H a b . Saskatchawan River to Fort Franklin. Dr Richardson. Drummond. Douglas.
T rib. Stachydeje. Benth.
Cal. obscure venosus post anthesin inflatus. Cor. longe exserta, fauce amplissima.
1. p . Virginiana. Benth.—Dracocephalum. L .—Bot. Mag. t. 467. Ph. Am. 2. p. 411.
D . speciosum. Sw. Br. FI. Gard. 1. t. 93.—D. denticulatum. Ait.—Ph.—Bot. Mag. t.
214.—D . obovatum. Ell.—D . lancifolium. Moench.—D. variegatum. Vent. Cels. t. 44.
Ph.__D. intermedium. Nutt.—/3; floribus dense imbricatis. Physost. imbricata. Hook.
Bot. Mag. t. 3386.
H ab. Canada.—/s. Plains of Saskatchawan. Dr Richardson. Drummond. Banks of the Columbia.
Douglas. Tolmie.—A very variable plant
19. LAMIUM. L.
1. L . amplexicaide. L .—E. Bot. t. 77. Ph. Am. 2. p. 406.
H a b . Canada (naturalized). Mrs Percival.
1. L . Cardiaca. L .—E. Bot. t. 286. Ph. Am. 2. p. 408.
H ab. Lake Huron. Dr Todd. Norway House Fort. Drummond. (Not indigenous.)
1. G. Tetrahit. L .—E. Bot. t. 207. Ph. Am. 2 .p . 407.
H a b . Canada; Newfoundland'(introduced).
1. S. ciliata (Dougl.); herbacea erecta subglabra, caulis angulis obverse ciliatis, foliis
petiolatis ovatis breviter acuminatis crenatis basi cordatis glabris v. supra pilis raris his-
pidulis, verticillastris 6-floris supremis subapproximatis, bracteis subnullis, corollis gla-
briusculis calyce triplo quadruplove longioribus, tubo longe exserto. Benth. 1. c. p. 538.
H a b . Columbia; and banks of other streams in N. W. Am. Douglas. D r Scouler. Tolmie. Gairdner.
2. S. palustris. L .—E. Bot. t. 1675.—/S. ambigua, foliis latioribus magis petiolatis.—
S. ambigua. E. Bot. t. 2089.
H a b . Throughout Canada to Fort Franklin on the Mackenzie River. Dr Richardson. Drummond.
Columbia and Walla-wallah Rivers, N. W. America. Douglas. Tolmie. Newfoundland. Miss Brenton.—d.
Canada. Mrs Sheppard. Norway House Fort. Drummond.
3. S. aspera. Mich. Am. 2. p . 8. Ph. Am. 2. p. 407. Benth. 1. c. p. 543— S. hispida.
Mich. Am. 2. p. 5. Ph. Am. 2. p. 407.
Hab. Canada. Mrs Sheppard. Norway House Fort. Drummond. Dr Richardson. Newfoundland.
Mr Cormack. Wallamet, N.W. America. Tolmie.—I fear that, except by the coarser and more reflexed hairs
at the angles of the stem, this is hardly to be distinguished from S. palustris, which is assuredly a very variable
species, both in the form of the leaves and in the pubescence. The specimens from Wallamet are all
over very hairy.
1. M. vulgare. L .—E. Bot. t. 410. Ph. Am. 2. p. 408.
Hab. Lake Huron. Dr Todd.
T rib. Ajugoideæ. Benth.
24. TEUCRIUM. L. ;
1. T. Canadense. L .—Ph. Am. 2. p. 403.
Hab. Canada ; near Quebec. Mrs Sheppard.
1. T. dichotomum. L .—Ph. Am. 2. p. 414.
Hab. Canada. Ph.
2. T. dblongum (Benth.) ;-pubescens v. villosum, foliis oblongis basi angustatis, cymis
axillaribus, calycibus subæqualiter 5-fidis, corollæ tubo incluso. Benth. 1. c. p. 657.
Hab. Low grassy pastures near Fort Vancouver. Douglas.
3. T. lanceolatum (Benth.); villosum, foliis lanceolatis, cymis axillaribus, calycibus
inæqualiter 5-fidis, corollæ tubo exserto. Benth. 1. c. p. 658.
H ab. N.W. America. Dry sandy soils on the Multnomak and Columbia. Douglas.
O rd. L X IX . VERBENACEÆ. Juss.
1. V. bracteosa. Mich.—Ph. Am. 2. p. 416. Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 2910.
H ab. Menzies Island ; and banks of the Columbia. N . W. America. Douglas. Walla-wallah River.
2. V. paniculata (Lam.) ; caule scabro, foliis petiolatis ovato-lanceolatis acutis inæqualiter
serratis subtus venoso-reticulatis, spicis filiformibus corymboso-paniculatis, floribus
imbricatis. Lindl. Bot. Beg. t. 1102. Ph. Am. 2. p. 416.
Hab. L ow alluvial soils, N.W. Coast, abundant. Douglas. Fort Vancouver ; and Walla-wallah River.
Tolmie. Canada to the Saskatchawan. Dr Richardson. Drummond.—Scarcely, I fear, different from the
3. V. hastdta. L __Ph. Am. 2. p. 416.