Phryganea Phaleenoides.
Tenthredo imcorum.
Tenthredo Fafciata.
Tenthredo Vitellince.
Sirex Gigas, Sirex Camelus: both ipecies are alfo found more to
the fouthward.
Apis Alpina,
Apis ArStica,
Apis Lapponiea,
Apis Equeflris, See.
(E/irus Tarandi,
(E/lrus Nafalis.
Tabanus Tarandinus.
Culex Pipiens.
Culex Pulicaris.
Culex Reptans.
Empis Borealis,
Onifcus PJora.
Onifcus Entomon.
Note. There are fome fpecies of Geometra and Tinea in Lapland
1 T h e air fwarms with them, when the
j weather is fine.
On the coaft on Norway.
; but 1 do not know their names,
I ihall now add the elfential chara&ers o f the infeils exhibited
upon the annexed plates, as they are defcribed by that acute and
diligent naturalift, Dr. Quenzel.