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tendants, audience, reflections, 525,
526—consort, meeting, chapel, 527—•
Queen’s appearance, chiefs, 528 —
conduct, interpreter, 529 — affair of
the Truro, discussion, 530—Paamuto
pimcy, 531—generosity of natives,
532-]—arrangements, murderers, 533
—missionaries, decree against enlisting
for foreigners, 535—‘ Mare’ judge,
appeal, case of Venilia, misconduct
of her captain, letter from Otaheitans
to British Government, 536,
53 7 — smuggling, questions, chiefs
pleased, meeting ends, 541 — good
feeling, 542 — Queen visits Beagle,
fireworks, songs, 544—conduct, 545,
546—letter, attendants, taking leave,
556, 557.
Ponsonby Sound, boats there, natives»
curious volcanic effects, 223.
Praya Port, anchor there, 51—beauty
of country in interior, 52—fruit, population,
Puma, 107—mode of killing colts, 313
—large one shot, party followed by
one, 357.
Quiriquina Island, 406, 407, 409, 411.
Rafts, easily constructed, 647 — now
used, 648.
Ramirez, Diego, islands, 124.
Rasa Point, stream of tide, 297.
Refuge Port, Spanish chart, 373.
Return to England, 638, 639.
Roberts, Mr., engaged as Pilot for Liebre
schooner, 110—anecdote, 117—
satisfactory conduct, parted from, 288.
Roussin, Baron, difference in measurement
of meridian distance from
Bahia to Rio, 75 —Beagle’s measurement
confirmed, 78, 79.
Rowlett Island, wild potatoes, 374.
Rowlett, Mr., 19,20—remarks on country
near Port Praya, 52, 5 3 — death
of, 360.
Sanborombon Bay, 91—sounded, 292.
Santos, 84.
Savage, not the primitive state of man,
Scotchwell Harbour, (Ipun), 223, 374.
Sebastian, San, Bay, bank, 322, 323.
Shingle Point, 215;
Ship Island, tide-stream, 305.
Simon, Jean, catile-hunt, 279, 280 —
murdered by ‘ gauchos’ at Port Louis,
Simon’s Bay, 638.
Skyring Mount, 277.
Snake, H.M.S., sailing, huild, remarks
on ships, 289-292.
Socorro, Nuestra Señora del, island,
Sounding, anecdote, 226—depths, 674,
South Cape, Indian tomb, 305.
Spencer Cape, 122, 123.
Starve Island, 289.
Staten Land, wigwams, 365,
Stebbing, Mr. George James, engaged
to attend to instruments, 19.
Stewart Island, 218.
Stewart, Mr., Puma-shooting, 357—in
boats at Chilóe, 364 — in Constitución,
Stokes, Mr. John Lort, 21—takes command
of Paz schooner, 110—and of
Liebre, 283—survey, 286—returns to
Beagle, 288—account of proceedings
in Paz, 295.302 — survey of River
Negro, 302—at Port Desire, 3 0 3 -
in Chupat, 306 — surveying, 307—•
anecdote, 310 — occupations, 315—
remarks on Bellaco rocks, 318—at
Port San Julian, 319—ascends River
Santa Cruz, 337 — explores and surveys
part of Chonos Archipelago in
whale-boat, 367, 374, 375—at Galapagos,
493—notices of terrapin, 503,
504—of Otaheitans, 551, 552 — of
New Zealanders, 586.
Success, Good, Bay, natives, 120—fish,
Sulivan, Lieut. B. James, appointed to
Beagle, 14, 288, 336, goes with boats
to survey Chilóe, 364-366—returns
to Beagle at San Carlos, 378—notices
of Indians, 385, 386, 387 — takes
command of ‘ Constitución,’ 427—at
Callao, 482—goes with boat to examine
Galapagos, 486, 497.
Swan Islands, meeting of tides 242.
Sydney, light-house, town, 621 —
drought, aqueduct, position, 622—
disadvantages, money-making, 623.
Tahiti (see Otaheite).
