felves the only living creatures in this place. I imagined it was a
dog, or fome other animal, which had taken his night’s lodging
there. Prefently I heard a loud figh, which feemed rather to be
uttered by a human being than the animal I judged to be our
fellow lodger. I raifed my head up gently to try if I coyld dif-
cover any thing. Some cracks in the fide of. the walls, and a few
openings in the roof, afforded a faint light, and in order to afcer-
tain the caufe of our alarm, I crept forward on my hands and
knees. As the diftance was but ihort, I fbon reached the fpot
from whence the founds came, and found two children naked,
and lying upon deer-fkins. The children were fuddenly awaked,
and feeing me approach them in the pofture defcribed, fancied
themfelves in danger of an attack from fome wild beaft, and ran
out of the room, crying to their mother for help.
Lake o f Pallajervi, and the I/land.of Kintafari— Stay on this I f and:
Occupations and Amufements— The Sea Swallow ( Sterna Hirundo,
L in.J : Sagacity of thefe Birds, and their Utility to Fifhermen—
Some Laplanders engaged fo r the Profecution o f the Journey—Departure
from Kintafari— A fm a ll River called R flfik i—Defcrip-
tiori o f the 'Laplanders that were to attend the Author— Their want
of Cleanlinefs— The Finlanders difmiffed— Proceed on Foot with
the Laplanders— Temper and Difpoftion o f thefe People— Weather
extremely hot: great Inconvenience thence artfing— Come to a Lake
called Kervijervi,-which they crofs in Boats.
A T Lappajervi we received no very encouraging intelligence
-L -®- refpecting the poffibility o f profecuting the remainder of
the way to Kauto Keino. T h e diftance is feventy miles: we had
feveral lakes to crofs, rivers to afcend and defcend, and difficult
fwamps to pais over, and could have no hopes of meeting with
an habitation, or even a human creature, throughout the whole
courfe of the journey : but we had formed a determined refolution,
from our firft fetting out upon this expedition, not to be difcou-
r'aged by any account or relation of difficulties, but rather to be