H ab. Slave Lake, English River, and in a small Lake at the summit of Portage la Loche. Dr. Richardson,
2. L . Kalmii; glabra, caule erecto gracili ramoso, foliis lineari-elongatis .subdentatis radical
i bus brevibus spathulatis, racemis laxis paucifloris subfoliosis, pedicellis elongatis biglan-
dulosis, calycis glaberrimr laciniis subulatis, germine basi attenuato.—Linn.—Mich. Am.
v. 2. p. 153. Pursh, FI. Am. v. 2. p. 446. Bigel. Fl. Bost. ed. 2. p. 86. Torrey, FI. o f Un.
St. v .l .p . 239.
Hab. From Lake Huron, Dr. Todd, throughout Canada to the Saskatchawan and Hudson’s Bay, and in
saline marshes in lat. 60°. Dr. Richardson.—The L. gracilis of Mr. Nuttall (L . Nuttallii, Roem. et Sch.), is a
still slenderer plant than the present, with smaller flowers, shorter pedicels, bibracteate at the base, but destitute
of the two glands upon the pedicel, and the germen is obtuse at the base.
3. L . Claytoniana ; erecta simplex pubescens, foliis oblongis subintegerrimis ciliatis basi
attenuatis, radicalibus obovato-spathulatis, racemo gracili elongato nudo, bracteis solitariis
pedicello eglanduloso longioribus, calycis glabri laciniis subulatis tubo corollas parum brevi-
oribus.—Mich. Am. v. 2. p. 153. Pursh, FI. Am. v. 2. p. 447. Elliott, Carol, v. 1. p. 265.
Torrey, FI. o f Un. St. v. 1. p. 240.—L. pallida. Muhl.—Bigel. FI. Bost. ed. 2. p. 86.—L.
spicata. Lam.
H ab. On the Saskatchawan, apparently rare, as very few specimens are in the Collection. Drummond.
4. L . inflata ; pubescens, caule erecto simplici vel ramoso, foliis oblongo-ovalibus denta-
tis inferioribus in petiolum brevem attenuatis, racemis basi foliosis, capsulis globosis inflatis.—
Linn.-—Mich. Am. v. 2. p. 152. Pursh, FI. Am. v. 2. p. 448. Bigel. FI. Bost. ed. 2. p. 86.
Elliott, Carol, v. 1. p. 266.
Hab. Lake Huron, Dr. Todd, to the Saskatchawan and Hudson’s Bay. Dr. Richardson. Drummond.
5. L . syphilitica; subhirsuta, caule erecto simplici, foliis ovato-lanceolatis utrinque Brevi-
acuminatis dentatis infimis in petiolum attenuatis, racemo elongato basi folioso, calycis hir-
suti laciniis subulatis tubo corollæ brevioribus sinubus reflexis.—Linn.—Mich. Am. v. 2.
p. 151. Pursh, FI. Am. v. 2. p. 447. Elliott, Carol, v. 1. p. 256.
Hab. Lake Huron, abundant. Dr. Todd.—Flowers blue, vastly larger than any of the preceding species,
and next in size to those of L. cardinalis.
6. L . cardinalis; glabra, caule erecto simplici, foliis lato-lanceolatis serratis, racemis elongatis
secundis, floribus erectis, calycis glabri laciniis subulatis tubo elongato corollæ brevioribus,
staminibus exsertis,—Linn.—Curt. Bot. Mag. t. 320. Mich. Am. v.2 .p. 151. Pursh,
FI. Am. v. 2. p. 448. Bigel. FI. Bost. ed. 2. p. 85. Torrey, FI. of Un. St. v. 1. p. 242.
H ab. Throughout Canada, from Lake Huron to the Saskatchawan. Dr. Richardson. Drummond.
