Nor can it in truth be faid to be always the cafe, that he flings
upon thefe occafions ; but whenever he is in the prefence of his
beloved, though he ihould forbear to fing, he does not fail to offer
to her whatever he thinks will be moil acceptable, whether
brandy, tobacco, or any thing elfe. On the day of the nuptials
the bride appears dreffed in her gala h ab it; with this difference,
that whereas her head is commonly clofe covered at other times,
upon this occafion her hair is left to flow loofe upon her ihoul-
ders; and fhe wears a bandeau of different coloured fluffs, and
fometimes a fillet. The marriage ceremony over, the nuptials
are celebrated in a frugal manner and without fhow. Such of
the gueits as are invited, and are of fufficient ability to do it,
make the bride a prefent of money, rein-deer, or fomething towards
a flock.
In fome parts of Lapland it is the cuflom, a few days after
the marriage, for the relations and friends of the newly married
couple, to meet and partake of an entertainment, which is but
an homely one, as it confifls of mefles of foup, or broth, with a
little roafl mutton, and fome metheglin ; which being all con-
fumed, the guefls afterwards take their departure. Mufic and
dancing are entirely unknown amongfl the Laplanders, on thefc
or any other feflivities ; nor are they even acquainted with the
ufe of any one mufical inflrument; and feem to be totally incapable
of learning to fing in tune.
The bridegroom generally remains with the parents of his bride
during the fpace of one year after marriage, and at the expiration
1 of
of th a t period he takes his departure, with a view of fettling himfelf
in the world ; for this purpofe he receives from them what
by their circumflances they are enabled to give him towards
an eflablifhment, fuch as a few iheep, a kettle, with fome other
articles, which, though o f but little intrinfic value, are yet effen-
tially neceflary in the domeilic economy of the Laplander.