Procellaria Glacialis.
Pelecanus Carlo, and Pelecanus BaJJanus, are found in the gulf of
T he Colymbi, Lari, and Sterna, are not exadly indigenous in
Larus Glaucus; lives in the Frozen Ocean.
Platalea Leucorodia; feldom found in Lapland.
Ardea Nigra, and Ardea Alba, are faid to be found in Lapland,
but are not indigenous..
Scolopax Phaopus.
Scolopax Glottis, the great dark-coloured woodcock, with a very
long beak, the lower half of which is red. It is alfo feen
in other places, but rarely.
Scolopax Fu/ca.
Scolopax Lapponica,
Tringa Lobata.
Tringa Alpina. This ipecies was alio feen in Scania in the year
Tringa Pugnax, the ruff and reeve.
Charadrius Morinellus, Charadrius Apricarius, and Charadrius Plu-
vialis. Thefe, as other birds of paffage, which feed upon
flies and infedls, vifit different parts of the world in ipring
and autumn, according to the different climates and the
food they require.
Tetrao Lagopus. In winter it is quite w h ite ; in fummer it re-
fembles the female of the groufe, except in the tail feathers,
which are always black.
tetrao Bonajia.
Turdus Rofeus; lives during the fummer in Lapland, where they
ihoot it. It is faid alfo to be found in Egypt, perhaps at
a different feafbn.
Emberiza Nivalis. It wanders fometimes as far as Germany, when
the winter is very fevere.
Fringilla Lulenjis; difficult to meet with and to afcertain by the
defcription of Linnaeus.
Fringilla Lapponica.
Fringilla Montana: frequently found in the more fouthern parts
of Lapland, and even in Upland.
MotaciUa Suecica; by the Laplanders called Saddan Kiellinen,
which means “ (the bird) of hundred tongues.”