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CapePenas.remarksof those on board,
pleasure at being near home, 119—
me’eting with large and fine men, 120—
remarks, paint, laughed at by ‘ York,’
and ‘Jeramy,’ anecdotes, 121—‘ York-
minster’s’ duplicity ; he, Jemmy, and
Fuegia leave Beagle for the shore,
127, 128—meet natives, remarks, 203
—friends, Jemmy learns his father’s
death, conduct, language, 204 —
‘ York’s’ jealousy of Fuegia, Jemmy’s
stories, 205— Oen» (or Coin) men,
205, 206 — natives, scenery, 207 —
arrival at Woollya, precautions, natives
come in numbers, 208—meeting
between Jemmy and his family,
209—his mortification, 210— ‘ doctor,’
211—Jemmy, York, and Fuegia
established in wigwams, anecdotes,
213, 214—change on boat’s return,
Jemmy plundered, 221 — sorrowful
remarks on his savage brethren,
boats leave them, 222—re-visit them,
better hopes, another interview with,
323 — Jemmy and family, 324 —
York’s treachery, Jemmy’s story, 325
improvement, gratitude, parting, 326,
Fuegian tribes, general sketch of, 130,
137-142—features, 175—hair, diversity
of appearance, form, colour, 176
—paint, caution, 177—food, ‘ doctor,’
wizard, 178 — elders, superstitious
ideas, 179-181—death, burial, 181—
mai’riage, relationship, 182 — cannibalism,
war, 183—cooking, weapons,
bird-catching, 184—food, drink, occupations,
185 — swimming, women
diving, illness, children, training, gua-
naco-hunting, 186 — anecdotes, fire,
pyrites, 187 — language, 188 — at
Woollya, 207-210—astonishment at
fire-arms, 211, 212 — large wigwam,
215—numerous at Woollya on boat’s
return, 220—troublesome conduct to
Matthews and his companions, 221
—presents on leaving them, 222—
‘ Yapoos,’ 323—Oens-men, 325, 326
—language, 358.
Funchal Roads, 46.
Galapagos, appearance, Cliathara Island,
haziness, surf, craters, current, 485
—ripplings, sliores, iguanas, 486 —
lava, terrapin, trees, Stepliens Bay,
rocks, birds, fish, 487—tortoises, current,
water, 488 — weather, turtle,
shells, mangroves, 489 — Charles
Island, volcanoes, heights, settlement,
490, 491—animals, vegetables,
craters, Albemarle Island, formation,
492, 4 9 3 — wild scene, Java cliffs,
4 9 4—Tagus Cove, anchor in crater,
4 9 5—extraordinary appearance, 496
James’ Island, settlers, oil, 497—
winds, weather, Chatham Island, anchorage,
soil, 498 — Mac-Gowen
shoal, Charles Island, salt, 499 —
salt in 'crater, woods, Albemarle
Island and other islets, 500, 501 —
rains, moistui’e, 502 — birds’ beaks,
terrapin, 503,504—migration, 505.
Gales, 3, 51, 83, 91, 98, 112, 123, 124,
125, 126, 225, 226, 243, 244, 281,
289, 297, 302, 303, 306, 563 — at
Keelings, 637.
Gallegos River, 353.
‘ Gauchos,’ 276 — dress, appearance,
278—at Port Louis, murder, settlers,
George, St., Bay, tide, 304.
George, King, Sound, aspect of country,
624—settlement, local attraction,
tides, 625 — natives, ‘ corobbery,’
626 — feast-day, dog, aborigines, 627
—burial, fish, 628.
Glaciers, 215 — tints, icebergs, fall of
ice-cliff, 216 — effect on sea, danger
of boats, beauty of scenery, 217.
Goree Road, 127.
Gorriti, ship refitting, 284— absurd
reports in consequence, 292, 293,
Green Island, water, animals, 295.
Gregory Bay, natives near, 168-173.
Guaianeco Islands, wild potato, 200.
Guanacoes, very large near Good Success
Bay, 122 — Fuegians’ chase of,
186, 187 — weight, 305—near New
Bay, 306— near Santa Cruz, 338—
numbers, 349—size, 350, 355-
Hamond, Mr. Robert N., joins Beagle,
115, 120, 127 — in Beagle Channel,
215—returns to England, 284.
