the addition of Atzhie, fignifying a fountain, becaufe he was the
fpring and fource from whence all the reft derived exiftence and
power. Radien Kiedde was faid to be his only fo n : the father
created nothing, but transferred the power of creation to the fon,
to do with it what was proper. Thefe two deities had power
over thofe of the fecond and third clafles, which, being all divinities
difpofed to do good, were highly reverenced by the Laplanders.
Such notions concerning the fupreme divinity and his
fon, have been attributed not unreafonably to their fuperficial and
imperfect acquaintance with the chriftian dodrine.
Beiwe reprefented the fun, the fountain of light and heat,
through whofe bounty their rein-deer were fed. To this deity
there could be no offering ib acceptable as flax. In allufion to
this fuperftition of their pagan anceftors, a verfe is fung by the
children in Norway at this day :
Lova, lova lin,
Gud ladt fola fkin!
Let fun Jhine now,
And flax we vow !
Horagalles was the thunder. This was worihipped as a god,
becaufe, fenfible of its effeds, they deprecated the wrath of Horagalles,
left he fhould kill their rein-deer or themfelves., and Aileies-Olmak, were two deities to whom the Friday
and Saturday in every week were dedicated; but in this point
there is a difference amongft Laplanders, fome of them confe-
crating the Friday to the Sarakia (the Lapland Venus), the Saturday
to Radien, and the Sunday to Ailekes.
Maderakka was the proteding goddefs of the Lapland women,
who invoked her upon all occafions peculiar to their lex. She
was the Lapland Lucina, and had for her hufband Maderatja,
who procreated all things, having that office configned to him
from Radien-Kiedde. Sarakia was the daughter of Maderakka,
equally adored by the Lapland matrons with the goddefs her mother
; and Jukf-Akka was another daughter. She had the care of
the children, which were entrufted to her from the moment of
their birth,
Saiwo and Saiwo-Olmak were the gods o f the mountains. Thefe
were called upon in cafes o f difficulty, and anfwered thofe who
confulted them in dreams: they likewife helped the Laplander
on his journeys, and guarded him from precipices or aecidents by
the way. Saiwo-Guelle was the Mercury o f the Laplanders: he
condudted the fouls to the ffiades below.
The part of the earth whereJabme-Aiko dwelt, was calledJabme-
Aikko-Abimo, or the regions of Jabme-Aiiko, or death. In thofe
regions the fouls of the departed, fumifhed with new bodies in lieu
of thofe lying in the grave, were in pofleffion of every enjoyment
and dignity which they held on earth, but in a more exalted degree.
Rota was the Lapland Pluto. After him the infernal regions
were named Rota Abimo. To thefe the fouls of bad men were
V ol. II. Q q banifhed,