. N. pedunculata (Dougl.).; caule dichotomo ramoso, foliis s.ubpinnatifido-quinquelobis
pilosis: lobis obtusis, pedunculis alaribus solitariis nutantibus.