their waters were clear as cryftal, and their edges formed o f the
fofteft fand, which iloped by degrees into a greater and greater
depth. W e did not fail to avail ourfelves of the opportunity of
enjoying lo agreeable and falutary a recreation, whenever we could
do fo with impunity; that is, when we had a moment of relpite
from the aggrefiions of the mufquetoes, which almolt incelfantly
tormented us. The fame attractions of the feafon that invited us
to bathe, animated thole infects to follow us wherever we went, and
gave vigour to their perlecution. W e were not, however, wholly
deftitute of all refources of comfort. In a country where we had
little beyond the mere neceflaries of life, we confidered every fountain
that we difcovered, and every plant o f angelica we met with,
as a lource of luxury.
Some refrefhing Springs o f Water— Farther Account o f the River
Alien— CataraSls— Rapidity o f the River in fame Places, and
quick Progrefs o f the Boats— Plenty of Fifh in the River Alien—-
The Church o f Mafi—Mufquetoes— A fm all River called Keinof-
joki— A Chain o f Mountains to he croffed— Dull and melancholy
Appearance o f the Country— Snow on the Mountains in the Midjl
o f Summer— Arrive at a folitary Cabin in a Wood— War with
the Mufquetoes— Change o f Scenery in defending from the Mountains—
Regain the River Alten, and meet with a Salmon Fifher—
Pafs another River, and purfue our Journey— Bofe our Way, and
at laft reach Alien Gaard.
"I " \U R IN G the whole ot this journey, although we were for the
moll part on water, we felt a conllant th ir li: this was-but
ill quenched by brandy, and it was augmented by our mode of
living on dried meat and bifcuit. The water of the lakes, greatly
warmed by the continual rays of the fun, was far from being agreeable
; but that of the fprings, which we now and then found in
the little narrow vallies, ihaded by trees from the exceffive heat,
was lo frelh and pleafant, that we could fcarcely refrain from taking
large draughts of it at the moment we found it Some of thofe
M 2 fprings