4. CLINTONIA. Dougl.
Cal. superus, pentaphyllus, subæqualis. Corolla monopetala, bilabiata, labio inferiore
cuneato trilobo superiore erecto bipartite. Stamina in tubo connata, incurva. Antheroe
connatæ, duabus apice setigeris. Ovarium siliquiforme trianguläre, contortum, uniloculare,
placentis duabus parietalibus. Capsula arida, chartacea, polysperma, in valvulis tribus loriformibus
dehiscens.—Herba annua, procumhens, microphylla. Flores solitarii, axillares.
1. C. elegans. Dougl. in Bot. Beg. t. 1241.
Herba annua procumbens, parum ramosa, glabra. Caulis teres, angulatus. Folia sessilia, ovata, trivenia.
Flores solitarii, axillares. Ovarium sessile, longe acuminatum, foliis 4-5-plo longius, triangulare, contortum.
Corolla caerulea, labio inferiore medio macula alba. Antherce cseruleae. Stigma conicum, barba papillosa cir-
cumdatum. Capsules foliis multoties longiores. Pollen ovale medio sulcatum. Lindl. 1. c.
H ab. Common on overflowed grounds, near the sources of the Multnomaclc, and in the vallies of the
western side of the Rocky Mountains. Douglas.— I have preferred giving Professor Lindley’s remarks upon
this interesting plant, made from living specimens, to any I could offer from the dried one. The same
able Botanist observes that it exhibits an instance of unilocular fruit with parietal placentae, in an Order
which has multilocular fruit and axile placentae; yet, what is very remarkable, this deviation from the normal
structure of the Order is unaccompanied by any corresponding irregularity in the other parts of the fructification.
As cultivated in the London Horticultural Society’s Garden, “ it forms one of the most beautiful
annuals with which we are acquainted. Notwithstanding the want of spreading foliage to give its flowers
effect, the latter are of so brilliant a colour, that the plants, when grown in broad patches, resemble a carpet
of'silver and blue.”
O r d . LU I. VACCINIEÆ. De Cand.
Cal. ovarici adhærens limbo 4-5-dentato. Cor. I-petala, ovata, campanulata seu rotata
limbo 4-5-fido. Siam. 8, perigyna. Antheroe bicornes apice poris déhiscentes, dorso non
raro bisetosæ. Ovarium subglobosum. Stylus simplex. Stigma obtusum. Bacca globosa,
4-5-locularis. Semina pauca, minuta. Frutices humiles. Folia sparsa latiuscula, decidua
vel persistentia exstipulata. Flores soepe ante folia, solitarii vel racemosi, nutantes, inodori,
soepissime incarnati. Baccae plerumque edules.
A. corollis ovatis seu campanulatis. Vaccinium.
* Foliis deciduis. Floribus racemosis.
B V. resinosum; foliis brevi-petiolatis ovali-oblongis integerrimis opacis subtus præcipue
resinoso-punctatis, racemis lateralibus secundis bracteatis, corollis ovatis subängulatis.—Ait.
—Mich. Am. v .l .p . 230. Bot. Mag. t. 1288. Pursh, Fl. Am. v. 1. p. 286. Elliott, Carol,
v .l.p . 498. Bigel. FI. Bost. ed. 2. p. 150. Torrey, FI. o f Un. St. p. 416.
Hab. Canada. Pursh. Mrs. Sheppard. Lake Huron. Dr. Todd, to the Saskatchawan. Drummond.
2. V. corymbosum; ramis floriferis subaphyllis, foliis oblongo-lanceolatis integerrimis
junioribus pubescentibus, racemis compactis bracteatis, corollis ovato-cylindraceis.—Linn.
mPursk, Fl. Am. v. 1. p. 286. Elliott, Carol, v. 1. p. 498. Bigel. FI. Bost. ed. 2. p. 150.
Torrey, FI, of Un. St. v. 1. p. 416.—V. dimorphum. Mich. Am. v. 1. p. 231.—V. amænum.
Hab. About Quebec. Cleghorn. Mrs. Percival. Lake Hnron. Dr. Todd. Newfoundland. Dr. Morrison.—
Pursh describes the berries as black, Bigelow, as being covered with a blue powder.