obtusis ciliatis, perianthii valv. ext. obsoletissime nervosa, arista scabriuscula recta flos-
culam superante, foliis angustissimis lineari-filiformibus, foliorum Yaginis. longissimis.
H a b . Plains and elevated grounds of the Columbia, near the sea. D r Scouler. Douglas.—Root tufted.
Culms caespitose, l£ to 2 feet high. Leaves principally radical, one-fourth the length of the culms, 3 or 4
on the culm, distant, but the culm is almost wholly concealed by their remarkably long, sheathing bases.
Panicle 5-6 inches long; branches slender, again divided, more"or less long, and more or less patent. Spike-
lets small in proportion to the size of the panicle, green, glossy, smooth. Awns about equal in length.to the
perianth. Glumes short and obtuse, especially the upper or inner one, which is about twice as long as the
outer one, yet not half so long as the floral valves. Inner valve of the floret as long as the outer, acute, flat at
the back, but the margins closely inflexed.
8. F. ovina, L .—E . Bot. t. 585.
H a b . Lake Winipeg to the Saskatchawan and the Bear Lake. Dr Richardson. Rocky Mountains.
Drummond.—Some of the specimens are a foot and a foot and a half long, but differing in no‘essential particular
from our European F. ovina.
4. F. brevifolia; racemo subsimplici erecto, flosculis teretibus supra scabriusculis arista
duplo longioribus, foliis setaceis vaginisque laevibus, culmeo supremo multoties breviore
vagina sua laxiuscula. Br. in Parry's Is* Voy. App. p. cclxxxix. et cccix. Hook, in Tarry's
2d Voy. App. p. 408, and in Parry’s 4th Voy. App.p. 213.
H ab. Arctic Sea-coast and Islands. Sir E . Parry. Dr Richardson. Rocky Mountains. Drummond.
5. F. svbulata (Bongos flosculis lanceolato-linearibus (angustissimis) subobsolete ner-
vosis subulatis, subula iisdem mquilonga vel longiori, foliis omnibus planis, radice fibrosa
vel subrepente. Bong. Veget. Sitcha, p. 55.
H ab . Sitcha. Mertens.
6. F. rubra, L .—E. Bot. t. 2056__Bongard, Veg. Sitcha, p. 55.—F. duriuscula, Hook.
et Am. Bot. of Beech. Voy. p. 132.—var. 1. spiculis hirsutis.—var. 2. racemo subsimplici,
spiculis valde hirsutis paucifloris nunc flosculis viviparis.
H a b . Canada. Mrs Perceval. York Factory, Hudson’s Bay. Drummond. Kotzebue’s Sound. Beechey.
Greenland {Homemann.')—Var. 1. Fort Vancouver.-—var. 2. Cumberland House Fort, Bear Lake, and
Arctic America. Dr Richardson. (viviparous;) Saskatchawan to Hudson’s Bay. Drummond. Greenland.
Homemann.—In the more northern latitudes this species frequently becomes very hairy in its floscules, and
of a dark purplish colour. I have referred the F. duriuscula of the Bot. of Beech. Voy. hither, because, like
all my specimens which possess a root at all, that root is creeping.
7. F. Richardsonis humilis, racemo simplici brevi, spiculis approximatis compressis
ovatis tri-quadri-floris dense villosis, glumis inaequal.ibus (majore flosculo breviore), perianthii
valvula ext. lato-ovata subcompresso-carinata in aristam perbrevem acuminata,
foliis brevibus angusto-linearibus planis, radice repente. (Tab. CCXXX.)
Radix repens stolonifera. Culmus Uai geniculatus, digitalis ad spithammam, versus basin praecipue foliosus.
