or figure. There were feveral youths of more O J advantageous appearance
whom the miffionary wiihed very much to have lent to
court in preference to Nicolas Korfnaes: but they were not to
be induced to quit Lapland by any argument or promife. There
was particularly one of the bay of Alten, of uncommon ftature as
well as comelinefs for a Laplander, whom the miffionary preffed
very much to go to the king, and his importunities and promife
of the royal prote&ion and favour would, he fays, have fucceeded,
but for the intervention of the young man’s mother. This woman,
who was then in a ftate of pregnancy, came to the miffionary
and told him, that the curfe of God, as well as her’s, would
light on his head, if he fhould tear from her her dear and only
fon, and if any accident ihould happen to her, whofe time of delivery
drew nigh, in confequence of the grief and forrow ihe muft
fuffer from that aft of his. The miffionary after this defifted from
all farther perfuafion.
When the young Laplander arrived at Copenhagen, he was
treated with all poffible attention and kindnefs, being handfomely
dreffed, and well entertained; all which things Mr. Leems de-
fcribes minutely: but in the autumn he was taken ill, and lan-
guifhed till the end of the year, when he died. The miffionary
does not hefitate to afcribe his death to the fudden change of air
and manner of living, and quotes the maxim, that * all fudden
changes are dangerous.” The body o f the youth was interred
in a very folemn and honourable manner, and the fine clothes in
which he had been attired by his majefty, were ferit for fome fmall
confolation to his forrowful parents.
At the fame time that Nicolas was fent to Copenhagen, another
Lapland boy, called Peter Jonas, who lived as a domeftic with
Mr. Leems, was induced, by the promife of many good things,
and not lefs, it may be prefumed, by the example of the youth
who allowed himfelf to be taken to Copenhagen, to go with Admiral
Rofenpalm, with the intention of becoming one o f his fea-
men. As the lad did not want capacity, the admiral had him
inftructed in writing and arithmetic, and lent him on board a
Danilh Eaft Indiaman, that he might learn the art of navigation.
He made one voyage to India, but died foon after his return to