Harris, Mr. W. Snow, lightning conductors
of his invention, 18.
Harris, Mr., pilots Beagle, 101 — at
Argentina, 102 — schooners hired
from him, goes as pilot in one, 110,
111—excellent conduct, 288 — anec.
dote of, 311.
Hellyer, Mr., drowned, 272 — burial,
2 7 3 -
Herradura Cove, near Coquimbo.
Hobart Town, or Hobarton, 624.
Hog Island, 296.
Honden Island, 506.
Hope Harbour, Transport schooner
wrecked there, 273.
Horcon Bay, 425.
Huafo, position, cove near, 365, 366—
sheep, Indians, 377, 378.
Huampelen, Mount, or Huamblin, 366.
Huaytecas Islands, oysters, 375—volcanoes
seen from them, Indian names,
meanings, 376, 376.
Huemul, 144 (note).
Huilli-che, 379 — religion, 380, 381—
migration, 3B4, 388 — superstitions,
witchcraft, ‘ bruxos,’ 388-390—’ Juncos’
and ‘ Rancos,’ tribes near 'Yaldi-
via, features, dress, feelings, curious
customs, traditions. Deluge, ‘ Chem,’
‘ Minga,’ 400, 401.
Icebergs, notices of, probably taken for
rocks in some instances, 118— ice-
cliffs, 216, 217.
Iguanas, at Galapagos, 486—orange-
coloured, 495, 496.
Inchemo Island, goats, 372.
Inez, Santa, Cape, 11 g.
Instructions, 22-42.
Ipun Island (Chonos), 367. 3 7 5 -
Islands of. Bay, easy of access, 'Whale
rock, 564, 565.
Islay, white powder, 482.
Jackson, Port, 621.
Jago, St., Island of, current near north
point, 51.
Jaguars, 97.
Janeiro, Rio de, 72, 73—observations,
74—difference in meridian distances,
7 5 — Beagle’s measurement confirmed,
78, 80, 82, 83.
Jason Islands, tide-races near, 242,
Javali, or Hog Island, 296.
Johnson, Mr. C. R ., joins Beagle, 20—
in Adventure at Falklands, 281.
Johnson Cove, French crew there, 268-
José, San, Port, cattle hunts, 307—
massacre of Spaniards, 308 — tides,
desolation, wreck, 311—remarkable
ripplings near, 312.
Julian, San, Port, bar, 319—search for
water, 320—settlement, former scenes
there, whaler, tides, 321—swell, 322.
Keeling Islands, birds’ flight, appearance
of islets. Port Refuge, tide-guage,
629 — soundings, reefs, discovery,
630, 631—inhabitants, slavery, trade,
632—curious crab, turtle chase, fish
eating coral, 633—fishing-dog, coral
formations, 634—animals, water, natives,
christenings, observations, 635,
636—storms, 637.
Kelp, 243 — indicates rocks, remarks,
cautions, 246, 247.
Krusenstern, Admiral, chart of Low
Islands, 506.
King, Capt. P. P., 1—promotion, 8 —
letter, 23—ice, 216—notices of Chilóe,
381, 382—alerse, 390, 391, 393.
King, Mr. P, G., 12, 20, 21—in Liebre,
294—in Constitución, 427—Elizabeth
Bay, 494.-
‘ Kings, Three,’ islets, tide-races, 620,
Kororareka Harbour, 565—village, 566
—huts, 577 — cooking, churcli, 578
— estuary, 581.
Leiibu River, 446—encampment, 4 4 9 ,
456-460, error, 470, 471—Bay, 473.
Liebre, schooner, hired to assist survey,
reasons, n o , 111 — in River
Negro, 286—discliarged 288—sketch
of proceedings, 295-314.
Liglitning, conductors, 18 — effects on
Thetis, St. Elmo’s fire, 80, 81 —
Heron corvette struck, 81—sets fire
to bushes, 304—curious notices, 539
Lights on hills, singular, 276—conjectures
as to cause, 277,
-Lima, 484—inhabitants, 642,
Lizard, at New Zealand, 619, 620.
Look-out, Cape, 319.
Louis, Port, 261—settlement, 266, 267
—destroyed, 268, 271—murders, occurrences,
327, 328—search for murderers,
329, 330 — new settlement
begun, Rivero taken, 331,
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