1. Stones.
C a l c a r e o u s G e n . CompaSl Limeflone (Sw. TatKalkften). Marl.
S i l i c e o u s G e n . Quartz. Quartz Cryfallized (Sw. Quarts cry-
ftaller). Mountain or Rock Cryjlal. Felfpar.
A r g i l l a c e o u s G e n . Mica.
2. Metals.
L e a d : Galena.
N. B. The above lift was made in the year 1800, from the
fpecimens contained in the collection belonging to the college, or
the commiffioners, of the mines at Stockholm.
O f the Manufactures o f Lapland.
f I ''H E Lapland women prepare the ikins of the foxes, fawns,
otters, and other animals for fale; to which end they ftrip
’them of the membranes, and afterwards cure them with fiili oil.
T h e linews taken from the legs of the rein-deer are held before
the fire, and beaten with wooden hammers ; then they are divided
into filaments as fine as hair, which the women twift into threads
of different thicknefs. T h e women likewife ornament the har-
nefs of the fledges with tinfel wire, which they draw themfelves
through a machine made of the fkull of the rein-deer, provided
with holes of different fizes, according to the thicknefs of the wire
they have occafion for. W ith this wire the women afterwards
embroider, and fbme of them in a very neat manner, not only the
harnefs o f the rein-deer, but the coats and gloves o f the men, as
has been already mentioned. The women likewife know how to
dye cloth in a yellow colour, which they apply to various ornaments.
The blankets the Laplanders ufe are all woven by the
women; and after having ferved for a time as a covering for their
beds, they join them together, as many as are neceffary, and convert
them into a covering for their tents.