Departure from, Muonionifca, July the JirJl— Exceffve Heat— Travel
by Eight— A Settlement called Pallajovenio— Proper Boundary of
Lapland—Mi/lake of Travellers and Geographers concerning Lapland—
Face.of the Country (between Muonionifca and Pallajovenio,
and thence to Kautokeino— Thejmall Rivers of the Country offer
more Novelty than the greater ones— Difficulties arifmg from Jhal-
low Water— The Rein deer; Mofs (Lichen rangiferinus, Linn.)
.covering the whole Surface of the Ground: Vegetation near it—
Arrival at Lappajervi— Mufquetoesexceedingly troublefome— Fires
and Smoke the mofi effedlual Protgflion againfi them— Some Lapland
Fifhermen— Their Habitations— A Night puffed with thefe
People, and Accommodation' afforded. — —
Lake of Paliajervi, and the I/land o f Kintafari—S ta y on this IJland:
Occupations and Amufenienls— The Sea Swallow (Sterna Hirundo,
L in ) : Sagacity of thefe Birds, and their Utility to Fifhermen—
S om e Laplanders engaged for the Profecution of the Journey Departure
from Kintafari—A fmall River called Reftijbki— Defcrip-
tion o f the Laplanders that were to attend the Author— Their want
of Cleanlinefs—The Finlanders difmiffed— Proceed on Foot with
the Laplanders— Temper and Difpofition o f thefe People— Wtafher
extremely hot: great Inconvenience thence arijing— Come to a Lake
called Kervijervi, which they crofs in Boats. —
*The Plant Angelica, accounted delicious Food by the Laplanders:
its falutary Qualities— The Molejlation from the Mufquetoes augmented—
Arrive at the river Pepojovaivi— Meet with fome Lapland
Fifhermen, and two Children—-Manners o f thefe People■—Behaviour
o f the Children— The Laplanders cook their Suppertheir
Mode o f Eating— Snfpicion they entertain of- thefuppofed Emif-
faries of Government— The Miffionaries in Lapland—Notions o f
"the Laplanders concerning Religion' and civil Inftitutions— Their
unfocial way of Living—Increafe of Wolves , in Lapland during late
Tears— Journey purfued in Boats, on the River Pepojovaivi 4Q
Paffage on the.River Pepojovaivi—-Manner o f Fijhing ufed by the Laplanders—
The River Pepojovaivi forming feveral Lakes during its
Courfe, and emptying itfelf into the River Alten, near Kautokeino—
Immenfe Quantity of Fijh in thofe Lakes— Sport of Shooting on the
River— Different Species of Birds— Some farther Charaßerfiics of
the wandering Laplanders— Arrival at Kautokeijio—Schoolniafter'
of this Place—Laplandijh Singing— The Muße of this Country 6o
Situation of Kautokeino— Boundary .between the Swedifh and Danifh
Ttrr it dries—An Inftance of jv ft Reafoning on ä political_ Topic—
Baron Hermelin’s Maps of Sweden, Finland, and Lapland—Difficulty
of obtaining good Maps of thofe Countries : thofe which exiß
are fa r from being accurate— Diverßty of Names given to the fame
Places, and confufion occafioned by this Circumfiance— Anecdotes of
the Schoolmaßer of Kautokeino— Diftriß or Parifh of Kautokeino—
Population and Inhabitants— Wandering Laplanders, and thofe that
have fixed Habitations— Their Mode o f Life— Chafe of the wild
Rein-deer— Annual Fair at Kautokeino, and Traffic carried on-.—
-Cattle and Sheep—Low Eflimation in which the latter are held—
Departure from Kautokeino— State of the Weather and the Thermo-
metei— Journey purfued in Boats— The River Alten—Beautiful
Scenery—Mufquetoes-, ■ ' —- — . — 69
Some refrefhing Springs of Water —Farther Account of the River Alten
—Cataraßs—Rapidity of the River in fome Places, and-quick Pro-
. grefs of the Boats—Plenty of Fijh in the River Alten— The Church
of Maß—Mufquetoes— A fmall River called Keinosjoki— A Chain
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