266 LYCOPODINEJS. [Lycopodium.
4 . B. silaifolium (Presl)s fronde radicali trip in n ata, p in nis prim ariis secundaviisque
petiolatis, pinnulissubsessilibus ovatis.crenatQ -dentatis.inferioribus sublobatis, scapo n ud o,
p an icu la coarctata. Presl, Beliq. Haenk. 1. p. 76.
Hab. Nutka. Mertens.—This species is quite- unknown- to me-.
try5c.h iBum. V girragciimlec*u. mPA, S.w.—Ph. Am. 2. p. 65». Schhuhr, Bil. t. 156.—Botrypus, HA—Bo-
HaB. Canada, Michaux, Goldie; from Lake Huron, Dr Todd, to the Saskatchawan. Dr Richardson.
Drummond. Newfoundland. Miss Brenton. Columbia River, N. W. America. Dr Scouler.
A. E sstx pd l a t ^e.
* AxiHares; capsulis axillaribus.
1. L. Selago, L.—E. Bot. t. 233. Hook, in Parry-s 2d Voy. App. p. 2 6].'Beck, FI. p.
462.—/3. foliis angustioribus ssepe squarrosis. L. recurvum, fVilld.
H a b . From Hudson’s Bay (York Factory) to the Rocky Mountains, and to the extreme Arctic, shores and
islands. Dr Richardson. Drummond. Sir E . Parry, &c. Labrador. Dr Morrison. Miss Brenton. West
side- of the Rocky Mountains near the sources of the Columbia. Douglas.— N. W. America. From
Observatory Inlet, Millbank Sound, to Stikine; Dr Scouler; Tolmie;
2. L. lucidvlum,, Mich. Am. 2. p. 284.— Ph.—Schkk. Fil. t. 159.—L. reflexum. Sw.
H a b . Canada to the Saskatchawan. Drummond.
** Spicatse ; capsulis spicatis.
f Spicis sessilibus.
3 . L. dendroideum, Mx. Am. 2. p. 282 . Ph.— Hook. Ex. Fil. t. 7.
H ab. Canada. Pursh, Mrs Perceval, Mrs Sheppard; to the Saskatchawan, and to Hudson’s Bay.
Drummond. New Brunswick. M r Kendal; Newfoundland; Miss Brentont Dr Morrison; N.-W-. Coast
of America. Menzies.
4. L. armotinum, L .— E. Bot. t. 1727. Ph.- Am: 2. p. 653*—an* L. bryophyllum,
H a b . Canada. Pursh, Mrs Perceval, Lady Dalhousie; to Slave Lake. Dr Richardson: Drummond.
Newfoundland. Miss Brenton. Dr Morrison. N. W.. Am. Observatory Inlet, Dr Scouler; to Millbank
Sound. Tolmie.
5. L. sabincefolium ( Willd.); caule elongato repente, ramis erectis brevibus dense
Lycopodium.'} LYCOPODINEiE. 267
fastigiatim dichotome divisis, foliis undique imbricatis nunc quadrifariis sequalibus erectis
tereti-subulatis aristato-acuminatis, spicis sessilibus cylindraceis solitariis, squamis cor-
dato-acuminatis patentibus integerrimis. (Tab. CCXXXVIII.) Hook, et Grev. Lycop.
in Bot. Miscell. 2. p. 371.—L. alpinum, Mx.
H ab. Canada. Michaux. Banks of the Saskatchawan. D r Richardson. Drummond. Newfoundland. Mr
Cormack.—With the habit of L . alpinum, the species has totally different,leaves and a different-insertion
of those leaves. Here they are all equal, and imbricated on all sides, or occasionally in 4 rows.
Tab. CCXXXVIII.—Fig. 1. Portion of & branch; f. 2. Spike of'fructification ; f. 3. Scale from the
spike with a capsule, posterior view; ƒ. 4. Side view of a scale with the capsule :—magnified.
6. L . selaginoides, L .—E . Bot. t. 1148. Mx.—Ph. Am. 2. p. 654>.
Hab. Canada. Michaux. Saskatchawan. Drummond.—The few specimens, gathered by Mr Drummond,
are all I have seen of American origin. Dr Greville- and myself were unquestionably wrong in referring
the L. bryophyllum of Haenke to this species; it may probably belong to a dwarf state of L. annotinum.
7. L . inundatum, L .—E . Bot. t. 239. Ph. Am. 2. p. 653.
Hab. Canada, Pursh.
8. L . rupestre, L .—Schkuhr, Fil. 1.165. P h .A m . 2. /j.*654.—<3. ramis longissimis, foliis
laxioribus. L. struthioloides, Presl, Beliq. Hank. 1. p. 82.
Hab. Canada to the Saskatchawan. Dr Richardson. Drummond.—A N. W. Am .Douglas. Observatory
Inlet. Dr Scouler.
-j”f- Spicis pedunculatis.
9. L . clavatum, L.—E. Bot. t. 224. Ph. Am . 2. p. 652.-HS. monostachyon; spica soli-
taria, pedunculis brevibus. Hook, et Grev. Lycop. in Bot.Misc. v. 2.p. 875.—y. tristachyon, spicis subternis, ramis fastigiatis, foliis subintegerrimis. L. clavatum, Mx.—L. aristatum,
y. tristachyon, Nutt__Hook, et Grev. 1. c. p . 876. L. tristachyon, Nutt. (non Ph.):—3. foliis
omnino integerrimis muticis.
H ab. Newfoundland. Miss Brenton. Dr Morrison. Throughout Canada to the Saskatchawan. Dr
Richardson. Drummond. Interior of the Columbia. Douglas.—A Rocky Mountains, north of the Smoking
River. Drummond.—S. N; W. America, from Observatory Inlet, Dr Scouler, to Stikine; and on Mount
Rainier. Tolmie.—A very variable plant, and very extensively distributed -over many parts of the world.
* Ramis compressis cum foliis distichis decurreniibus coadunatis, stipulis uniseriatis.
10. L . complanatum, L .—Schkk. F il. t. 168. Ph. Am. 2. p. 652.—L. tristachyon, Ph.
(non Nutt.)
H ab. Canada. Pursh. Goldie. Mrs Perceval. From Lake' Huron, Dr Todd, to the Saskatchawan.
Dr Richardson. Drummond. Newfoundland. Miss Brenton. Dr Morrison. N. W. Coast of America.