Tairo Island, discovered, 508.
Talcahuano, 402 — great earthquake,
rise of sea, effects, 406, 407—dogs,
shipping, 408—anecdotes, motion of
sea, 409—sub-marine explosions, fish
killed, 410—height of wave, contrasts,
411—Araucanian boys, 478.
Taytao, or Taytaohaohuon Cape, rocks,
Teneriffe, view of Peak, 47—measurements
from thence, quarantine, 48.
Thetis frigate, account of her loss, 66-
70—causes, 70,71.
Tide in Plata, 89, 93—near Point Rubia,
116—near Cape San Diego, 120
—in S.W. arm of Beagle Channel,
219—stream of tide near Falklands,
226 — strength, direction, times,
height, 241, 242 — off Point Rasa,
297—rise in St. George Bay, 304—
off Ship Island, and Cape Dos
Bahias, race near New Bay, 305—
Valdes Creek, 309 — terrific ‘ races’
there, 310—^ripplings and races near
Port San José, 311, 312—in First
Narrow, 321 — in Santa Cruz, 337,
3 3 9—velocity of river, 340, 344, 3 5^
•—at Ipun, May Harbour, 375—near
Chilóe, 387, 388—off ‘ Three Kings,’
direction, temperature, 620.
Tolten River, Indians, coast near, bar,
Toriano, an Araucanian cacique, death
of, 106.
Tosca, 99, 100.
Topocalma shoal, 425.
Trinidad, Gulf of, natives, a fine race,
feathers, paint, 197 — plank canoes
• with oars, arms, 198.
Tubul River, 414.
Tucu-tucu, the, 313.
Tuyu, mud-bank, 292,
Unicorn schooner, 273 — considerations,
purchased, named Adventure,
(see Adventure).
Union Bay, 286, 287.
Usborne, Mr. Alexander Burns, 2 0 -
goes in ‘ Constitución’ to assist Mr.
Stokes, 283—returns to Beagle, 288,
3J4» 315—goes away in boats, 364-“
at San Carlos, 378—takes command
of Carmen schooner to Leiibu river,
meets Blonde, 469—bad weather, adventures,
4 7 4— escape, skill, 4 7 5 -
takes command of another vessel
called ‘ Constitución,’ plan of expedi-
dition, 483—receives kind assistance,
484—return to England, having completed
his survey, 638, 639.
Valdes Creek, entrance, 98 — tides,
shifting bar, dangers, 309,310.
Valdivia, port, forts, rivers, ‘ Yntendente,’
secretary, 397— town, aiiori-
gines, 398-401—convicts, 401—great
earthquake, motion, 415 — shocks,
Vallenar Road, 366, 369.
Ventana Moiint, mines, 105 — height,
Í09, 295.
Verde, Cape, Islands, observations on
anchoring, gales, 51, 52—exports, 53
—‘ orchilla’ weed, vegetables, sickly
season, 54—dust, 55.
Vernet, Louis, appointed ‘ comandante’
at Falklands, proceedings, 238, 239,
255—settlement, 266—delusion, 267
—ruined 268.
Video, Monte, mutinous negroes, 95.
Villagran, battle, Ercilla, 435, 436.
Villarica mountain, height, 481.
Villarino, 314.
Virgins, Cape, 222, 357.
Waimate, 598 — situation, appearance,
corn, gardens, farm, 601—cattle, poultry,
houses, 602—barn, water-wlieel,
604—mill, Shunghi’s grave, English
oaks, missionary families, 604—spirit,
606—valley, Kauri pine, woods,
Water, white, extraordinary space of
sea, supposed cause, 118.
Weddell Bluff, 340.
Whale-boat Sound, 218.
Wickham, Lieut. John Clement, 14, 21
—takes command of Paz and Liebre,
111, 112, 116, 117—examines Indian
graves, 168—cattle-hunt, 280-282—
arrives to take command of Adventure
at Gorriti, 284 — proceedings
in Liebre, 295 — remarks on coast
near Point Rasa, 297—Rio Negro,