Folia-1-3 uncias longa vix £ line am lata, .angustoJinearia, ohtufja, flaccida, plana. Racemus unciam spsquiunciam
lorigus, simplex vel rarissime subcompositus. Spicules 6-8, approximate, ovate, breviter pedicellate,
dense pildse. Glumes oblongo-ovate, cymbiformes, obtuse, inequales, flosculis breviores, tri-quadriflore,
compresse. Flosculi compressi; perianthii valvula exterior late ovata, cdmplicato-carinata, fusco-purpurea,
margine hyalina, apice in aristam perbrevem sensim acuminata: interior bicarinata, ad carinas hirsuta.
H ab. Arctic Sea-coast. Dr Richardson.—This appears to be a very distinct species from any with which
I am acquainted.
T a b . CCXXX___Fig. 1. Spikelet; f . 2. Calycine glume; f . 3. Perianth; ƒ 4. Anterior view of the
inner, and f. 5. posterior view of the inner valve of the perianth :—magnified.
8. F. (Schoenodorus) pratensis, Huds.—E. Bot. t. 1592. Torr. FI. 1. p. 121. Gray,
Gram, et Cyp. Part II. n. 125.
H a b . Dry plains of the Columbia^ and towards the mountains. Douglas.
9. F. (Schcenodorus) borealis {Mert.); panicula laxa erectiuscula ramis, prim ariis sub-
verticillatis, spiculis oblongis sub-4-floris, glumis subaequalibus longitudine fere spiculae,
flosculis teretibus basi fasciculato-pildsis, perianthii valvula exteriore 7-nervi apice brevi-
aristata lacerata interiore apice bidentata, foliis lato-linearibus planis asperis. ( T ab.
CC X X X I.)—Mert. et Koch, FI. Germ. 1. p. 664. Kth. Enum.p. 404.
H ab. Carlton House Fort, on the Saskatchawan.—This fine grass is considered by Dr Torrey to be the
same with the F. borealis of Mert. and Koch ; and it must be confessed that it agrees pretty well with their
description ; but I have no authentic specimen of that plant by which to certify the opinion, and there are
some slight discrepancies. The culm in our specimens is as thick as a swan’s quill, 3-4 or more feet high,
leaves 8-10 inches long, broadly linear-acuminate, rough to the touch. Panicle a foot and more long, almost
quite erect, as well as. the subverticillate slender branches. Spikelet erect, £ to fths of an inch long, scattered
or subfascicled, sessile or pedicellate, generally 4-flowered. Glumes unequal, convex, rounded at the
back, not keeled, the outer one shorter than the florets, acute, entire at the point, the middle nerve reaching
beyond the point, so as to form a short arista, there are besides, on each side, two short lateral nerves; the
inner glume as long as the whole spikelet of florets, torn at the point, aristate, the middle nerve reaching
beyond the point; there are besides, 2 lateral nerves reaching to the apex, and 2 intermediate shorter ones.
Florets cylindrical, closely placed, with a tuft of white hairs at the base of each; outer valve of the perianth
jagged at the point, shortly aristate, with 7 nerves reaching to the summit: the inner lanceolate, the margin
inflected, with 2 strong, green, ciliated, nerves at the flexures, running out so as to form a bifid apex; upper
floret smaller than the rest.
T a b . CCXXXI.—Fig. 1. Spikelet; f . 2. Inner glume; f . 3. Outer do.; f. 4. Perianth.:—magnified.
10. F. (Schoenodorus) nervosa; panicula erecto-patens laxa, spiculis oblongis compressis
remote 7-8-floris glumis insequalibus laevibus, superiore longitudine fere flosculi,
flosculis scabi'is lineari-oblongis acute carinatis conduplicato-compressis acutis nervosis,
nervis 5 elevatis, foliis planis linearibus.— ( T a b . CC XXXII.)
H a b . Nutka Sound. Dr Scouler.—Root creeping. Culms casspitose, 1 j-2 feet high, slender, wiry.
Leaves flaccid, linear. Panicle 3-4 to 6 inches long, lower branches long and capillary. Spikelets oblong,
the flowers remote, and the rachis peculiarly zigzag. These florets are remarkable for being very much com