floribus squamula hypogyna auctis, caryopse glabra alato-marginata rostellata. Ledeb. FI.
Alt. 1. p. 10. Pall. FI. Boss. 2. p. 112. t. 98. f . A. Ph. Am. 1. p. 4.—a. gracile. (3. robus-
tius. 5. rubricaule.
H a b . tt. Sandy banks. of the Saskatchewan and Athabasca and Red Rivers. Drummond. Douglas.—
A Same situations on the Athabasca {Drummond), and on the Columbia {Douglas).—5. Great Slave Lake.
Dr Richardson__A very variable species, as is the European plant of the same name. Our var. which
is considerably hairy, would include the C. canescens of Kitaibel, and the C. pilosum, Pall., is probably
scarcely different from it; whilst var. A is the same as C. Redotoshii Fisch. (in Herb. Hook.), and C. hysso-
pifolium, var., Requien (in Herb. Hook.) ; and var. y. is the C. nilidum, Kit. (in Herb. Hook.).
8. EUROTIA. Adans.
Flores monoici ebracteati. Masc. Cal. 4-sepalus} inappendiculatus. Cor. et squamulce
hypogyna nullae. Stain. 4. receptaculo inserta. Fgem. Cal. tubulosus semibifidus, villo
densissimo involutus, demum bicornis. Cor. et squamuloe hypogyna 0. Stigmata 2, basi
connata. Utriculus compressus, herbaceus. Semen verticale, integumentis tenuibus.
Badicula descendens.— Fruticulus erectus, pube stellata vestitus. Folia sparsa. petiolata,
membranacea, oblonga. Flores glomerato-spicati, terminates et laterales. Ledeb.
1. E. ceratoides. Ledeb. FI. Alt. 4. p. 239.—Diotis. Willd.—-Ceratospermum papposum.
Pers.—Axyris ceratoides. L .—Axyris fruticosa, &c. Gmel. Sib. 3. t. 11. f 1.-—Kras-
cheninnikovia ceratoides. Guildenst. in. Nov. Com. Petrop. 16. t. 17. f. 1-6 et f . 13.—
Diotis lanata. Ph. Am. 2. p. 6021
H a b . Plains of the Saskatchewan. Drummond.—Pursh distinguished this from the European E. ceratoides,
by its long woolly tomentum : but in this particular there is really no difference. The leaves are generally
narrower in the American plant, but both these characters are variable.
1. B. capitation. L .—Ph. Am. 1. p. 4.
H a b . Lake Huron and various parts of Canada, to Hudson’s Bay and Great Slave Lake. Dr Richardson.
2. B. chenopodioides (Nutt.); foliis hastatis subdentatis basi attenuatis, glomerulis
axillaribus bracteatis, seminibus punctatis non baccatis. Nutt. Gen. Am. 1. p. 4.
H ab. Carlton House upon the Saskatchewan. Drummond.—A curious and very distinct annual, with
small leaves and flowers, first detected by Nuttall on dry soils near the banks of the Missouri. Flowers in
small axillary glomeruli, each flower consisting of one stamen and one pistil, with a punctato-reticulated ovary;
its deeply bipartite style is subtended by a membranaceous reticulated oblong bractea. . Perianth 0.
J. C. maritimum? L .—E . Bot. t. 633. Ph. Am. 1. p. 198.
H a b . Arctic sea-coast. Dr Richardson.—I am uncertain about this species. It is scarcely an inch long,
procumbent, very slender, with 4 to 6 or 8. leaves. Flowers axillary and clustered.
2. C. calceoliforme; annuum erectum alternatim ramosum glaberrimum, foliis lineari-
subulatis carnosis supra planis, floribus glomeratis in spicam foliosam seu bracteatam
dispositis, bracteis ovato-lanceolatis acum inatis, sepalis 4-5 carnosis calceoliform ibus
H ab . About Carlton House Fort. Drummond.—Eight to ten inches high, with copious spiniform branches.
Flowers small: each sepal is slipper-shaped, thick and fleshy.
3. C. album. L .—E. Bot. t. 1723. Ph. Am. 1. p. 198.—-/3. viride. C. viride. Curt.
—C. ficifolium. E. Bot. t. 1724.
H a b . From Lake Huron to the Saskatchewan and the Rocky Mountains, and to Bear Lake. D r Richardson.
Columbia, near old camps. Douglas. Dr Scouler.—Extremely variable in size and ramification,
and in the shape of its leaves.
4. C. rubrum. L __ E. Bot. t. 1721.
H ab . About the Saskatchewan. Drummond. Newfoundland, Dr Morison. Straits of De Fuca,
N. W. C. Dr Scouler.—These specimens quite agree with the figure in E. Bot. Seeds very small.
5. C. glaucum. L .—E . Bot. t. 1454.
H ab. Cumberland House Fort and garden at Edmonton House, and to Hudson’s Bay. Drummond. Dr
6. C. urbicum. L. ?—E . Bot. t. 717.— C. interm ed ium . Mert. et Koch.
H a b . Lake Huron, Lake Winipeg, and plains of Red River and Saskatchewan, to the Bear Lake.” D r
Richardson. Drummond.—This I have received from the American botanists as C. hybridum: but that
species has a more panicled inflorescence, with divaricating branches. The present exactly accords with the
E. Bot. C. hybridum.
7. C. humile; parv um ram osum decum bens, foliis inferioribus o vato-spathulatis supe-
rio rib us oblongis vel lin earibu s om nibus integ errim is petiolatis, floribus axillaribus
glom eratis, glom erulis globosis.
H ab. Marshes of the Saskatchawan.—This is a small spreading plant, scarcely more than three inches in
diameter, glabrous, turning almost black in drying. Glomeruli of flowers about as large as a small pea, very
compact, and arising from the axil of almost every leaf.
8. C. ? zostercefolium; ram is copiosis p lerum q ue oppositis divaricatis, foliis ssepe o p-
positis lin earibu s integerrim is, floribus glom erato-spicatis axillaribus term inalibusque,
spicis subfoliosis.—13. foliis lineari-oblongis.
H ab. N. W. C. of America. Menzies. Columbia and Straits of De Fuca, (in salt marshes ?) Dr Scouler.
—A very singular-looking plant, with flowers so much injured by pressure that they cannot be satisfactorily
examined. Branches generally opposite, and decussate, reddish, the midrib of the same colour. Leaves
mostly opposite also, 3-4 inches long, and scarcely a line wide in a,., broader and shorter in A ; all quite
entire. It may possibly be an Atriplex; and perhaps a luxuriant state of A . Gmelini.
9. C. ? spinosum; fruticosum , ram is spinescentibus glabris, foliis fasciculatis obovatis
carnosis subsessilibus, floribus polygam is?
H ab. Interior of North California. Douglas. 1826.—The specimens are very imperfect. The plant is
evidently shrubby and spiny, clothed with pale-coloured, glabrous bark. Leaves scarcely half an inch long:.
There are a few terminal .flowers, exactly like the male flowers of an Atriplex, or Chenopodium with an
abortive pistil.