Some of the infeCts here defcribed, are mentioned in the transactions
of the fociety of natural hiftory at Copenhagen ( Skrivter
o f Naturhijlorie Selljkabet i Kjibenhtrvn) ; and feveral have been
named by Dr. Quenzel, who firft found them.
Concerning the tejlaceous animals, I have only to remark, that
their number is by no means confiderable in the North ; and that
thofe which are found there, are like the other productions of
nature, neither brilliant in their colour, nor very various in their
form. T h e following are perhaps alone worth noticing :—
Mya Margaritifera, ■) , . r r , I
° c the rivers of .Lapland.
Mya PiSiorum, ->
Buccinium Glaciale : in the Icy 'Ocean.
Bueeinium Undatum.
O f Lapland Botany.
TH E Flora Lapponica, by Linnaeus, is a repofitory o f all thofe
plants which are known in L apland; b u t what interefts a
traveller of curiofity is", to be told which plants moil peculiarly
appertain to that country, in order that he may be able to concentrate
his attention, and carry away with him objeCts of value,
for himfelf and his botanical friends. To that end I will fubjoin
a lift o f thofe plants, with references where they are defcribed or
The indigenous Plants o f Lapland.
Pinguicula Vtllofa—fcapo villofo.* See Flora Lapponica.
Poa Glauca—panicula patula fecunda, fpiculis fubtrifloris, flofculis
acuminatis bafi pubefcentibus, foliis fubulatis. See
Flora Danica.
Campanula uniflora-—caule unifloro. FI. Lapp.
Gentiana purpurea—corollis fexfidis campanulatis verticillatis feffi-
libus, calycibus truncatis dentatis. FI. Dan.
* The fpecific characters are moitly taken from Smith’s edition of the Flora
V o l . II. L I J»»cus