Stages between Uleaborg
and the N o rth Cape.
Koinosjoki............... »
Salvargot. .........
A lten ...................... .
Arrival and
State o f the
W eather.
of Celfius.
July 10. morn. 14° 5
noon 20
even. 17
water 17
fan 37
July 1 1. morn. 13° ó
noon 17
even 18
water 17
fun +
July 12. morn* 9°o
noon 9
even. 7
Arrived July 13,
July 13. made no obfervations.
July 14,
morn. io ° ô
noon 26
even. 13
water of theicy
fea 11° 5
July 15, fun 30
Departed morn. 19° o
about noon. noon 20
even 16
water of the
icy fea 10° o
fun 26
Expences in
Swediih Money.
N. B.
keino to
Alten vve
had fix
men at §
each a
for five
days.. . 15 0
* I always meafured the temperature o f th e water on th e furface, having no inftrument
to go deeper: and when I was at Alten I only meafured it on the fhore, and did not go
out to fea in a boat.
filari. Here is a fmall church for the convenience of the Laplanders
in winter. No body lives here in fummer. Hence you meet with
neither houfes nor people till you get clofe to Alten.
Koinosjoki is the name of a river (joki fignifies a river). Here we quitted
the river Alten and our boats, to traverfe the mountains on foot. No
veftige of a human habitation all this way.
Salvargot: a deferted cottage, where we pafied the night in the midit
o f mountains. We again joined the river Alten near the fpot where
it receives the river Katiojoki. Unlefs you meet with fome people
that are fiihing for falmon, you are obliged either to fwim acrofs the
river, or to go up its banks till you find a place which is fordable.
Lainie is a fmall village, where we ftopt before we proceeded to Alten.
Alten\% only the houfe of a merchant, with fome eftablifhment of pea-
fantry about it. It is fituated on the gulf of Alten Fiord, which is
an arm of the Frozen Ocean. A quarter of a mile hence (Swed. or
Nowegian) is Altengaard, which is properly the refidence of the bailiff
of Norwegian Lapland, and belongs to the government of Dron-