fliall proceed to the catalogue of in fe d s ; after previoufly noticing
an obfervation, communicated to me by Dr. Q,uenzel, viz. that
the phalana, which with us only appear towards the evening,
and fly in the night, follow quite the oppofite practice in Lapland
; they fly about in the day-time, and go to reft, and difap-
pear when the fun is near the horizon. This is a fad, for which
I cannot account, and which I muft leave for others who are more
competent to explain.
L ist of Insects.
Scarabaus Fastens*
Scarabaus Deprejfus, f. Fennicus.
Scarabaus Sdbuleti.
Scarkes ArSiicus.
T ro g fta Thoracica,
Trogojita Corticalls.
-Carabus Borealis,
Carabus Nivalis,
Carabus Guttula,
Carabus Alpimis: it fleeps in the night on the grafs.
Carabus Apricarius : on the mountains of Dalecarlia.
Elaphrus Striatus : on the banks of rivers.
Dytifcus ArSlicus,
Dytifcus Dolabratus,
Dytifcus Ajfnis,
'Dytifcus Alpinus,
Dytifcus Lineatus.
Gyrinus Bicolor : in Finland.
Elophorus Fennicus.■
Xylita Ferruginea.
Hypulus Quadriguttatus.
Anthicus Oculatus : in Finland.
Anthicus Ferrugineus.
Cantharis Alpina.
Cantharis Pilofa.
Malachius Flavipes ; in Finland.
Dermfles Schajferi.
Dermejies Glaberrimus, on the mountains of Dalecarlia.
Dermfles Ater ; in Finland.
Silpha Tomentofa.
Silpha Rug f a : this infed is to be met with in any part of Sweden
; and in Lapland it abounds.
Coccinella Analis, in Finland.
Coccinella Trifcfciata.
Coccinella Bothnica.
Coccinella Hyperborea.
Coccinella ArSliea.
Coccinella B i f f data.
Cajjida Sanguinolenta, in Dalecarlia.
Chryfomela Lapponica.
Chryfomela Di/par : Var. y, f, f
Crioceris Betula, in Weft Bothnia.
V o l . II. K k Cifteta