3. Labellum tripartitum, laciniis indivisis.
19. P. rotundifolia (Lindl. Gen. Orch. p. 292); folio solitario radicali subrotundo-
ovato piano, scapo nudo, spica pauciflora laxiuscula, bracteis obtusis ovario brevioribus,
sepalis petalisque obtusis, labello trilobo lobis lateralibus subfalcatis intermedio obcordato,
calcare acuto labelli longitudine. Lindl.—(T ab. C C I.)—Habenaria, Rich. App. p. 33.
Orchis, Ph. Am. 2. p. 588.
H ab . Hudson’s Bay (Serb. Banks.) Island of Anticosti. Goldie. Newfoundland. Mr Cormack.
Canada. Lady Dalhousie; to Carlton House Fort on the Saskatchawan; and to Jasper’s Lake in the Rocky
Mountains. Dr Richardson. Drummond.—Leaves spotted, Mr Drummond observes, like those of Orchis
maculata. Flowers pale dirty white.
T ab . CCI. Fig. 1, Flower :—magnified.
4. Labellum tripartitum, laciniis incisis.
20. P . incisa (Lindl. Gen. Orch. p. 293); caule folioso, foliis obovato-oblongis sursum
decrescentibus, racemo oblongo multifloro, bracteis linearibus acuminatis floribus longi-
oribus, sepalis oblongis lateralibus deflexis, petalis erectis oblongis denticulatis, labelli
unguiculati subrotundi laciniis cuneatis inciso-denticulatis intermedia majore calcare
duplo breviore. Lindl.—Habenaria, Spr.—Orchis, Willd.—Ph. Am. 2. p. 589.
H ab. Sillery, Canada. Mrs Sheppard.— Perhaps only a stunted var. of the following.
21. P.fcmbriata (Lindl. Gen. Orch. p. 293); caule folioso, foliis oblongis sursum decrescentibus,
racemo oblongo multifloro, bracteis linearibus acuminatis supremis floribus
subaequalibus, sepalis oblongis obtusis lateralibus deflexis, petalis erectis oblongis obtusis
incisis, labelli unguiculati subrotundi laciniis cuneatis inciso-dentatis intermedia majore
calcare duplo breviore. Lindl__a. grandiflora.—Habenaria, Br.—Hook. Ex. FI. t. 224.
—Orchis grandiflora. Bigel. (Habenaria, Torr.—Platanthera, Lindl.)—(3. floribus min-
oribus. P. crispa. Lindl.
H ab . «. and /S. Abundant throughout Canada. Mrs Perceval. Mrs Sheppard. Cleghom. Newfoundland
(chiefly £). Miss Brenton.
22. P . psychodes (Lindl. Gen. Orch. p. 294) ; caule folioso, foliis inferioribus oblongis
obtusis supremis angustissimis acuminatis, racemo laxo multifloro, bracteis foliaceis floribus
longioribus, sepalis retusis lateralibus deflexis, petalis emarginatis, labello unguicu-
lato tripartita laciniis cuneatis capillaceo-multifidis subaequalibus, calcare ovario duplo
breviore. Lindl.__a. laciniis labelli omnibus multifidis. Lindl,—Orchis psychodes. L —
Ph. Am. 2. p. 585.—Habenaria, Spr.—Habenaria lacera. Br— Orchis, Ph. Am. 2. p.
586.__(3. lacinia intermedia labelli indivisa. Lindl.
H ab . <*. Canada. (Pursh), Sillery. Mrs Sheppard.— Probably hot distinct from the preceding. On the
subject of this species, my valued friend Dr Gray thus writes to me, after an examination of the Banksian
and Gronovian Herbaria*: “ As to Orchis psychodes, there is still a great confusion of synonomy, or would
be if you were to go back to the original, which .would now be scarcely proper. You will see by the Sp.
Plant, ed. I., that the species is founded on a plant of Kalin, from Canada; and that a plant of Gronovius
from Virginia,, is referred to it. The O. psychodes,of Willdenow, and as far as I know, of almost all later
botanists, is the O. lacera of Mx.—Now, I find that the Grohovian plant is O. cristata, Willd. (the small-
flowered, yellow, New Jersey species,)—the specimen from Kalm, in Serb. Linn., from which the detailed
description is drawn, is O.fimbriatal—a specimen with more usual.” crowded flowers, and rather smaller than
a. (Omnia Platanthera, sed calyx semper campanulatus et calcar brevissimum seepius
1. P . Chorisianus (Lindl. Gen. Orch. p. 297); foliis binis lato-ovatis acutis, spica
pauciflora laxiuscula, bracteis ovatis acuminatis floribus longioribus, sepalis ovatis obtusis
membranaceis patentibus, petalis carnosis subrotundo-ovatis conniventibus, labello ovato
canaliculato obtuso apice cucullato, calcare brevissime subtereti. L ind l.—Habenaria.
Cham, in Linnoea, S .p .3 1 .
H ab. Unalaschka. Chamisso (in Serb, nostr.).
2. P . bracteatus (Lindl. Gen. Orch. p . 298 ); caule folioso, foliis oblongis obtusis vel
retusis sursum angustatis et acutioribus, spica laxa, bracteis foliaceis acuminatis floribus
duplo triploque longioribus, petalis linearibus erectis, labello lineari truncato subcuneato
angulis apice nunc productioribus, calcare inflato brevi. Lindl.— H abenaria. B r.— Pursh
Am . 2. p . 587. Hook. E x . FI. t. 175.
Hab. From Lake Huron (Dr Todd) to the Saskatchawan, and to swamps in the Rocky Mountains. Dr
Richardson. Drummond.—Notwithstanding the greater size of this plant, (sometimes a foot high,) and its large
fohaceous bracteas, I am much disposed to concur with Dr Lindleyin the opinion that it is not really distinct
from P . vindis of Europe, of which I have specimens from the Altai, and from the Highlands of Scotland,
which can scarcely be distinguished from it. I may add too, that Mr Drummond, who must have been
familiar with P. viridis, marked his Rocky Mountain specimens by that name.
§ IV . AitETHUSEiE. Lindl.
1. A . bulbosa. L — P h . Am. 2. p. 591. Hook. E x. FI. t. 170. Bot. Mag. t. 2204.
Hab. Canada. Pursh. Lady Dalhousie. Mrs Perceval. Goldie. Newfoundland. Mr Cormack.
11. POGONIA. Juss.
1. P . ophioglossoides (K er, Bot. Reg. t. 148); radice fibrosa, scapo unifloro, folio brac-
teaque elliptico-lanceolatis, petalis exterioribus oblongo-ovatis, labello disco papilloso
margine dentato. Hook. E x. FI. t. 70.—Arethusa. L .—Ph. Am. 2. p . 592.
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